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About Amalurian

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  1. Try starting a new game, maybe your save file became corrupt.
  2. Let me explain: http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/aozKXXX_460sa.gif
  3. The challenge is: don't create mods titled "immersive -your mod here-" or "better -your mod here-", if you do, you lose.
  4. Found it! Its called Homestead - Make Anywhere a Player home, here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29275//?
  5. I'm looking for a mod that is here in the nexus, but I dont quite remember its name :blush: , it lets you take over any place to be used as your house, for example, forts, dungeons...
  6. You don't need a mod for that, every time I see the "very well" designed and written quests of Skyrim, tears fall from my eyes, true story.
  7. It's a must have for a more realist game, and when I say bearded woman, I don't mean actually bearded woman, with long beards Gandalf-style, just a bit unshaven, but yes, hairy armpits. I know, I know, its not a beautiful thing, but anyway, only the elves would be totally shaved, it would explain why, in the Dragon Age universe, men have a crush on elven woman, but what Dragon Age has to do with Elder Scroll?
  8. A true medieval version, with hairy and bearded woman, what do you think?
  9. Why just one province? Next Elder Scrolls game I want High Rock, Hammerfell and the Dragontail Mountains.
  10. Thanks, it must be skytest, I installed it today with a bunch of mods.
  11. These fellas are following me since the entrance of Whiterun, I love dogs and I fear they may end up dying, does anyone know which mod they are? btw, the graphics are bad because my gfx card broke :smile:
  12. The champion of cyrodiil was so powerful that he suffered the same fate of Jyggalag, dont forget this.
  13. I mean this version of Greensleeves: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8sVO7iZ-ws, you could contact the guy who made it, http://www.scottdulcimer.com/Contact.html
  14. If Greensleeves isn't copyrighted (I really doubt it), you could make a bard play it in a tavern, it would be great
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