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Everything posted by Adipose

  1. This looks to be a very promising mod. Seems to work well so far. Not currently using it 'cause waiting for final. WIP at this time. Supposed to have been an update today, but nothing shows on download. Anyone got any idea what's up with the final on this mod? Would really like to use it.
  2. I played WOW for many years, but finally quit due to the rather psychotic nature of the various "Gank" oriented players, many of whom not only enjoyed ganking but took great delight in camping. Nor am I a team playing kinda guy, mostly 'cause I can't always schedule play time when the rest are able to play. Further, the reality is that I'm just not fast enough on the KBoard. Sooo, is TESO gonna have a lot of Ganksters mucking up the gameplay or not? Can I play solo and still survive?
  3. Castle Strunmah is definitely one of the more charming player domiciles to be modded in Skyrim. Window treatment is superb and adds a great deal of enjoyment to the mod. Interior layout is well done and, with the exception of the double bed nearest the wall in the npc quarters, is very npc friendly. My only reservations are fairly minor. First off, there needs to be some kind of materials storage in the smithing area in the courtyard. Second, there is potentially a superb view to be had from the battlements, however, I'm unable to find an access point for the battlements. Is there one?
  4. As I've posted, ad infinitum/ad nauseum, I see the women of Skyrim as being pretty rough and beat up...at least the combat types. With that in mind, I've been searching for player companions, etc. that come closest to filling the bill in that regard. My list is pretty short, but here are a few: "Falda the Shunned" by Gruntnut, "Sighne" by Azeneth, "Jette Krag-Jumper" by Bedevere, "Celenia" by Demideke, "Legate Titania Constantius" by Beth, and "Ursula Isenhand" by Falmer Bane. All these women are among my current group of followers, though, as I'm gonna shoot for max level this time, they'll shortly be dismissed from my service and deactivated via NMM. They will, however, make a return to my gaming life in the future.
  5. I've decided to make an attempt to max my current character to the top...200 or whatever. With that in mind I've been searching for companions to max with me. Not as easy as it sounds...at least so far. I'm limiting my search to female mods, but so far I've been able to come up with two standalones only, that are acceptable ability and appearance wise. One is Elisea Brea and the other is Annael. Of the two, only Ms. Brea is able to reach 200, with Annael capable of leveling to 150. I thought I had found an acceptable solution when I came across a mod which provided four female toons capable of maxing to 200, however, experimentation during play indicated that they would not be acceptable. Now, I've run across many, many mods in which the description states that they will level with the player. However, further investigation frequently reveals that they will level to 85 or so and that's it. In an earlier post I asked whether they might or might not level beyond 80 or 85 and replies were inconclusive. Does anyone know of any specific female mods which will level up to between 150 and 200, with 200 being preferred?
  6. Interesting event at Lakeview Manor. Just for yuks I've made Uthgerd Kriegswolfe(a mod of the vanilla "Uthgerd the Unbreakable") my Steward and given her some civilian, steward level clothes to wear. Further, as many of you probably know, Uthgerd is, physically, a very well endowed woman. I'm also running Expireds "Extensible Follower Framework", which enables me to set default gear/clothing without a lot of hassle. I chose "none" as default. An unexpected result of that is my ladies, after we return from a mission, tend to run about the house in the "altogether"(naked that is). They're not supposed to, but they most often do. Anyway, there I am, it's early in the morning and I'm just coming from breakfast. I'm heading into the Lakeview entry, and there stands Uthgerd, totally starkers, and she's standing right next to a fully clothed male npc who's about to leave the house. She has a hand stretched out toward him. I don't recognize him. He's not regular staff. (I'm running Lakeview Extended) I investigate, and it turns out that he's Bersi, the guy who runs the Pawned Prawn in Riften. I don't have a clue as to why he's in my house, but if this was the real world it'd be obvious that he and Uthgerd are having an affair and he's just leaving after having spent the night with my Steward. (She has a private bedroom in the attic of the entry as a result of the Hearthfire attics mod.) Uthgerd's no doubt saying goodbye. Now, Bersi's a married man so life's gonna get complicated for him if word gets back to Riften...ROFLMAO! Lol! It's great fun. Never know what kind of little glitches the AI will come up with. I run a lot of mods, so there're gonna be some mixups on occasion. I just hope that the AI doesn't suffer a complete "nervous breakdown".
  7. Oculus Rift is very interesting, but the Holodeck concept is discovered in the Star Trek series. It goes waaaay beyond Oculus Rift in concept. Too bad it doesn't actually exist. Man, talk about immersion...!
  8. Never played that, I've got a copy of the original Rift but I didn't like the graphics so I never played it past the entry level.
  9. Ya know, I'd really like it if, in the next TES, the designers would incorporate gameplay which would make possible a relationship between player and spouse that was much more in depth and meaningful. By this I mean enabling the toons to develop a strong emotional bond similar to that developed between the player and Morrigan(?) in DAO. It would be so much more interesting than the two or three lines of dialogue currently on offer. A mod enabling expressions of affection such as hugs and kisses would be nice as well. Not that I've anything against sex. I'm just as testosterone burdened as the next guy, but there is a lot more to a hookup than that. I've tried the hugging mod that's currently available but it was just a bit too glitchy on my comp. Sorry if I come off all soppy and sentimental but I really liked the interpersonal emotions to be had with DAO. Lol! In the real world I've often turned away from a woman if all she had to offer was a hot bod. Now, a hot bod, brains, good conversation, and a warm heart...!!!
  10. On occasion, when I'm out hunting and soul snatching, I just stop and really look and take in my surroundings. The folks who designed this game are very, very good at what they do...at least as far as visual impact goes. Since I also play without the background music I find the sensory experience to be greatly enhanced. Now, if we could just have a holodeck so that we could have a full range of sensory input...though I could do without personal pain and loss of blood. Otoh, being able to experience full range AP would be nice, particularly if I had a bod like that of my armorhead toon. Kinda tacky though, come to think about it.
  11. Regarding annoying npcs, I have occasionally offed the obnoxious son of the Jarl of Riften. He can occasionally be found doing weapons practice outside when he's all alone. Very satisfying to stick an arrow in him. I also take great delight in wiping out Thalmore prisoner details and patrols. Thalmor are just so easy to dislike. One of these times I'm gonna install the mod(s) which enable me to overthrow the Jarl of Falkreath. That would be great fun. I also enjoy assaulting the Black Briar country estate/lodge. On occasion some anonymous npc is reported to respond to that with a message to come and see them. I've never gotten one of those but it might be interesting to find out what that's all about.
  12. To have a player home or not to have is one of the basic questions to be resolved before level one play...at least for me. It's much handier to have a place to drop off loot, surplus gear, etc. right from the get-go. However, sometimes I prefer to play hardcore and do without until one of the legitimate vanilla becomes available. This may work well or not, depending on how willing the player is to sell all the extras they acquire. Also, I usually pick up a follower as soon as possible. If I'm running a multiple follower mod I may pick up as many as four. My daughter prefers going it alone. It's all a matter of personal preference. I like being able to kick back and watch my ladies romp and stomp. Also, they're handy as pack mules for resources, gear, etc. I don't usually do a money cheat though that does make play more difficult. Much easier to level up if one has unlimited cash. I usually dispense with background music. I prefer the immersion of the ambient sounds. Besides, to my mind the music track doesn't really seem to fit in many situations. I mean, how fitting is it to have some kind of soothing back track when one has just wiped a whole crew of bandits and is standing surrounded by a pile of bodies, particularly if your health bar is now very short and a Sabre Cat has just spotted you. Seriously??? If you're at low level, and playing true vanilla, don't tangle with Giants, Mammoths, Falmer, or Sabre Cats. They will eat you. Also, it's usually better to not take on more than one bad guy at first. Further, stay away from most dungeon bosses. They're most often twice or three times as tough as their minions. Advanced magic slingers will also frequently eat you...particularly with second level spells. If you're a Nord, might be better to avoid fire casters. If you're a Dark Elf might be better to avoid cold spells. Etc. Read up on your chosen character. It's important in the beginning. If I'm using one of the jewelry mods, one of the first things I do is raid the entry level dungeon in which the Transmute spell book is to be found. Much faster to level smithing if one can make either silver or gold Corollas or one of the other earrings available with that mod. This is made feasible due to the ease of acquiring iron ore. I usually play with the Hearthfire Lakeview expansion and add several mods for that expansion. In particular I like using the Lakeview Extended mod along with three or four subsidiary mods, such as the basement bedroom for npcs mod, or the basement chopping block mod. Also, that home becomes my only residence. Much too much hassle to move all your resources, gear, etc. each time you change homes. There are a couple of problems that I've encountered with this expansion and the subsequent modifications that I make. One is that npc movement frequently doesn't work well relative to the long dining room table. The npcs tend to stand on the table or on one of the chairs at unpredictable moments. Mannequins often do strange things even with the mannequin mod fix. The bard needs a much larger repertoire. Also, it all too frequently happens that my comp locks up when I'm trying to exit the house. I have no idea if these problems stem from the vanilla Hearthfire Lakeview programming or if they're a result of the expansion mods. Could be either or a combination of the two. Also, dragons now seem to be much easier to handle then they were at first. I don't know if that's just me getting better or if subsequent expansion de-fierced the dragons. For the first twenty or so levels I focus on upgrading enchanting and smithing. My daughter doesn't do much with anything except alchemy. I've found that paying attention to resource gathering in dungeons, etc. will usually yield enough potions to be more than sufficient for my needs. Once one has reached level 100 in Enchanting then it's possible to double enchant all your gear, and that can make it possible for you to become a very tough customer for the bad whatevers to handle...assuming that one has enough Grand and Black soul gems to max out your enchantments. Leveling armor and weapon skill is also critical. I tend to prefer running as an armor head...particularly heavy armor. Just makes life sooo much easier. Occasionally, if I'm feeling hardcore I'll run a mage or a thief. Gotta be fast with those folks though and just about everything can eat them at first...or so my experience has led me to conclude. Other player are quite likely more skilled than I and thus less challenged. Pick up the extra armor spells as soon as possible. Can save your tuchas at first. Also, if you're running one of the immersive mods that expand npc random conflict in the countryside, particularly with battles between Imperial and Stormcloak troops, then make sure to loot the bodies after battle. Good way to acquire fast cash if playing vanilla at low level. Gotta move fast though as the AI will only permit the bodies to remain as clutter for a brief period. I like to take a leisurely approach to gameplay. This means staying away from the advanced portions of the main quest for quite some time...at least for me. Others have a different approach. Matter of personal preference. I like to immerse myself, which means doing a lot of hunting and soul snatching, sidequests, toon interaction, exploration etc. Exploration has led me to discover all kinds of little out-of-the-way places, toons, bits of field gear, and so on. Makes the game a lot more interesting. My son-in-law brags that he finished the game by level 14. I chastised him. Lol! It's just a matter of what one wants out of the game experience.
  13. When a mod creator tells us that his npc will level with the player, without giving us a top end level, does that mean that the npc will uplevel every time the player does...all the way to the maximum?
  14. In running through my stored dls, I notice that the descriptions, pics, etc. are gone from all my Falmer Bane mod dls. Has he left the sight, been banned, or ...what?
  15. Leito86s' "...Reiko" mod is very, very good. The armory portion is quite useful and innovative, particularly for those of us that are into the whole Akaviri-Blades schtick. Reiko herself is quite lovely to look at and a great help out in the field on ops. One small problem, and I stress that this is a personal preference only, is that she doesn't lose her underwear on the rare occasion that I'm of a mind to apply the AP mod. Apparently Leito wanted to make sure that his lady wasn't put on degrading public display...either that or I set her up wrong. If that's the case then I'm at a loss 'cause when it comes to modding I'm a total incompetent. Oh well, such is life in the bitworld that is Skyrim. BTW, she levels to 125 so one could run with her all the way to the top. Great mod as long as one isn't completely devoted to prurient interests.
  16. Lol! Out on a hunt for hides and souls. Happened on a three-way fight between a Giant, mages, and bandits. Giant got'em all. First time that I got to see the bit where the Giant clubs the ground and sends the enemy into orbit. Great FX. Npc mage went up and disappeared into the clouds. I waited a bit and, sure enough, the guy came down and hit the ground with a very satisfying thud-crunch. Had happened to me a couple of times before I got the message that I shouldn't tangle with giants at low level. First time I got to watch it happen to someone else. Awesome. BTW, I play without the background music, just ambient environmental sounds alone. Kind of soothing working up valley west of Whiterun. View from top of the Lonely Mountain nice, elk bugling, wind, water, etc. If I could mod I'd build a little retreat of some kind at the top of the LMtn. Easy to get lost in the game there. Kinda soothing.
  17. Does anyone know where Falmer Banes' "Xian" mod is to be found? His description didn't load.
  18. Tried search for Falmer Banes. No results. Know better. Engine bugged?
  19. Delphine makeover D2...Standard. Now, that's how Delphine would look. I think I'm gonna be forced to learn how to mod if only to be able to create the kinds of toons that look like they actually lived the Skyrim life. This mod of Delphine is absolutely the first Nexus toon that I've seen, among the women, that seriously touched base with reality. 'Course, being surrounded by eye candy is not a bad thing...it just ain't how I see TES environment npcs. Personally, I think there ought to be mods for missing limbs, teeth, etc.
  20. Excellent mod. Just as I imagine a somewhat rustic, hidden Samurai small hold would be laid out. Needs more storage in the form of a few chests in the crafting area and the static sword and armor displays would be better if made interactive. Lack of bedding for followers is a small shortcoming that can be compensated for through bedrolls dropped in the room or building of ones choice. Have a few select Blades followers that I'll be moving in with. Lack of storage in crafting area is gonna be a bit of a pain, other than that I'm gonna enjoy the mod.
  21. I know, this mod might be regarded by many as a kind of cheat, but I've found it to be one of the most useful in the game. I use it a great deal for exploration and travel when over encumbered. Also has excellent rough terrain capability and can function as a follower in combat. Drawbacks are few, but those few are critical. Frex, if you want to stay alive be very careful where you strike during a melee. Cat DOES NOT LIKE TO BE HIT and will speedily stomp your sorry little bits into the graphic ground. Lol, I accidentally hit him with ice form during a dust up and he went berserk...literally. He was frozen into a ball and bounced frantically all over the landscape in an effort to free himself. Figuring that my bit life was limited when the effect wore off I quickly pulled out my flute and dismissed him. The only other down effect is that he will wander off, sometimes in the middle of combat. So, don't put yourself in a spot where you absolutely must rely on him for assistance. If you're not pressed for time, you can wait and he'll eventually return. Or, you can dismiss him and then call him back. Anyway, he's all around most useful and my thanks go to Tumbaja for the mod.
  22. Technically excellent, with toons learning their way around with minimal difficulty. Architecturally very satisfying. Just as I would imagine a rugged mountain Ronin/Samurai retreat to look. Visually very pleasing. Accommodated three followers by putting bedrolls down in the bath house. More room in the dojo but no fireplace. May decide to use the floor in the front room instead. Great looking static displays of arms and armor, with very creative design of sword stands, etc. One or two chests will be sufficient for storage. Nice quarters in the basement for the three resident staff. Do keep the gates shut. Travelers will wander in.
  23. Technically, the Japan Lodge is excellent, particularly the window treatment and the sliding doors...very impressive. Takes a bit of familiarization but that comes with time. Does a great job of supporting the various religious interests in Skyrim. Visually very dynamic.
  24. I've got three Dark Elf followers that all of a sudden don't respond when I click on them. Anyone know how to fix the problem?
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