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Everything posted by Blazzx

  1. I haven't played Skyrim for about a year and a half now and since the summer is boring for now I decided to play it again. With mods. Tons of mods :D I want to make game look peaty as possible but at the same time I want the game to be playable. I've tried Realvision ENB and the result is impressive. I've also added some other mods which are not that much performance hungry... But there is one problem. My fps is everywhere from 30 to 60. As I was testing the game while modding I noticed the largest performance hit was ENB mod. It uses 90% of my GPU although I have R9 280x. My CPU is a bit older (I5 760 2.80GHz) but while in game it isn't used that much(About 40-50%) and I also have 8Gb of RAM. So any advice which mods should I use or how I should tweak my game to get batter performance? BTW here is my list of mods:
  2. I just want good lighting, good textures and batter character models.Even if the results aren't 100% same. I beat skyrim 3 times and I am looking for a bit different experience.I already have some other mods which add a new feature to gameplay,but I want also something visually new.
  3. I know. I can run BF3 and Crysis 2 on ultra with solid 60 fps. ;) I know is more then 1 mod.I am now using 2K textures and some lighting mods.But results aren't the same.And I have no idea what end is...
  4. Do you know with what mods can I achieve best Skyrim graphics like this:http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-upyRXgvQly8/UMJmAfJDdZI/AAAAAAAADA4/zXMgCKS41u8/s1600/8125564025_a07615af48_h.jpg ITS LOOKS AWSOME I tried search skyrim nexus but I gave up :(
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