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About DangerManzo

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  1. I never tried doing it this way: Alias_Ulfric.GetReference().Enable() I have always used Alias_Ulfric.TryToEnable() Enable is for references, TryToEnable is for aliases, but both ways should work. I think the second method is better for aliases that may or may not be filled or that can be filled by different things.
  2. This happened a while ago, so my memory on how it started is kind of fuzzy, but I don't forget the result. I was fighting some bandits outdoors, and I used either a paralyze poison, or ice form shout to disable one of them. It may have been both, which caused the glitch. But before I could kill the bandit, he fell through the ground and reappeared about 50ft away and 30ft in the air convulsing violently, then a second or two later fell to the ground and died. I couldn't loot the body.
  3. For the OP, you said you were playing as a Vigilant of Stendarr. Have you tried the quest mod, No Mercy? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12024 I haven't played it myself (too busy on my own quest) but it must be good as it is in the top 5 downloaded under the quest category.
  4. I haven't used this personally, so I'm not sure exactly how to set it up, but I remembered seeing the BlockActivation command once. If you then use Activate to open it you can set the second parameter to true to bypass the block. At least that's how I think it should work.
  5. Does the script compile? If not it might help to give the failure message that papyrus gives.
  6. I like this idea and just wanted to add my support. Unfortunately it's only moral support because I wouldn't know how to implement it, so... yeah, good idea!
  7. I had the CK open so this only took a second. ; end MQ102, transition to MQ103 SetObjectiveCompleted(30) ; transition to MQ103 MQ103.SetStage(10) ; reward player Alias_Balgruuf.GetActorReference().SetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer(), 1) ; what's highest skill? actor player = Game.GetPlayer() if player.GetActorValue("LightArmor") > player.GetActorValue("HeavyArmor") player.AddItem(JarlRewardLightArmor) else player.AddItem(JarlRewardHeavyArmor) endif DragonsreachScene2.Stop() MQ103.SetActive() ; finish quest setstage(200)
  8. To rename a cell select it in the cell view window and press F2 or click on it again (not double click, wait a second or two).
  9. If you're exterior cell is a wilderness cell you can rename it, then coc will work. Example> Name your cell something unique like MyCell1 then in the console type coc mycell1 it will teleport you to the coc marker if you have one, otherwise you will end up somewhere else in the cell (usually on the last object placed) If the exterior already has a name just use that. I've read it's bad practice to rename already named exterior cells for mod compatibility and stuff.
  10. I think it is a kind of supply and demand at work as well. It's what a lot of people want. A talented body modder could make a buff, muscular male body mod and have 100 people download it or make a swimsuit model type female and get 100,000 downloads. They can make a much bigger name for themselves pleasing the majority. disclaimer those numbers are completely made up, I have no idea what the actual demand for either is /disclaimer
  11. One piece of advice I can give that I have found very useful is to think of parts of the game that work sort of how you want your mod to go, then look at those pieces and how the developers put them together. For example, near the end of the mage guild questline there is a part where the bad guy is invulnerable until the player takes a certain action. Look that up and you can use that information for your dragon fight.
  12. I didn't know you could COC from the main menu, either. I have been keeping a "clean" save but it is getting pretty far down the list. Now I don't have to anymore. :thumbsup:
  13. There is a premade script you can put on the actor called: defaultEquipItemOnLoad. All you have to do is set the properties to your items, but it looks like it only handles one weapon and one armor piece (and a torch).
  14. I'm working on a simple stand-alone quest that tells a short story involving the civil war. It will probably only take ~20 minutes for a good player to breeze through, but it's taking me a while to finish. Working on the main dungeon right now. I'm pretty new to modding so it takes me a while. Best to start with small, less ambitious projects I think.
  15. Under Miscellaneous-> Texture Set there are decalbloodspray... items. They show up as arrows in the CK that place blood where it points. I think this is what you are looking for.
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