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Everything posted by BlackGhost84

  1. I held off on updating Skyrim for the longest time in order to keep my mods stable. However, with the recent Steam updates, my game invariably got updated to the latest version. So after updating and troubleshooting everything, it runs normal again. The only annoying thing is when I press the Shift key to sprint, it brings up the Steam overlay. Not Shift + Tab, just Shift. This only happens once, unless I Alt + Tab out of the game and back in, in which case it will do it again. Is there anything I can do to disable this behavior? The only options in Steam that I can see are to turn the overlay off or change the key assignments. Personally, I don't use the overlay for anything other than the FPS counter and to be able to adjust the volume, since that's another thing I can no longer do in-game, but it would be nice to have. Has anyone else experienced this and is there a workaround? Thanks!
  2. Just curious what happened to my latest supporter image, because I received a message that nudity is not appropriate in the supporter image share. This is odd, as I thought that was exactly the place for it. Futas are still ok though, from what I can see. I wish there was a way to go back and reference that notice again...
  3. Sometimes SKSE crashes at startup if your mods are older than the current SKSE version you're running. Also look at your mods' requirements for any additional mods / files / patches you may not have installed yet. Make sure you run FNIS for animations, and build any new bodies or outfits in Bodyslide.
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