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Everything posted by peadar1987

  1. I loved Honest Hearts, purely because it was my favourite region to explore. Absolutely gorgeous scenery, and it shows that it's not just Bethesda who can put together amazing locations. The quests weren't brilliant, but they're not why I keep going back to Zion, although I think both Daniel and Joshua Graham are interesting, deep, characters. Obsidian have said that they didn't intend for it to be a collection of relatively shallow Fetch quests, but they had to push the DLC through to meet a deadline so were quite limited in what they could do (although I did like Yao Guai hunting while tripping balls!) One thing I would have liked (and did try) was a way to eliminate the menace of Salt-Upon-Wounds without ruining the innocence of the Sorrows. I snuck all the way up Three Marys at night with my night scope, picking off the White Legs before they even knew I was there, manoeuvred into position above their camp so I'd have a clear shot at S-U-W when he appeared, and nothing. My assassination mission was useless, the only way to complete the mission was to go about it Joshua Graham's way.
  2. If a west-coast sequel is ever made, I think it would be really interesting if it was based on an NCR civil war, The NCR has expanded too quickly, and not everyone in the new territories want them there. From Baha to Nevada to Oregon, territories are rebelling against the authority of Shady Sands. As Caesar's Legion still struggles with the fallout from the death of its talismanic leader two decades previously, the Brotherhood of Steel try to regain their power in the core region by any means necessary, and after outsmarting them all at the Battle of Hoover Dam, suspicions are mounting that Robert House is beginning to lust after more than just a technological playground in New Vegas. And into this powder keg walks a lonely traveller from beyond the borders of the NCR, outside the reach of Caesar's cohorts, and this one individual could have the power to change the future of the entire region forever... At my count, that's five different, interesting factions, allowing for a huge game world, loads of interesting and varied quests, and some unique play styles from each, from the technological brute-force approach of the Brotherhood of Steel, to the tough, hardy stealth masters of the NCR Rebels. I love the world Obsidian created in New Vegas, I love how it deals with people reclaiming a post-nuclear wasteland and dealing with all the challenges they face to put together a functioning world, instead of just blasting through enemies to reach an objective. And I'd love to see the series continue in that direction. There are plenty of games where you fight hordes of mutated enemies in claustrophobic ruins (and I've heard that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. does this far better than most). What the Fallout Series does is more or less unique in my experience.
  3. Thanks! I'd thought of that, but you know when you get attached to a certain way of doing things, and just want to know why it's not working?!! I'll give this way a go and see if it does the trick.
  4. No, and the same thing happens whether I kill them through the console, or the old fashioned way. Thanks for the suggestion though
  5. Hi, another Mojave Heavyweight problem. The scripts I'm running on my boxers to enable proper tournaments check the player health, the boxer health, and run a timer. When the timer hits 60 seconds, it compares the damage taken by the player and their opponent, and judges who's won the round, best of three rounds wins. That's working no problem, but I also want it to check if the player has knocked out their opponent, which is where things get annoying. I've tried to use an if loop that uses the getdead command. I've put in debugging messages, and as far as I can tell, even if the opponent is knocked out, the script refuses to enter the loop when dealing with certain actors. Debugging messages placed in the script all the way to the top of this loop display correctly, so I don't think the script is terminating before it gets round to testing if the boxer is dead. Any helpful advice would be appreciated. Here's the text of the loop (in all its unformatted glory!), the actual script is 120 lines long, so I'm not going to subject you to it all! if (KittyTopsRef.GetDead)set timer2 to timer2 + getsecondspassed;showmessage 000debuginitialise3showmessage 000Debuggingmessage timer if (timer2>5)KittyTopsRef.resurrect 0KittyTopsRef.resethealthplayer.resethealthshowmessage 111winbyknockoutsetstage 131Rhythm 255Set DoOnce0 to 0Set DoOnce1 to 0set acakittyboxing to 0endifendif Any helpful advice would be much appreciated!
  6. Thanks nonplusultra, a little tinkering with the packages and I've gotten those pesky spectators doing what I want them to!
  7. Hi, Another question for my boxing mod: I'm trying to make some spectators for my fights, but whenever me and my opponent get into the ring, the spectators either join in, or if I've set them to be ghosts, they simply run away. Is there any way I can keep them around and interacting with the idle markers I've placed around the boxing ring?
  8. Yup, all fixed and working perfectly! Thanks so much, I wish I'd asked earlier!
  9. That's almost definitely it, I'll give it a go later on, thanks a million for your help!
  10. Hi, I'm having a slight problem with the boxing mod I'm making, Mojave Heavyweight. Basically, I have tournaments, set up as quests, so you'll fight several opponents in a row. I want to make it so that if you don't win, the quest stage is set back to 5 (the stage where you first talk to the organiser to start the quest), so you can try again. However, this doesn't seem to work properly. I've tried two different methods: -The first where I use setstage 111BloatflyQuest 5 in the result script of a conversation with the trainer. -The second where I use it as a result script at the end of another quest stage I've also used setobjectivecompleted 111BloatflyQuest 10 0 for all of the other objectives, so they shouldn't be completed already. I set a debugging message to show every time the quest is set to stage 5, and it shows like it's supposed to. However, when I go to talk to the tournament organiser again, he goes back to the previous dialogue topic, which I've set so it should only appear when the quest stage is 100. I've checked, and I definitely have ticked the boxes to allow repeated quest stages and repeated dialogue topics Help! I'm at my wits' end with this one!
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