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Posts posted by Adipose

  1. Okay, I may be writing through my hat, but as far as I can determine, SkrimSKSE wil NOT run well on Windows t0. My game ran pretty well, not as well as I'd like, but fairly well on Windows 7. Then I built a new comp and installed Win. 10. At that point my game went totally to s...t!!! Apparently the two are simply not compatible. I haven't seen problems like those I'm currently having for about ten years of game play...going back to 'ol Win. 98. Had I known this would happen I'd have simply continued to upgrade components on my Win. 7. Bethesda seriously needs to come out with a solid patch for SkyrimSKSE...or someone does, since Bethesda certainly did not create SKSE to begin with. There is, apparently, a patch available from Bethesda for vanilla Skyrim. Unfortunately, that version of Skyrim is so boring that I won't seriously contemplate going back to that. Besides, I've little confidence in Bethesda's ability to create a Win 10 compatible Skyrim that will work effectively. My take on Bethesda is that they're the masters of the buggy game...vis 76...or so rumor has it. Let's just hope that Fallout 4 is compatible with Win 10. If not, I may well rid my tower of any vestiges of Win 10 and reinstall good 'ol 7. Seriously, I'm pretty much in a mood comparable to a Griz that's just come out of hibernation. If the new comp hadn't cost me so much money, I'd have taken a sledge hammer to the whole thing. I suppose that's what I get for not having done my homework prior to the new construction.


    If anyone can refute anything I've just said about Win 10 and Skyrim, I'd love to hear from you. I'd like to have a rope of hope to which I can cling.


    Sigh. Apparently Fallout 4 also has problems with Windows 10. Hmm, wonder if Witcher will run on it?

  2. Finally! It's dawned on me that the big eyed, flawless skinned Anime characters are, basically, images evolved out of the work of painter Margaret Keane...or so it seems to me. Just make the basic child characters into adults/young adults. Add killer female bodies that make males and sapphics fantasize, and there you are...Keane subjects all grown up. If you don't believe me, take a look at her work on line.

  3. I've been using "Locational Damage Overhaul" for some time and find it most satisfactory. I started a new game on a new comp the other day, and just for grins I ran a quick character to test out a few mods. Very early on I jumped a road bully and started putting arrows in her head without having the locational damage mod in play. I may have put six or seven arrows in her head and she still didn't go down. With locational damage one, or at the most, two, would have done the job. I also like the bleed out effect that comes with the mod. Makes solo play a lot more interesting. I can, and have, run five followers at a time. Frankly, that makes the game far too easy. So much so that it becomes boring. The only real advantage to multiple followers is availability of lots of pack mules. Makes looting a dungeon much less time consuming. Otoh, on some of the really time consuming and dangerous dungeons, having a bit of backup is useful in face of swarms of hostile npcs...as in Draughr.


    So, if you want increased reality in combat, I recommend one of the locational damage overhauls. 'Course, it also means that you can be subject to a one hit kill as well. An arrow through the brain will do the job at any time, any where. Not all the mods work for me, so I recommend trial and error to see which one is best for you in case you're interested.

  4. Vortex let me know about an exception after I installed "Populated Skyrim SE Hell Edition BSA Version". It seems to have installed but I've not tried running SSE with the new install. I'll give it a go and let you know...assuming I need to do that. Yours, Adipose

  5. Yeah, I know the whole unrealistic nature of a fantasy game. The only modding aspect, really, to which I'm objecting, is the production of mods with grotesquely huge breasts. If a chubby woman rocks your world, more power to you, but why does she need to have breasts that make her look positively silly. Btw, one of the most beautiful women I ever saw was about six feet tall, and very, very well fed. However, she was beautifully proportioned and she was absolutely stunning. That was at least fifty years ago and I still have her image in my mind. Some visions are just too good to let go.

  6. We do eat certain portions of various food grasses, such as wheat kernels, kernels of corn, processed grains of sugar, grains of wild rice, grains of cultivated rice, etc. However, we do not eat the stems, stalks, or whatever of mature grasses. We are simply unable to process the cellulose in the stems, leaves, etc. Afaik we do not eat Burmuda, Timothy, Crab, Blue, Fescue, Rye stems, etc. ad infinitum. So, if one is going to maintain that we eat grass, then that person needs to be specific instead of simply making a blanket statement.


    Regarding the appearance of female mods, I've no objection, particularly, to lush, well fed figures. Most of those mods have attractive faces. I don't think they're realistic given the Skyrim environment and culture, but that's irrelevant. What I object to is the production of female mods with ludicrously huge breasts. Real women, at least the many that I've known over the years, don't like gigantic breasts. Those that have them may well make money through their appearance, but that doesn't mean they find them comfortable. Personally, I think those modders that turn out women with enormous breasts...as in gigantic...are deliberately creating caricatures of the female form. I think they're making fun of the Western male obsession with mammary glands. So, if the modders of female characters and presets with enormous/gigantic breasts turn out to be female, I'd not be surprised. If the modders are male, then I suspect that they've very little contact with real women, or they're also engaged in ridicule and are well aware of how ludicrous their mods are.



    Skyrim's in the middle of a major civil war. If you pay attention to market dialogue, food prices are going up, supposedly due to interdiction of shipments to the cities by hostile forces. The higher prices on food will result in a lower calorie intake for the bulk of the citizens, many of whom, if not most, are not particularly overburdened with Septims. Secondly, the culture is LABOR intensive, which means the population tends to burn up a LOT of calories, with a consequent lack of fat build up in the average body. There seem to be NO LABOR SAVING DEVICES in Tamriel...unless skill like using magic to levitate heavy objects comes into play. Take a look at Japan prior to the Meiji emperors. That was still a labor intensive culture and there were very few fat people. So, much as I like REASONABLY well endowed ladies, I find some, not all, but some of the mods to be totally ridiculous and must wonder how many caricatures of women are done tongue in cheek. I assume that most of the modders that focus on well endowed ladies are male in gender. In fact, I would assume that most of the modders on the Nexus are male. It'd be interesting to find out what percentage is male as opposed to female. Women, at least the ones that I've talked to, are not particularly fond of huge breasts. They're awkward, they get in the way, and, if one wears a bra, are often rather painful, particularly across the shoulders and the back. Also, as a woman ages, they can become positively embarassing and a threat to physical well being. Ask a well endowed woman what it's like to run with no support for their breasts. Further, at the serious professional level, one does not see female athletes with much at all in the way of fat build up on their bodies. Further, I've been a devoted fan of SciFi and Fantasy since I began reading...which was back around 1949...and one NEVER saw well endowed Valkyries or other legendary/fantasy characters. They were often quite beautiful, but toned and sleek as opposed to awkward and fat with huge breasts. The original illustrations of Howard's "Conan" showed a very fit but otherwise ordinary man. It's only been since the advent of artists such as Vallejo that women began to be depicted as wide hipped, well endowed, lush bodied individuals...unless one counts the women depicted in the work of artists such as Rubens, which, I should point out, had lush hips and thighs but ordinary to small breasts. Also, it's only been since the advent of extreme body builders such as Arnie, that cover artists began to depict fantasy heroes as having bulging muscles and veins. Okay, shutting up for the time being. Y'all have a great day...or night.


    most modders are women rough guess 60/70 percent are women most mod users are men (its harder to know the percentages for mod users most dont talk too modders but majority who do are male),also one of the most popular bodys cbbe was made by a women


    Or they say they are. Does anyone really know gender for sure? FREX, I could be a 20 year old woman passing myself off as a 76 year old man just for yucks...as in stirring the pot just for fun. My understanding is that it happens all the time. Net Anonymity. 'Course, gender is what we want it to be these days.


  8. have you never heard anything in skyrim about being a milk drinker? ever heard in real life anything about a couple of more ice cream seasons? of course there would be big breasted beauties in skyrim, the women there don't eat only, grass and fish. America introduced the milkshake and hamburger to Japan and Japan turned around and introduced the big breasted japanese women to the world, thanks milk shakes. think about the middle east, they some breasted women, and goat milk/yogurt is big there. it's the milk, it's always been the milk. idk? maybe it's just a mammal thing.


    Btw, no human eats grass. We can't process it, and it's only been since the end of WW2 and the truly rapid modernization of Japan, that Japan's diet has improved to point that we've begun to see the appearance of women with enough fat to develop large breasts. Rice and seafood is, afaik, a staple of the Japanese diet even today. Steak at a restaurant is, as I understand it, a very expensive meal and only rarely eaten. So far as I know, the ideal of beauty in Japanese women, is still the slight build and smaller breasts. That may be changing with increased Japanese exposure to the west, just as western culture has changed with increased exposure to Asia...particularly Japan.

  9. Skyrim's in the middle of a major civil war. If you pay attention to market dialogue, food prices are going up, supposedly due to interdiction of shipments to the cities by hostile forces. The higher prices on food will result in a lower calorie intake for the bulk of the citizens, many of whom, if not most, are not particularly overburdened with Septims. Secondly, the culture is LABOR intensive, which means the population tends to burn up a LOT of calories, with a consequent lack of fat build up in the average body. There seem to be NO LABOR SAVING DEVICES in Tamriel...unless skill like using magic to levitate heavy objects comes into play. Take a look at Japan prior to the Meiji emperors. That was still a labor intensive culture and there were very few fat people. So, much as I like REASONABLY well endowed ladies, I find some, not all, but some of the mods to be totally ridiculous and must wonder how many caricatures of women are done tongue in cheek. I assume that most of the modders that focus on well endowed ladies are male in gender. In fact, I would assume that most of the modders on the Nexus are male. It'd be interesting to find out what percentage is male as opposed to female. Women, at least the ones that I've talked to, are not particularly fond of huge breasts. They're awkward, they get in the way, and, if one wears a bra, are often rather painful, particularly across the shoulders and the back. Also, as a woman ages, they can become positively embarassing and a threat to physical well being. Ask a well endowed woman what it's like to run with no support for their breasts. Further, at the serious professional level, one does not see female athletes with much at all in the way of fat build up on their bodies. Further, I've been a devoted fan of SciFi and Fantasy since I began reading...which was back around 1949...and one NEVER saw well endowed Valkyries or other legendary/fantasy characters. They were often quite beautiful, but toned and sleek as opposed to awkward and fat with huge breasts. The original illustrations of Howard's "Conan" showed a very fit but otherwise ordinary man. It's only been since the advent of artists such as Vallejo that women began to be depicted as wide hipped, well endowed, lush bodied individuals...unless one counts the women depicted in the work of artists such as Rubens, which, I should point out, had lush hips and thighs but ordinary to small breasts. Also, it's only been since the advent of extreme body builders such as Arnie, that cover artists began to depict fantasy heroes as having bulging muscles and veins. Okay, shutting up for the time being. Y'all have a great day...or night.

  10. What is up with the mods with "ginormous" boobs? I can't figure out whether it's a send up of the whole preoccupation with a lot of the commercial approach to fantasy character art(lush bodies, ample breasts and wide hips)or whether it's just a bunch of people who are living out some kind of unreal fantasy regarding women. Truly, I don't get it. It's got nothing to do with the reality of life in Skyrim...which is hard, labor intensive, and brutal. Definitely not the kind of environment that would produce women with enough calories in their diet to enable much fat to form. Btw, the American preoccupation with breasts has finally produced a documentary on the subject. Check it out on Netflix. Oh well, to each his own. Just be careful or your hero will be found dead, having suffocated while attempting a motorboat.

  11. Ah well, new mod just up which proves the old thought that you can create any npc look you want and then stick on any tag you want...regardless of whether it fits the tag or not. If I could mod, I'd create a really hairy, bear-like, short humanoid and call it a High Elf. Probably just because I could. Adherence to lore took a hike a long time ago anyway.

  12. Often I consider the possibility that, given the nearly limitless ways in which Skyrim can be rebuilt and redefined through the multitude of mods that have been created, Bethesda will be hard pressed to come up with an ES6 that offers anything that is a substantial improvement on what my own game has become. For myself, at the present time, I'm content with what I have. My next big step will be to build a comp that is capable of handling the maximum of 250 mods with ease. Currently, my comp, though the AI gives it an Ultra rating, will only handle around seventy-five mods before it begins to develop frequent, unannounced, totally unpredictable crashes. This is good because it forces me to do triage on mods, determining which I feel that I must absolutely have in order to be happy with the game.

  13. Given the number of T&A mods on the Nexus, I'm somewhat surprised that a bored modder hasn't created a powered dildo of Dwarven design. Otoh, I'd not be surprised if one has already been created and I've just not noticed. One does think that steam power might not be the way to go, what with the extreme heat and all.

  14. One of the best aspects of NPC character modding in Fallout 4, is that one can dress them as one chooses without disrupting immersion. Personally, I don't think that's case in Skyrim(TES5).

  15. There are two different models that are often referred to as the M1917, one produced by Colt, the other by Smith and Wesson. During WW1 Pershing wanted all of our boys in Europe to have a .45 cal. handgun, and since there were never enough M1911s to go around, we issued both of the M1917 revolvers. By the end of the war, nearly half of our troops in Europe were carrying handguns chambered for the .45 automatic cartridge...so I've read. There is an anecdote which relates that the Germans were quite offended, since they felt that carrying a handgun was an officer's prerogative.


    Of the three, I much prefer the M1911 and currently own two, one of which is a service pistol from WW2. Of the two revolvers, I prefer the S&W as it is more comfortable in my hand than the Colt.


    The revolvers were loaded via "half-moon clips", although these days a so-called "full-moon clip" is preferred. During both world wars, uniquely designed clip pouches could be worn on the web belt, and ammunition was issued, pre-clipped, in boxes that held either six or eight ammo holding clips.


    The revolvers can be loaded and fired using rimless .45 auto cartridges without the clip, however, the empty cases could not be mechanically ejected and one was forced to use a stick or rod of some sort to shove out each spent case. At some point a rimmed version of the .45 automatic cartridge was developed and made available on the civilian market for use in the revolvers. Using the rimmed version of the cartridge enables the fired cases to be ejected mechanically, however, reloading the cartridges is still considerably slower than is possible through the use of the clipped ammunition.

  16. All very true, and I agree on the lore bit. Once you get the hang of things like Racemenu or ECE, none of this stuff is really necessary.


    Really, in the end, custom races are just a short cut for adding new assets or making extremely over powered characters without fiddling with console commands.

    Much easier for people to make their super special, one-of-a-kind characters by just overwriting NewRace5000's textures, especially when it comes with fancy powers built in.


    The only case I can make for whole separate races is for anything needing radically different parts, like with the bird race.

    Ever seen the mod "Crimes Against Nature"? It would be quite a feat to mold your head into a chair with just Racemenu, but at that point I don't think lore, game scripts, or sanity is on anyone's mind, haha.


    Yeah, with a custom npc you never really know what you'll have. As followers, I like strong women, with perks for heavy armor and two hand skills. Today I'm starting a new trio of followers, with nonessential built in. I find them via search for two hand or heavy armor. I also use AFT, since it's handy for a wide variety of relationships. Anyway, one of the women I brought on board was carrying 65,000 septims in her backpack along with 2,000 Daedric arrows. All of that was a complete surprise. While I definitely felt like I'd opted for a cheat, which it was, I liked the way she looked and acted so I kept her...minus the cash. I'm not gonna turn my nose up at all that money, particularly at starting levels. I did feel a bit guilty though. As a rule, I don't cheat. Takes the fun out of the game...at least for me. I'm interested in how long they'll survive. If they die, I go into Vortex, delete the mod, and hunt for a new npc download. There's a really huge character mod which provides seventy-five followers scattered about Skyrim. It's very well done with a lot of interesting dialog development which adds quite a bit of depth to the game and they're not clones of each other. Unfortunately, my CPU or GPU one, can't handle that many and before I even reach level ten I've begun having totally random crashes. Followers are VRAM hungry.

  17. Well, from a lore stand point, in the Elder Scrolls half races aren't really a thing. A halfbreed takes on the mother's race, with just small characteristics from the father like hair color or maybe skintone.

    See the Grey Prince from Oblivion. He's a half orc, but as far as the game's code and other NPCs are concerned, he's just a pale orc.

    Also, TES has its own 'flavors' of orc, elf, etc. so people trying to make them more or less 'orcish' are again fighting against the whole core of the thing.


    From a modding stand point, people already do this, with both race edits and custom races, so I'm not sure what you're even asking about. Personal preferences?

    Technically, you could give anything pointy ears and call it an elf, but you still have the actual game's coding calling it into question. If a script runs to check a character's race, it isn't going to detect 'half-orc' as an orc variant right out of the box, so a patch would need to be made for any quests that do that, for each modded half-race. Or, as you say, just use a preset on a regular orc and call it "Eric HalfBlood" and save all the trouble!


    Myself, I HEAVILY edit things myself, like adding the khajiit types into the khajiit race itself. All the variants are added as presets or armor sets, but as far as the game cares they're all just generic khajiit. I still need to make a patch to change anyone else's khajiit into a non-catfaced version, but as far as the game's race checks are concerned, they all still count as khajiit... which is GREAT, because I am FAR too lazy to check for that sort of thing. :wink:


    I suppose my point is that I prefer the Bethesda lore based races. It's okay if you want them to look more human, or whatever, but I think they ought to be called half this or that.even though they still need to be labeled with one of the vanilla race names for the program in order to be dialogue responsive. It's a personal preference I suppose. I usually create characters with bits borrowed from the other races, since Skyrim is well on the way to becoming a racial melting pot anyway. Creating a new race and putting it out there for play is fine but they've got no home/niche in the basic program. It just isn't programmed to recognize them. I just don't see much point in custom races since the game treats them like they don't exist. So, give a preset a half label and the player knows that it's not gonna look like a vanilla race, but it'll still need to be labeled Orc or Nord, or whatever in order for the AI to have fitting dialogue. Frex, there's a Half Orc male preset that I use a lot because it lends itself well to a new appearance that I can't develop on my own. The mod author made it clear that it's still gonna be an Orc as far as the game is concerned.


  18. Well simple answer is different people want different things...but a big thing for some is that what you suggest may completely change the character they have in mind and are invested in. A half-elf is different than, and experiences the world differently than, an elf. If someone already had a character in mind...that may well be enough to turn them into something different.


    No sure I grasp your point. Oh well, makes no difference really 'cause folks gonna do what folks gonna do.

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