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Everything posted by Jakobinator

  1. Thanks for an actual response. :laugh: I was thinking this must be relatively easy to make. The aura is either already there or easy to create, and the enemies to be marked are just the ones which are shown as a red dot on the compass...
  2. Mod Idea: The idea of this mod is that when entering battle, hostile units will have a very thin red glow around them, marking who is supposed to be attacked. Reason: Sometimes when I'm in the middle of a battle I get somewhat confused whom I'm supposed to attack. This might sound stupid considering that for example Bandits wear special clothes and Werewolves are clearly identifiable, however when fighting vampires in the middle of a crowd I often accidentally hit a villager which just causes more problems. Marking enemies would not completely solve the problem but it's enough for me. There might already be this mod out there and I just haven't found it (honestly I don't really know what I should be searching for), so any help would be awesome. (quick photoshop to show idea) My other mod ideas: Black/Blue Fire Spells: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1037763-easy-fire-recolors-pleeeeeeeeeaaaase/
  3. Who cares about necro-posting? Even with the new Elder Scrolls (Online), Im disappointing that this never happened. So many great spell-mods and nobody considers blue fire. I shall keep playing Skyrim FOREVER, mods keep it alive, and so does the endless content. But i still wanted blue fire :(
  4. then why is this not a thing. I want this. I requested this to: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1037763-easy-fire-recolors-pleeeeeeeeeaaaase/ tecnically there is this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5546/? but i dont like it EDIT: Actually that one is black only, but there is another version, dont know if it has blue though: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2102/?
  5. I dont know if Im just not finding it or if no one had this idea before. I would just make it easier when entering a battle and sneak attacking the first target to immediately stand up for a smoother gameplay. I know you might as well just detoggle the stealth key, but with this mod this could be made unnecessary.
  6. Idea: Just a Mod which adds a copy of the fire spells but in different colors. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -Blue Fire for Blue-Themed Characters -Black Fire for a Better Darkness-Themed Mages/Necromancers or Stealthy Mages -White Fire for an Angelic-Themed Character -Maybe Green Fire just because its cool ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I personally am hoping for blue and black fire animations. There already is a mod which changes the color of fire, however it does this to all fires (assuming even torches and campfires), and it doesnt look very... convincing. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs51/f/2009/269/1/d/Blue_Fire_by_draxgoroth.pnghttp://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/320/9/6/blue_flame_by_ramy-d4gdveo.jpg (pictures from the internet which don't belong to me)
  7. I really want this to. Any one? PLEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAASE
  8. Shadow Magic/Darkness/Black Magic/EVIL I generally play magic and stealth hybrids, so in Skyrim I am a mage-thief/assassin. However the two ability factions however do not fit together very well neither in lore nor in combat tactics. (The stealth trees focus on weapons not magic, while the magic trees do not support the stealth trees) For that it would be awesome to have a combination of darkness/Shadow spells, which Skyrim seem to be missing. I am basically looking for a copy of the fire spells or some sort of poison spell retextured to look like black smoke or at least black fire. Instead of burning it could apply the ice magic effect (because in my opinion darkness should be cold) and the more advanced the spell, the higher a chance it would have to fear the target. I cant find a good mod, there is a fire retexture mod (which I however highly dislike) and I would love to have this in the game. It would also fit with a normal dark mage/necromancer character and it wouldnt even necessarily be destruction magic (because it is simply darkness it could go under illusion or conjuration, just to make these less-used magic types more interesting) This magic would fit nicely with Shadowmare, Vampiric Spells, Invisibility and Conjuration. (and btw, I find it unnecessary that spells drain mana. Darkness doesnt have the tendency to do that. That's more purple/blue void magic stuff) Ideas: Dark Pulse - Equal to Flames, a constant pulse of darkness slowly driving enemies mad Shadow Bolt - Equal to Fire bolt, a ball of dark magic is shot forward Darkness Rune/Night bringer - Equal to Fire Rune, will fear targets Shadow Flare - Equal to fireball, massive explosion of darkness when hitting surface/target, fearing victims. Shadow Cloak - Equal to fire Cloak, will damage surrounding targets and stealth caster when out of combat for 5 seconds. Consume - Equal to Incinerate, ball of darkness, fearing high level targets and having the chance of dealing thrice the damage to the target directly hit. Shadow path - Equal to Wall of Flames, creates wall of darkness, enemies cannot see through the wall and take damage when passing through Pain/Darkness' Caress - Equivalent to Fire Storm, A burst of Darkness floods out from the caster dealing massive damage to aggressive targets surrounding him. Darkness Atronach - Replaces Fire Atronach, A minion which is summonable (It would be awesome if someone where to make this. I really dont care at all how they use these ideas.) Complicated New Spells: Rebinder/Deflector - Like Shadow bolt, however the bolt will reflect off targets and hit up to 3 other targets Shadow Drain/Siphon - Equal to the Vampire thing, drains a dark substance out of the targets soul, healing caster. Shadow Binding - Throws out a chain of darkness rooting/stunning the target in place for a short duration Stealth - Similar to invisibility or the Shadow warrior ability, caster will gain a burst of speed and will turn invisible for a short duration, the next attack with weapon or bare hands will deal additional damage according to a type of magic (destruction, illusion or whatever darkness is categorized in) Unleash (Power) - Sort of like Werewolf, only you can quickly switch between human and darkness with a quick animation. Gives movement speed and the ability to move through targets, damaging all targets the caster passes through. Slowly drains casters mana. Evil Wisp/Darkness Orbs - Creates a hovering ball which cycles around the caster damaging nearby enemies. Lasts about 10 seconds. Only 3 at a time Corruption - The Orbs explode dealing damage to nearby targets and knocking them away, but also damage caster. These images are not owned by me: http://storage.siliconera.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/darksouls6_thumb.jpg http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs22/i/2007/313/e/f/Black_Flame_by_9d8.jpg http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130328042807/weirdcommunity/images/c/cb/Black-smoke-440366.jpeg http://officialpsds.com/images/thumbs/BLACK-SMOKE-psd42840.png http://www.photosof.org/view/smoke_out_of_open_hand_in_black_and_white-other.html Similar mods: Most of the are too purple or red. I want real black magic http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23130/? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35339/? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21443/? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5546/? (the weird fire retexture mod) My idea of a stealthy mage assassin (Images not owned by me) http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/17s1asrxf7idojpg/ku-xlarge.jpg http://1-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/tg/image/1336/01/1336013354997.jpg http://www.rpgforum.com.au/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/necromancer_by_jesterry-d4de840.jpg http://images.wikia.com/rift/images/4/48/Assassin.jpg http://api.ning.com/files/qkIpQTA4wSIDDUEG6cQCbfQlCr2iXKjsVgAu29syMrIh7VSGg*bqu0ftwlMULGIKhbcZmJf*wYJ51IiZO4OmPImBPp3WNBtA/20130320_00001.jpg http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/7682/ca080609.jpg http://0-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/tg/image/1334/80/1334806383722.jpg http://gamersyndrome.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/2012-01-26_000031.jpg http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww218/zxassassinxz/Assassin/Assassin-MicroForte.jpg (this is the coolest of them all, although kinda steam punk) Thanx if you are reading this mod request... And special thanx for answering!
  9. Not at classy, but should work: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23164
  10. Basically a mod (using other speer mods, because there are no spears in vanilla Skyrim), which adds an animation that, when sprinting with a double handed speer it does the typical "charging with a speer" movement. The character would run leaned forward and the speer sticking straight forward. Maybe there could even be a perk which would enhance the damage depending on the charging distance or for ramming through several enemies at once. There could also be kill clips of the player heroically slicing through a group of enemies, spearing one on top of the other.
  11. So, this mod most likely already exists, but I can't find it anywhere. When you use shouts or spells during a fight, and they hit allies (guards, villagers, or almost any other non-follower, non-hostile npcs) they will start attacking you. Same when accidentally striking allies with a weapon during battle. I'm searching for a mod, which enables that during a fight, any attacks will not harm nearby friendly npcs, but only damage the enemy waves. As soon as their are no more enemy npc's in the area, ally npc's can be damaged again. All I really wan't is too be able to get into a fight or kill a dragon in the middle of a village without killing everyone else and having to load an earlir save-point due to a 50000 bounty. Maybe I'm just being sloppy and this is actually integrated as a Skyrim option, or this is popular mod, but could anyone post a link if their is any?
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