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Status Updates posted by Zaldir

  1. I doubt that is going to work^^
    1. Zaldir


      damn... That did apparently not work^^


      Anyways - More Detailed Places 8 is out! :P

  2. Question of the Day - Should I buy 2Gb more Ram, or should I stick with 4Gb?
  3. heh, no problem. :)

    no hurry at all!

  4. Just Released Creature Diversity 1.06! :)
  5. Delivery Job 1.1.1 is out, which addresses a few bugs introduced in Version 1.1
  6. Just updated Creature Diversity to Version 1.05.1!
    1. Corlan


      Tha Battle part of the Dungeon is done mate, am stuck workin on da Scary Dungeon part. Will be done in three days tho, will inform ya, stay in touch!

      Nice new picture btw.

    2. Zaldir


      Thank you! Looking forward to see it. :)
  7. Creature Diversity 1.05 is out! :)
  8. Just released Delivery Job 1.1 !
  9. Working on Delivery Job 1.1
  10. Just released Populated Prisons 1.1 and Delivery Job 1.0.1 ! :)
  11. @Corlan: Will do! :)

    @TodaY: Yeah, it's not the best photo of me though^^ :P

  12. Released Delivery Job 1.0! - and have now started working on new features for Populated Prisons. :)
  13. Updated Blankenmarch Home to the final version.
  14. just released Delivery Job 1.0 Beta 4 on my website!
  15. hehe, happy to help! :)

    And thanks!

  16. just released Creature Diversity 1.04.1
    1. danielsaccount
    2. Corlan


      Its a great mod! Lets see if me can make an FCOm version for it... I PMed ye btw.
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