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  1. Also as far as facilities are concerned some tips: - the unique variants of certain rooms can be upgraded and destroyed once you add the action into it. - if you look through my trade mod source you’ll see how I added actions into a room, and from that have circular upgrade stages. The RTSEvents part of that mod is just for the random chances and won’t apply to what you’re trying to do. - my Breakdown overhaul has a lot of variations you can use to understand the files. I wouldn’t recommend navigating the folders manually. Instead install a setting and you can compare my source file vs the game source to see what was changed. YOSE files will have a few things different but 90% of it is the same. They just added some stuff the rest will be the same. Any online diff tool or even Notepad++ with a compare function will work in comparing.
  2. I think there are tutorials on the Alamo which is where most of the forum members went when UL closed their forum. If you look at one of my popular mods for SOD I know I stickied the link in the comments for most of them. I don’t remember the link off hand and navigating the pages on mobile is not something I can spend the time doing right now :D
  3. I’ll have to get on the PC and look for myself. I haven’t done anything with SOD for years so it’s not fresh in my mind.
  4. The problem with having a base that lets you have everything is that it requires a lot more work than you would think. You would have to alter the UI and world space to have it all work properly and doing that would require CryEngine 3.3 (I think) which has been discontinued so you can’t download through an official source last I checked. The simpler solution would be to just combine a few buildings so they have multiple effects. You could look at my Trade Mod for the original game which has the source included of only what I added. That will hopefully be easier to read and understand how the file works. To change durability I can’t remember the exact path but it is along the line of Scripts>Entities>Items>Weapons and you would have to change the durability in each file.
  5. I don't know if the freak hunt missions can be completely removed. The timer can be set really high but I'm unsure of what consequences that may have. You need to use NMM. Trying to manually navigate the folders would not be enjoyable, I had to keep the folder names as short as possible in order for certain tools to function.
  6. QMJS' mod can't be merged as he doesn't include the source for any of the recent versions. His mod also relies on Special Zombies for certain features to work. I believe he doesn't include the source because of the amount of problems certain changes can cause. For No Special Zombies, more zombies, 1 hit kills (to player) and more cargo capacity in vehicles you can use my mod here : https://www.nexusmods.com/stateofdecay/mods/145 . Those changes are compatible with the YOSE version of the game but changing things like buildings and radio options are NOT for use with YOSE. Zombies can't run you can use this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/stateofdecay/mods/106 but be aware it causes some bugs. Not that mod specifically but all mods which slow zombies down creates an issue with sieges where the zeds can get lost before making it to the house. I really like this one: https://www.nexusmods.com/stateofdecay/mods/352 where zeds can't jump over walls etc.
  7. YOSE mods: There are plenty of YOSE mods but I agree that the community was more active with the original. Whether you play YOSE or original is really down to you. Trade Mod: It may not work correctly with an existing save as most stuff in the RTS folder is baked into the save with a few exceptions. If you use it with an existing save the facilities would be read but not the rtsevents (which is the file that handles the random resource returns to the player). It doesn't add a new building it adds an upgrade to the library. The reason for that is the library doesn't have any uses after and between researching. With the mod you can cycle back to the library to research something then after go back to using it for trading rather than deconstructing then reconstructing once another research project is available. Combining mods: It's a bit more complicated than just copy and pasting sections, but technically possible as long as the author included the source. As there is no plugin system for SOD modding all files contain the vanilla data as well so to effectively combine mods you'd to: -use a text diff tool to compare both sources against the original source. -compare both sources against each other -manually pass changes to the file you intend to use -make sure any changes required in other files are carried over If it was two simple mods like 1 second build time and another with 1 building cost they'd be easy (but long) to combine. Some mods like Lone Wolf and QMJS would be difficult to combine as there are things reference in other files for each and you'd have to make sure all changes went through correctly or 1 or more would break. Like I said above if you merged my trade mod with something else but didn't change the rtsevents file you would still be able to trigger the trade but would never recieve anything back and there would be no error messages. - as an example.
  8. My guess is that you used a mod that was designed for Story mode causing the RV to be lost. If you go to <your SOD directory>\game\libs\class3.1\rts folder and check whether there is a facilities.win.bmd file. (If there is a .xml file I'd hang onto it as it may help fix the problem later.) If you do have the .win.bmd file then delete or move it but only after checking in-game that no facilitiy actions are in progress. Once deleted or moved try the game again for at least 5 minutes to see if the find RV mission comes up again or the RV has reappeared in your base. If that doesn't work you'll need to start a new game or find a way to bypass the bool check for the RV.
  9. The files are probably being put in the wrong place. If you don't have other mods it won't ask you to overwrite any files but you should be asked to merge the folders. If it isn't prompting you to merge folders then the mod files are not going to the correct location.
  10. There are some mods that include a few minor fixes but there isn't a compilation or anything like that. I'm assuming you're referring to something like the Unofficial Patches for Skyrim? SOD isn't moddable that way as no Dev Kit was ever released.
  11. Like I said I haven't tried it, I don't mod the sound files. If you're going to look around for one I strongly suggest running every URL through virustotal.com before clicking on it yourself, and for good measure run anything you download through it as well. I'm not sure why but Audio downloads seem to be highly suspicious to me.
  12. You need an .fsb extractor, I use http://aezay.dk/aezay/fsbextractor/ and to repackage it you'd need a .mp3 or .wav to .fsb converter. Each .fsb holds multiple sound files and I have no idea what one the radio sound is in, you'll need to extract them to find out which one, I'd start with ones that seem most relevant like UI sounds etc.
  13. Haven't tried it myself but you would need to extract the sounds.pak with either SOD Extraction Tools (SoDET) for the original or Quick BMS for YOSE > Then extract the FSB file (I have no idea what one you would need) to mp3 or Wav > then recompile all of that file & the modded sound back into FSB for the game to use it.
  14. I'm not sure if you're going to get a comprehensive guide this far past the initial buzz. Guides for the original SOD will work you just need to make sure you have the updated Quick BMS to extract the YOSE files.
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