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Everything posted by TLegenden

  1. Something that can tell what caused the game to crash to desktop would be good :) happen often for me and it's usually one or more mods that is the reason for the crash. I have to try to remove a mod at a time until it stops crashing, and it may take time sometimes. So something that can sense what is causing the crash and give me an error report would be great. I do not know if it's possible to do something like that but I hope it is :tongue: (Sorry if my english is bad)
  2. After that I had hidden in the Night Mother's coffin, this quest http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Death_Incarnate, everything went black and continued to be black after I moved out of the coffin. I have tried to restart the game but still black. Tried to use the console to go to whiterun but everything was black there too.. Anyone have any idea how to fix that?
  3. It is solved now. I had to start it by the console.
  4. Yes i have. Astrid tell me to talk to Festus Krex and then a text appears saying that the quest is complete but the next quest does not start.
  5. I have finished "The Cure for Madness" but the next quest "Recipe For Disaster" wont start.. Anyone have any idea how to start it?
  6. It is now solved too :D When I killed and resurrected her, she lost everything she had got from me so I had to give her new things.
  7. @ Njorunn Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you :D It worked :D But she still have those clothes on..
  8. @ Atreyuu2003 Oh, sorry to hear that :( The only problem i have had is this and a few small bugs with quests. @ ScorpionHunter Yeah, i have tried earlier saves :/ I hav tried that many times.. she just says the usual but she does not go home, but continues to follow me :blink: I solved the tradeproblem by going through the console. And the problem i had with the console was probably me who wrote something wrong and did not see it. I was tired then x) One thing I forgot to say before is that her clothes have been changed to this: http://www.gamershell.com/static/screenshots/23976/534228_full.jpg o_O and i have no idea why.. I have tried to change it to dwarmer armor but it doesn't work.
  9. I found a bugfix for this on the *not allowed* and it worked perfectly. Search for Esbern FIX
  10. First, sorry if my english is bad x) im swedish :P Something very weird has happened. When I try to trade with lydia, nothing happens. She just says "I am sworn to carry your burdens" and then it goes back where you come when you want to talk to her. If i choose the last save i did manually it works but i dont wanna do all that quests again. If i try to open the console and finish all quests i have done, nothing happens. The console opens but the code wont work :/ any ideas of how i can fix it? I have made a backup folder with no mods, only the original folder, but nothing works. If you want, i can upload the savefiles here so you can test if it works for you or see how i can fix it?
  11. i think it could be fun with a god mode for city guards.
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