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Everything posted by FreshLook

  1. I achieved decoding all the data from several gr2 animation files. There's data that I don't know its meaning yet: - Vector Tracks: I don't know what this is used for and when I look at the data it looks like garbage. - Transform LOD errors: I think NWN2 uses LOD for skins but not for skeletons, and the data looks like garbage anyway. - Position, Orientation and Scale-Shear of bones: This is the data that seems relevant and I think I understand it. The data makes sense to me. I will try to visualize an animation.
  2. I achieved converting a gr2 skeleton to a FBX skeleton. When imported in Blender looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/rhrh8RH.png Now I'm going to investigate gr2 animations.
  3. I've managed to get all the information of a skeleton from a gr2 file. http://i.imgur.com/hGwLtbV.png This is not yet a skeleton in Blender, but it was the easiest way to verify that I understood the data. A gr2 skeleton doesn't map easily to a Blender skeleton because a gr2 skeleton is joint-based while a Blender skeleton is bone-based, but I'm getting there. There's also a lot of data in a gr2 skeleton that I see no use in importing it: mass, elasticity, friction, ... I don't kown if NWN2 uses this data. It'll be important to know when exporting a skeleton to gr2.
  4. I've looked at the source code of the 3ds Max MDB Importer/Exporter by Tazpn. What it does is call GrannyConvertFileToRaw from granny2.dll and then parses the raw data. There is source code to parse animation data, but I don't know if it's complete or used. Does anyone know if Tazpn's plugin imports animations? Or does it only imports skeletons?
  5. Added importing skins: http://i.imgur.com/XZ7z9tF.jpg That's right. But the gr2 animations are protected. Like Semp3r, I'd be delighted if you find out how to import the animations. And it's not that nobody's interested, it's rather there aren't so many still modding NWN2! I've started to investigate the gr2 files. I think they are compressed using Oodle. Guess that's why you say they're protected? As far as I now, nobody has reverse engineered this algorithm and the only way to decompress them is using the granny2.dll library.
  6. Oh well, nobody seems to be interested. I will continue for fun and post progress here in case someone is interested in the future. Added importing of COL2 and COL3 meshes. Now I will add importing of skins. I think the skeletons and animations are in GR2 files.
  7. Hi. Do you think a MDB to FBX and FBX to MDB converter would be useful to the NWN2 community? The idea is this: 1) Convert MDB to FBX. 2) Import the FBX into your preferred computer graphics program (Blender, Maya, 3dsmax, ...). 3) Edit the model or create a new one. 4) Export to FBX. 5) Convert FBX to MDB. I started to develop a MDB to FBX converter and I got this: 1) Converted PLC_MC_BARREL01.MDB to PLC_MC_BARREL01.fbx 2) Imported the FBX into Blender http://i.imgur.com/KXNDi1n.jpg
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