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  1. Yeah, the source folder seems to have been created automatically. Not that it matter in my case as CK just flat out refuses to do anything but crash when I try to generate the textures. EDIT: Oh wow, it actually didn't crash this time! Planets must've been aligned just right or something. :D EDIT2: Hmm.. when I went to copy the stuff from the source folder back to the right folder inside Skyrim/data etc. the textures were already there.
  2. Oh right, you have to make the lodsettings folder, otherwise the CK doesn't put the .lod file in there. Sorry, completely forgot about that.
  3. The LOD files are automatically installed, but you can check Skyrim/Data/Meshes/Terrain/[MOD]/ to make sure there are files there. Also, Skyrim/Data/Lodsettings folder should have a .lod file with the name of your mod in it.
  4. I would make a test world and test the LOD stuff right away. Like I said, I've been messing around with it for some days now and not once have I gotten the bloody thing to work completely.
  5. Land and tree LOD are generated separately. I would advice to start a test world and test the LOD stuff thorougly before you continue with your main world. The LOD stuff is buggy as hell, I've been trying to figure it out for some days now and the results range from corrupted LOD to kiiinda working to flatout destroying your world completely.
  6. The terrain issue is a LOD issue. LOD stands for 'Level of Detail' and games usually have number of these per object, so if said object is far away, the game can use a version of the object that isn't as detailed as the one you see from close-up. There are threads how to make LOD. Followers not following you is probably because there is no NavMesh in your world, check the creation kit wiki on how to make NavMesh.
  7. Hey, I got a little problem with Oscape. For some reason, the "Installer" tab has stopped working. What it does, it always shows one of my earlier worlds on the list, even if I've deleted (I think) all the files related to the old world. If I try to use a new world, I get to the installer part just fine, but there's no files for the new world, just for the old. I've tried this with numerous worlds just to test this, naming them differently and even re-downloaded Oscape and put it in a completely different folder. http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x462/Dowly/th_Oscape_01.jpg http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x462/Dowly/th_Oscape_02.jpg Any ideas how I would go about fixing this? -Dowly
  8. Same here. Dont understand why Steam doesn't fix said issue, it's been around for a loooong time. >:(
  9. Merrill + Isabel duo would be great! Always just stood there, listening to the two talk about stuff in DA2. :biggrin:
  10. Yeah, this is a pretty big immersion killer for me. IMHO, they didn't really think it through, I mean, it's established very early that you are the Dragonborn who will save everyone's arse, but still you have to prove yourself to everyone, everywhere you go. Just makes no sense to me.
  11. http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1345049-creation-kit-update/
  12. I like the game, but there's one big thing that has pretty much made me stop playing: Player is too disconnected from the world. Mainly, the problem is that you are the Dragonborn from the start, yet no one reacts to that. You still have to prove yourself over and over and over again to the NPCs. Wouldn't it be enough to tell them that you are the mythical Dragonborn who will most likely save your sorry arse at some point? :whistling: Also, Dragons are back, yet no one seems to give a damn. There's only few lines of dialogue where the average NPCs mention anything about the dragons. Surely, the fear of a dragon attack should be the subject of discussion everywhere. How about the civil war? One would think that when there's such danger as frigging dragons who don't take sides, they'd put their differences aside for a few days, but no. Civil war this, civil war that. Gah. All in all, the game is great, but the story and world from player's point of view is crap.
  13. 1. Not all of Tamriel 2. This has been posted here close to a dozen times by now. :happy:
  14. I play whichever suits the character. My first character was a male imperial warrior, purely because heavy armor imho looks better on males. Now, I'm playing a female nord thief/assassin because when I think of a thief character such as the one I'm playing as, I always think of Catherine Zeta-Jones in that one movie with Sean Connery. (Ok ok, I only remember the scene with her arse :tongue: )
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