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Posts posted by dainsgames

  1. Adding support for radiation storms, anything not immune to radiation should head indoors and not come out.


    Settlers have a problem though, their shelter is crap. It's possibly outside the scope of a mod, but having an enclosed shelter to protect against radiation storms would be a natural requirement for settlement happiness, I would think.

  2. A sped up version of the animations when "exiting" workbenches please.. It has been done for Power Armor, I would love it if I could just hit "exit station" and actually exit straight away.. Without picking up a couple of test tubes and gawking at them for 2 seconds, etc etc.





    +1 I'm looking for a mod to do this too. I wouldn't care if I just saw the bench through the menu and never saw any animations at all.

  3. Here's an idea:

    Make a mod (I can't do this) where you don't see any settlement stats or have to deal with their happiness or radiant quests, etc. For balance, the catchside to this could be that you won't be able to order them around (like say order them to farm or man their defensive posts) BUT once you take the Local Leader perk everything will go back to normal, you will see the settlement stats, you can order them around, and etc.

    Thanks for reading


    yup that would do it for me too.

  4. Interesting mod, I like the approach. But, I'm much happier Lone Wanderer mode. I like alternative start mods like Live Another Life because it gives me maximum freedom to do what I want (instead of forcing me to be the "hero" of the story. Bleaachhh, too much cheese.)


    So when I find places and help people, like Finch Farm, I really don't want the game to just assign me the responsibility for their futures, and blame me for their unhappiness. I don't want to be forced to scavenge resources and cart t hem around to build water pumps for total strangers who I just did an errand for, know what I'm saying?


    I thought of just not opening workbenches, but the game auto-assigns the settlements to you when you complete their mission, whether you searched the workbench or not :\

  5. Don't know if the title is right, but basically I don't want to have responsibility for settlements' happiness. And that includes Sanctuary with those weirdos just moving into my dead hometown not an hour after I last saw it alive.

    I do want to use the workshops if I fulfill their requirements, and I don't mind doing things if I choose to, like setting up defenses, getting water going, etc. But that's if I choose to, not because strangers I just did a favor for suddenly expect me to fix up their lives for them.


    Maybe the Local Leader perk should be needed to take the responsibility? that way it's the player's choice.





  6. That reply was actually intended to be sent long ago but, alas, it got lost in my many browser tabs. Still, it's not the last one you guys will see!


    Fallout 4 was giving him a hard time some time ago when one of the updates for it went wrong, made it unable to finish and made the game unplayable. But, a new update came out and fixed that! So, with me being able to play again, and having motivation once more, progress on Project Phoenix will continue as planned with updates and ideas for it being posted here again.

    Very good to hear you're still engaged with this project! Nice commitment brah! I gave FO4 a break when it broke again. I'll keep checking in to see how things are going.


    Had another early-game suggestion. Instead of getting a very good pistol to start (seriously that's an OP starting weapon), how about they have a .38 service revolver instead? It's a perfectly adequate weapon for keeping the peace, whereas the 10mm is much more of a military-style sidearm. Given the Vaults were not full-military installations, a police-style weapon as a backup for civil emergencies wouldn't be out of place. And it would provide more of a graduated early-game progression.


    Thanks again for all of your time and effort!

  7. the loot system in fallout 4 is pretty crazy lol

    fixing that's gonna require more OCD than fixing the armour/damage system lol!


    I've already asked the guy who made horizon: survival something or other (another overhaul) but, if you find it hard to balance power armour as per vanilla, what you could do is do what you can, and then make an optional patch for unnaked power armour mod users where the PA pieces themselves mostly are just adding a little bit of DR/ER and the upgrades mostly just add extra durability with a tiny bit of DR/ER per upgrade (really small amounts here)

    the reason for this is because unnaked makes it so that when wearing PA, your normal armour values also count towards your score/armor values, so that when you're wearing it, it's just an extra flat boost, and then it's not OP, and the fusion cores are justified in being reasonably easy to get ahold of (even if they're nerfed a bit)

    it helps avoid the disparity of OP or meh power armours if that's an issue


    the amount of work would be something like, knocking off 80%-90% of PA values and then making durability go up per rank of mod by about 20%-50% more than it already does (ABCDEF)

    this makes it so that PA is literally a boost but not a godsend, at the cost of using fusion core juice, and picked as a boost for known combat situations without stealth ability, or for people who just prefer to go in guns blazing anyways, but isn't the difference between night and day for game balance reasons - PA now becomes just another layer of armour instead of a replacement you have to balance everything for in frustratingly insane and eldritch ways


    this is the mod



    That....is a seriously good idea. I do think that PA should have a default level of armor though, a person who is in regular clothes in the PA wouldn't have much protection otherwise, if I'm reading this correctly. Nice workaround!

  8. The biggest drawbacks to this mod that I can see are the following: changing of the vanilla games ID's for weapons, armor, etc.,. Granted, it's ambitious and sounds wonderful, but when you're in alternate universe/timeline there's no reason to have weapons/ammo named after real world counterparts or even disbelieve that pipe weapons could be durable and automatic(of course, this would be more believable if they didn't break down into steel, but some other material that we've never heard of, say a pipe made of titanium). The changes to PA, it's already stated in game that T-60 PA was prevalent as that is what the military units controlling the riots had. Hopefully you take this as just a comment and not a criticism of your work, I do have to say you're taking on a lot...it's just something that doesn't sound like it would appeal to me personally, but then again, not everything does. Good luck with the project.


    P.S...what I'd really like to do, and I do plan on tackling it when I can double my HD/SSD space is to rewrite the ending(s) with the destruction of the Institute...there's no way in hell I'd blow up that reactor, but I certainly might destroy the Synth making process.


    Just a comment on this, everyone enjoys what they like and have their reasons. Mine are different from yours in that the whole alternate universe etc. "I should just believe it" thing just doesn't work for me, when what's presented is supposedly based on facts we know today. Supermutants? No problem, that's science fantasy. High-powered pipe weapons? ....no effing way, it takes actual metallurgical knowledge combined with engineering and manufacturing to make a LOW-power gun that doesn't blow up in your face.


    One of the biggest problems is that this is just not necessary. There is a steelworks facility IN THE GAME, and that means the capacity to produce high-quality receiver and barrel blanks exists. Why not simply work that in as a necessity for the improvised weapons?


    Also, why do pipe guns have to be competitive with actual high-powered guns made with vastly superior technology? Why aren't these improvised weapons filling the exact role they would in that situation - emergency defense weapons for people who don't have access to better, or thug weapons used to terrorize helpless victims by criminals whos lawless status prevents them from getting better (unless they steal them)? This works perfectly as you will absolutely get access to manufactured weapons fairly soon, and good ones at that.


    The answers lie in the mindset of the makers of the game. IMO, they were focusing on all the rest of the work. As far as items and loot, they just piled in a bunch of stuff and said "eh, that's enough work, making the weapons / loot make sense isn't worth the extra effort". One mod maker even describes the loot system as "phoned in" and lacking the data necessary to put loot where it makes sense, so we're stuck with getting forks and knives out of filing cabinets (uggh).


    To sum up, this is why I support mods like this. I am trying to enjoy the adventure, but the more immersion-breakers are thrown at me, the less I enjoy it. So the more of those that can be fixed, the more I'll enjoy the game.


    You can, in fact, sneak in power armor. NO, REALLY. Clank clank clank clank clank past guards and turrets.


    ....may I suggest that "No sneaking in power armor" be taking up for consideration in this mod? Because it is officially totally ridiculous.

    Yes, yes you may. Walking around in a giant mechanized suit would incredibly loud and draw attention attention wherever you go, making sneaking practically impossible. However, most people would know to stay away from Power Armor so that would act as a sort of counter-balance for the inability to sneak about in it. Unless they're being attacked/slaughtered, most factions will actively avoid confronting those in PA.


    On the other side, however, some factions, such as the Rust Devils, BoS, and Super Mutants wouldn't be afraid of PA users and willing engage in combat.


    Now see, that's an incredibly interesting perspective and would add a ton of flavor to the game. It's sort of like how TheTalkieToaster put a fear effect on PA so that enemies which couldn't fight it effectively would run away. (But unfortunately, a) you get PA right off, and b) the high-damage mods I had in combined with this effect and made EVERYONE run away. So that wasn't workable :\)


    I would mention that there are ways to fight PA that don't involve direct confrontation, such as Molotov / grenade spam and attacking in conjunction with turrets.


    I would also like to contribute a flavor-play change I did for consideration. The PA is just too stronk for a starting char. Nobody in their right mind would deny its value and not twist their game towards collecting fusion cores so they could stomp around in PA and blow stuff up. Playing a game you're guaranteed to win is way less interesting, at least to me, and that's what early-game PA does.


    So when I got the first PA, I head-canoned that it was being airlifted back from control system repairs between the helmet and the frame. So the suit had no armor on it - it was just the helmet and frame. That gave it the ability to use the minigun, but added challenge (a lot, actually) to the Concord battle - you had the best weapon by far, but could still be shot up in combat and beat up by the Deathclaw. But more importantly, it meant that for early game, it wasn't really useful for combat, which gave you an additional early objective of getting the parts to make it useful.


    I found that to be a very cool and interesting way to play the early game. My guy had to learn armor and weapon crafting because he couldn't just jump into the PA and trash the enemy. He also had to defeat raiders in PA to get parts to work his up to usable condition, which took quite a lot of doing sometimes. And of course, he could only gaze longingly at the sweet fully-functional PA he'd found in a convoy or base which was securely behind locks he had no chance of picking or hacking around.


    So I wanted to throw that in as a possible option - to change the Concord PA to not have armor parts on it.


    Thanks again for your dedication and care for this game! It's impressive to see :)

  10. What this mod needs is to overhaul a lot of the perks. There are so many useless ones that could have some relevance if tweeked, buffed or reworked completely.


    To list a few:


    Refractor / Toughness: The perk does far to little per point to be worth it. Especially considering that when you need it the most is in the early game as it falls of the further you level and your gear improves. This perk could have it's power increase to 20 points per rank up to a maximum of 3 ranks.


    Strong Back: The points that allows you to run whilst overencumbered and the point that reduces it's cost could be mashed into one. I would barely look at putting more than 2 points into this perk past level 70.


    Solar Powered: To weak for having limited capability. The only usefull part here is the radiation healing as it could alleviate some cap usage on rad aways and doctor fees. The stat increase is nice, sure, but hardely relevant in combat and the healing is pointless if you take the Life Giver Perk, that doesn't only come at 30 levels earlier but will provide more health at all times untill level 70 (feel free to correct me on that math).


    Nigh Person: Could be cramped into 2 perks as well as give you something extra, like increased movespeed while crouching.


    Rad resistance: Same reason as Refractor / Toughness.


    Lead Belly: This could be one perk, as well as an additional point that reduces the weight of food and drink. Right now it's so pathetic it's unreal. A survival feature could be that you need less food and water to keep yourself sustained.


    I havn't used many of the charisma perks, but to me Part Boy/Girl and Animal Friend look really tame. Especially Part Boy/Girl. Reason why I haven't tested them.


    Nerd Rage: Considering the intelligence tree goes well in hand with a Power Armor oriented build it doesn't make sense for this perk to give you DR seeing as DR does f*ck all in power armor. Should be a flat percentage, and perhaps at a higher health threshold. Atleast perk point.


    Contentrated Fire / Gun-Fu: Here I feel some reworks could be made. Right now a Vats centered build benefits heavily from Perception, Agility and Luck of course. However these rank 10 perks completely counter one another.


    Fortune Finder: Some might think that bonus caps are a good thing, yet it hardly gives you enough to matter seeing as enconomy management in this game is incredibly easy.


    Ricochet: Not sure about you guys, but whenever this thing goes of it's allways a "Oh, did it? Okay." type of moment. Havn't been crucial in saving my life once.


    There are just a few recommendations, i'd probably tweek more than half of the perks here but I havn't played with them all as much. I tend to go for Power Armor type builds because they just seem so superior to anything else. I suppose if you really enjoy the sneak style it's possibly quite viable as well, as long as you remember to pay attention.


    You can, in fact, sneak in power armor. NO, REALLY. Clank clank clank clank clank past guards and turrets.


    ....may I suggest that "No sneaking in power armor" be taking up for consideration in this mod? Because it is officially totally ridiculous.



    Pipe Weapons, which will be renamed to Makeshift along with their mods, are also undergoing radical changes. First off: No automatic receivers. With shoddy construction, most could handle more than a few dozen rounds before breaking much less firing them in rapid succession. Secondly: Nothing above .38 can be used in Makeshift firearms. Firing .44 magnum, .45 acp, and especially .50 BMG would obliterate whatever they're fired from as they are very powerful rounds. However, .32 ACP, 9mm, and .22LR are introduced with the mod so you'll still have a variety of ammo to choose from.


    The reason for the Makeshift Firearms nerf is that they're not suppose to be good. They're crappy weapons made by people, possibly you as well, with little firearm knowledge. Making actual firearms is a very intricate and labor-intensive process requiring the use of specialized machines. Making a gun that doesn't blow up after firing is difficult without the proper knowledge and tools, not to mention extremely dangerous. However, most, but not all, makeshift weapons mods will be universal so you can use them on practically every weapon within reason. You won't be able to attach a scope to a Super Sledge but you can make a Makeshift Stock and attach it to that new gun you just found with the right know-how.



    I love this - ty for taking it up! Given how fast you are getting actual guns, I don't think this will harm the player's progression at all. But it will add a great degree of immersion by taking out one of the most egregious immersion-breakers :D

  12. "Heavy Weapons actually do their name good, weighing well past 30+ pounds and typically requiring the use of Power Armor in order to use. "


    Neat! I was hoping this could be done but hadn't remembered to put it in as a mod request. Nice one!


    "Laser Weapons have no recoil. Why? Because light's mass is so minute that there's no plausible way for it to actually cause recoil."


    I have a mod which removes recoil from lasers/Institute weapons because I agree with that concept, but I would like to share a lesson-learned from that. It makes automatic laser weapons very OP. As soon as you do the Arcjet facility, you can just put an automatic barrel on the weapon Danse gives you and you can toss all of your other medium-short range guns So it was apparent that change unbalanced the game considerably.


    To compensate, I would suggest giving laser weapons a heightened rate of Cone of Fire bloom when you shoot quickly. I would attribute it to the turbulence of the air superheating and expanding as the weapon fires and then collapsing back into itself in between shots.


    Good to see you are still working on this, and thank you again for all of your effort!

  13. 1:Eat drink animations.And while you eat or dring you can't hold a weapon and fight.

    2:Backpacks with sleeping bags.

    3:May be some kind of animal with you that you can mount all your stuff on so your backpack

    will carry only ammo and some other stuff.

    4:Curing yourself also removes weapon from your hands and takes time.

    5:Random:sleep alone and you might not wake up.So have a companion with you to guard while you rest.


    Hah, another callback to Daggerfall - you could buy a horse, or a horse and cart. You'd park it at dungeon entrances, clear the place, and then haul all of the stuff up to the cart. Then you'd head to town, hitting random encounters on the way, including when you were sleeping on the trip.

  14. I put in a mod request for something sort of similar (https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4034535-manual-scrapping-and-construction-system/), but I think your idea opens up a new possibility. I would think you should be able to categorize the things settlers should clean up by themselves. Like trash at least - they should go clean up those leaves, sticks, rubble, broken furniture etc.


    It's a tedious chore for the player to do it all manually, and mods like Spring Cleaning expand the amount of work the player has to do, so I fully support this concept.

  15. While I don't care in the least about romancing video game characters, I feel the need to point out that even with 6 beds in a house in Sanc, I consistently woke up to Marcy being in MY bed in my house.


    I head-canon'ed that as her being one of those people who actually likes you, but is going to b&@*$ at you for attention until, like in the romance movies from the 40s-50s, you just grab them and... well, go watch one of those movies if you need more info ;)

  16. if anyone remembers daggerfall (TES 2 i think?) sleeping was like this. If you were AWARE of an enemy nearby, it wouldn't let you sleep, but if you were unaware of an enemy, and slept, there was a chance you would be woken early, or outright killed.


    Yup, absolutely an immersive element to the game which made perfect sense and added a lot of fun. + support to add this to F04.


    Also, that's not "hardcore" in the least, unless you define non-hardcore as "the developers protecting you from your own stupidity so as not to disturb your gameplay experience". I'm the first to claim I'm a casual scrub, but going to sleep in the middle of a dangerous area is straight-up asking for a rude awakening, knowwhutImsayin ;)

  17. I like the idea but this would take a lot of work to get the AI to use the box and take and equip the items.I do agree its a nice idea to add though.


    Actually, the AI routines to grab guns, ammo and armor are built in and functional already.


    Well, functional to Bethesda "standards", anyways. Here's a link to a test I did to help out a different mod (NPC Limited Ammo). https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3854980-npc-limited-ammo/page-6&do=findComment&comment=36439695

  18. true to all of this but all the things in an npc's house ARE marked red you realize that right? meaning they have to be out of sight or asleep for you to steal from them, and your shot on sight (usually, unless stealing something of almost no value from an allied faction in which case unless you walk off with it they'll just take it back) which is due to how crimes are usually dealt with in such a world which makes considerable sense since its destroyed and theirs little humanity left in people. i do completely agree with the "getting npc's to sell you stuff thing" and i wish it was in the game but its simply (and sadly!!!) not possible as we don't exactly have the voice actors for such a thing but if it was it would be nice to be able to pass a speech cheek and be able to buy things from their house for an albeit slightly varying or higher price..


    <snip some stuff>


    so yeah just my opinion and take on all this ^ sorry for the long post and sorry if i disagreed/offended you with some of my points


    Well, as soon as you "befriend" them, suddenly you CAN take all their stuff. I tested it and was like "wtf, I completed a quest and now all their stuff is free for the taking? That's bogus.".


    Also, I found *very* few NPCs that had their stuff marked as owned in the first place, and you can pocket most everything lying around in faction hideouts. I would prefer the faction leaders to be the owners in those cases, 'cause if it's useful scrap, obviously someone brought it there for the faction's use, right?

  19. I'd wholeheartedly agree with this suggestion if it would be complemented with two additional changes:


    1) Allied or neutral NPCs will try to take back stolen items in a non-violent manner first, i.e. walking up to you and requesting to return said items.

    2) Companions that are against stealing wont mind stealing from people they are opposed to.


    + support. Definitely. Per the loading screen tip, NPCs should do that anyways, right? And good thought on the companions, they should be taken into account.

  20. In past Bethesda games, NPCs owned the things in their houses, shops, w/e. If you took it, you were identified as a thief and there were crudely-implemented but real consequences.


    In F04, you can rob almost everyone of almost everything lying around in THEIR owned locations. But the loading screen has a tip that NPCs will respond to being stolen from?


    ...how does that matter when 90% of the things NPCs own are not marked as their property? Wow.That's some seriously easy-mode resource acquisition. Bethesda, do you think us so incapable of gathering resources that we NEED these kind of handouts?



    Well, I don't want handouts, I want ways to succeed despite challenges, because that increases the fun factor of the game. So this mod request is to fix that problem up.


    Here's the idea: Mark everything in locations belonging to someone, be it a personal or faction location, as owned by them. If you want their stuff, you have several options:


    1. Hold a conversation with the owner of the location and ask to buy stuff, then pick up the stuff you want and go back to them for a trade menu interaction. They *should* have some things marked untradeable, and you should have to either return those things or upon completing the trade interaction, suffer the consequences of theft. If you leave the location without completing the trade interaction, everything you have taken is considered stolen.


    2. If the stuff belongs to an enemy faction, clearing the location lifts the ownership flag from all items in the location / in your inventory from the location. However, any other members of the faction should recognize faction-specific gear you have equipped as stolen unless you have befriended that faction.


    3. Just steal it and deal with the theft mechanic / kill anyone who tries to take it back.


    This would add a lot of immersion to the game imo.


    Are you saying I did not do that exact thing? Because I did that exact thing. As part of my hours of troubleshooting. And many other steps. But you wouldn't know that, because you don't know what I did during my hours of troubleshooting.


    So, any accusations you have of NMM / me of causing the problem (apparently because Bethesda can do no wrong in your eyes or something) are completely unfounded. Given that, and you've responded twice now with more accusations, this conversation is over.


    Goodbye, and have fun playing your apparently functional F04 game while I play different ones because Bethesda broke mine.

    Well, I wouldn't know what you did during those hours of troubleshooting, since you never told us. Should I have asked what you did? Yeah, probably, so it's my bad for not doing that. Sorry.


    But if you think I believe Bethesda can do no wrong, you know nothing about me. They do a whole lot wrong. Their games are often buggy as s***, their technical support is often nonexistent, they never really listen to their users on most things, and to top it all off they are so secretive they make the NSA often look like a ray of sunshine.


    Glad to hear you might have found a solution to your problem. I was going to suggest that you rename your plugins.txt file and see if that helped anything, but it seems you are already on that track. Good luck with it.



    Then I guess we both don't know enough about each other to make judgments, so I'll retract any perceived ones about you in my statements. And thank you for your offer of help, but I've decided to just wait things out at this point.


    These issues will eventually be resolved and the CK will catalyze changes to the mods I use as well, so I may as well just let the storm pass and the dust settle. Then I'll put in the hours to do *another* full mod review/setup to get F04 to play more like the survival adventure RPGs Bethesda used to put out, and hopefully I'll complete getting the value I've paid for.

  22. Yep, that happened when the patch first came online. My fix? Get rid of the mods plugins file (both of them). Problem fixed immediately (except for one rogue mod which didn't have a master and was playing havoc on everything).


    Lolwhut? First time I've heard that method, but it makes sense that it would force the game to remake the mods files and that would fix any issues with them. (I was concerned about whitespace since we had to manually edit them and did my best to make sure that wasn't a thing. But without good patch notes, you never know. )


    I'mma try that, thanks for the tip!

  23. Ya know that rule where they say, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Well, let's just say, I'm really, really tempted to light something on fire. Look, I'm not trying to be a white knight (as it is so eloquently put), but game development isn't quite as cut and dry as some people think. It isn't like writing a story or even making most movies. There are so, so many facets that a developer has to merge together to get the end product that you call a game. Not to mention the array of individuals that have to work together to accomplish that merge. It simply isn't feasible that developers live up to the impossible standards that a game should be bug free upon release or even at all (which I'll admit can be subjective). The way I look at it (for whatever it's worth), is that you aren't paying for the game, you are paying to support the developer and their passion for making games. Betheseda is at the forefront of modder-friendly game developers. You know this because they've pretty much said it. And more than that, they give us the creation kit. All I'm asking is that people consider that kind of thing before they go picking fights. On the other hand, I like fights. So I'm conflicted as to whether or not I care if you go picking fights. I'm sorry, I'm on a lot of medication (hence the semi-derailing of this thread).


    Edit: BTW, I've had no problems using NMM to run over a hundred mods on my game.


    Congratulations, I'm glad your game works. (No really, I was starting to have real fun with mine when all this happened.)


    But I'm sorry, you can't claim that when someone promises you something, they can deliver a busted product and still charge full price because "it's too hard to make what we promised".


    If they can't make what they are promising, they need to promise less, charge less or give refunds. Know what I'm saying?

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