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Posts posted by dainsgames

  1. I can't believe that we haven't been able to buy our own carts / wagons since Daggerfall days. OMG. Since there are horse-drawn wagons with openable chests in Skyrim, I'd like to suggest those be modified so the chests don't reset and made a purchasable item from the stables.


    I'd say about 3,000 gold (1k for the horse, 1500 for the wagon and 500 for a chest) would be an appropriate price. The purpose is to replace saddlebags mods with one that is more reliable, and also help immersion for those who want a more realistic experience.

  2. I've found two that allow you alternative starts so far - You are Not the Dragonborn and Alternate Starting Factions. I am currently using Alternate Starting Faction, and apparently you can change your mind, delete 1 file and get the main quest started.


    Just thought I'd mention them in case you wanted to contact the authors. Awesome idea and best of luck :)

  3. Seconded, that's exactly what I've been looking for. I recall there was an Oblivion mod for this, and I used it because I think the whole "soul gem" thing is an exploitable as all h*ll "I Win" button. Plus it's straight up evil necromancy, don't deny it :P


    However, if you must use your own magicka to enchant and charge items, that imposes level-appropriate balance onto pretty much all your enchanted gear. Your magicka amount is set by level, so even with all the buffs you can stack on, you can't create a weapon TOO OP for your level.


    As far as side effects on balance, being able to recharge items with your own magicka replaces the gold / FT time sink of soul gems with a magicka recharge time / potion sink, which is a pretty fair replacement in my book.


    So here's another vote for this mod. If someone does pick it up, I'll be happy to be a tester for it.

  4. I'm in the same boat and ever since the awesome people did the awesome Oblivion Unofficial Fixes patch, I have always gone looking for community patches. You might want to check out the NWN Unofficial v1.70 patch here - http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=Other.Detail&id=1513 -, which is still being updated here - http://social.bioware.com/project/3045/ .


    Also, TonyK's Henchman and Battle AI is highly recommended. Lets you select a lot of realism changes upon install. I used the NWN2 version and loved it, so I just installed the NWN1 version from http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=hakpaks.detail&id=4510


    Can't wait to see all the mods migrate here, NWVault has got to be the most PITA interface I've used since BBS days. Seriously :(

  5. This sounds terrific! I like the DnD experience much more than the Bethesda experience, so I'd happily check this out if even just the magic system was in place. As others have, I would say that this is a massive undertaking, so I'd suggest picking some things that would bring the most DnD for the work and doing those first (like the magic and attribute / ability / feat systems, for example).


    I would also mention that a full character creation system might be the last thing on the table, as Skyrim's "become any kind of character you want" combined with DnD's attributes / abilities / feats might create a VERY interesting gameplay experience :)


    Oh and I completely support your "brains above the belt" policy. It's a very bad trend that marketers have been hammering the sex button to sell us things for so long that some people can't even play a video game without having their crotch involved in some way :(

  6. Just wanted to see if anyone else thought this would be a good idea :) I think NMM is about the greatest idea ever, and I think the NWN games are in great need of a mod manager because campaigns and modules often can't share control of the hak, music and override folders.


    The recommended workaround is to rename those folders for the module/campaign that installs files in them, and then change the name back to the default when you want to play a specific campaign/module. So the way NMM works would fix that messy system right up :)

  7. I was overjoyed to hear that the Nexus had opened up a Neverwinter Nights mod site and hopped right over to see what was up. The site looks great, there's new files and hot files right up front, but I wanted to find some specific things, so I went to the Files menu and clicked on Categories.


    Those didn't work out well for someone who is looking for mods to download :( They appear to be more set up for modders to find resources. I got some help in the NW forums and found that the Tag Search section - esp. the Resource tags - are pretty ideal for finding mods to use.


    But, Categories is right on top of the Files menu, so of course I clicked that and got stuck in a system made for the other major type of user. Tag Search is pretty far down the menu after other generic file sorts, and the mod-user-friendly Resource section is the second to last one on that page, so I don't know if I would have even found those without help on the forums or searching.


    It just seems that this is pretty user-unfriendly navigation from a mod-user perspective, so I would suggest that there be some guidance for new users to go to the Tag search for finding mods to download.


    Alternatively, I'd suggest integrating the Tag Search into the Categories page as a tabbed pane and maybe changing the top menu item to Categories and Tags (or Find Mods?)? That way everyone goes to the top Files menu item, and from there they choose either the Categories or Tags pane, so there's no way anyone will have trouble finding what they are looking for.


    Just a suggestion, and thanks for supporting NWN modding!

  8. Couldn't find a site discussion or support topic, so I thought I'd put this here instead. I have several gameplay mods going right now, and the only ones I could identify a category for was the buff and inspire effects removal (Visual Effects) and Big Bag Inventory (UI). No obvious place for TonyK's AI, The Complete Craftsman, etc. Same as on NWVault, which has made me use search to find every single thing I've ever downloaded through them. (And wait like 30 seconds for blahblah.ign.com to respond to the search too. Every time :( )


    I'd like to suggest an overhaul of the category system here. I just took a look at Skyrim's and I would think many of the same cats would work here - Gameplay effects and Changes, Armor, Weapons, Bugfixes, Combat, Companions, etc. I would suggest adding AI, Spells and Crafting specifically too.

  9. I have the same problem, but I don't have the spatter line in. Instead, I have bDisableAllGore=1. Changing it to 0 didn't fix the problem although this line affects spatter.


    Edit, found the spatter line and changed it. Fixed the map crash for me too. Thanks for posting this!

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