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Everything posted by DeadShadow777

  1. This was recently on the top files: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36815/? I really like that mod :smile: Bleakraven : uuh so it changes all skyforge weapons? thought it didn't, thank you! DarkAngel : yeah, the greatsword looks nice :biggrin: EDIT : wait, still got one more to ask, is anyone know a Pirate themed armor for CBBE? the search engine doesn't give much T-T
  2. um, okay, gonna ask here b4 I request it is anyone know a skyforge weapon remodeled mod? thank you
  3. oh wait, Caliente is currently working on that? well, I will wait then I thought no one thinked about it :D thank you!
  4. Hi, is anyone know a Mage robe replacer that doesnt skimpy? I mean a simple mage robe replacer for CBBE body thank you!
  5. gsmanners : hhmm well I haven't explore rift forest actually, I'm only try following those roads, i'll try to explore it then, thanks for the tip :D myztikrice : cant argue with the lighting, but objects and scenery is almost themed with tundra only, but I do love some small ponds on there well, need more reference!! yeah!
  6. well, recently I've doing some screenshoot, and I find skyrim is a bit dull (with snows and pines and bears!) and using tropical skyrim mod ... well, its not my taste because its overhauling the vanilla (skyrim is snow) so my point is, is there any good place/home for screenshooting? I likely to find new dimension place and interiors, and not mod that modify the vanilla area thank you! :D
  7. hi everyone, is anyone know vanilla clothing non skimpy replacer for CBBE? thank you! :D
  8. Check out KIss em' all.well, its cool, though I cant use tfc when they do the kiss T___T know other alternatives? thanks for the link btw :)
  9. um yes, you know, when you do a killing blow, your tfc cant move freely like usual so my question is, is there any mod to make tfc REALLY free, or is there any way to make it free without mod? im still haven't grab CK now, so I really cant do anything but asking for help thank you for reply :D
  10. um well since this thread like screenshooting guide, I got a question is there any method so you can SS while on killing blow? because everytime I try it it never works, its just wont move
  11. anyone know where I can find forbidden romance mod or mod that do kiss? (you know, for mah story :p ) thank you
  12. ah yes, recently I've been playing dark souls and downloaded DSfix and well, I need some guide to set the .ini file to performance quality (im using a low rigs) soo is anyone know a optimal DSfix setting? I'm dying fighting that bell gargoyle, thank you! :D
  13. use FRAPS, Bandicam Screenshot from the game is sucks :rolleyes:
  14. does anyone can point me to Edhidil DMRA clothing that doesn't replace the vanilla? I believe I saw it somewhere, I just cant find it thank you
  15. hi everyone, does anyone know any mod that improves race menu? thank you!
  16. well, hello, I just wanna asking for a list of HGEC H cup armor and clothing, I was searching on Tesnexus search engine and I only find less than 10 mods on it, so maybe with this thread I can find more than it any clothing/ armor with H cup will do, so I hope u guys/girls maybe could provide me the link THANK YOU! :thumbsup:
  17. MBP ? oh I already got that one, but did you know the name of the file ? i mean ... well, the file of .dds and .nif :biggrin:
  18. got some question where I could find saber lily hairstyle? u know, saber lily from fate stay night. thank you!
  19. so it means like this 1. Installed oblivion (clean no patch) 2. install SI pack 3. patch with 1.2 SI version 4. Done?
  20. so I have recently reinstall my oblivion, and when I managed to get it work, It goes error I have these patch : -patch 1.1 -patch 1.2 -Shivering Isle -Shivering Isle patch and lets just say that my oblivion now just installed, does anyone which one i should patch first so my OBSE could run? thank you.
  21. Read the comment thread for CM Pym. actually you can just download CM Pym and steal her armor lol sorry chakaru :facepalm:
  22. well, what kind of bug that stuck on your throat? he should be dead or drunk after you drink those alcohol and hot salt water, but my solution, just live your life, somehow that bug will dead by itself
  23. haha, okay guys, thanks for the help, just need to choose which one is simpler :D :thumbsup:
  24. DMC Stylish has a dual wield addon http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/16459 err, that's only the animation (after reading the description CMIIW) need the the system though, so I could dual wield vanilla weapon :D
  25. well, ride your horse again before he's runaway, and then get down, by riding a horse, you have claimed that horse, so i think it's a bug just like on oblivion
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