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Everything posted by washirfd

  1. Ive seen similar questions asked before but the hint/link is either down, not working for me etc. eg; quest starts when another quest "mourning never comes" gets to a certain stage Muiri tells you to kill Alain and optionally Nilsine... Thats where i split off a little... Since as anyone who remembers previous ES games the Dark Brotherhood arent evil, they just have a job that can be seen as evil, especially to targets, victims and their families My quest kicks in so that you only have to kill the worst of them, Alain Dufont and his people. *** On his death I want another quest stage to fire in my quest, which makes his Journal enable you collect his journal, take it to Muiri, convince her to write a letter to you asking to kill alain etc you take that letter to Nilsine, anger, regret, loss, regret misses Muiri writes letter for Muiri ... Problem i get is making the quest advance on Alain's death, the rest I seem to be able to get done I dont want it to be placed on anyone else etc so it has to be in the actor by the quest correct. However its a script that checks an NPC, until an event happens ... his death. Only really need the *** one, btw *** is three *'s not a swear word.
  2. Same CTD on CELL change, I played for 4 hours no problems then change cell crash, restart, play a while, go to the same place it crashed on, np, a while later, different location CELL change crash, repeat that about 40 times over the last week.
  3. Still down in NZ, and yeah, confirmed can ping the server and its working for that, just not for the actual downloads. I thought I would Add that I found another mention of this issue in the bug reports http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/tracker/issue-52955-just-cannot-download-anything/ Still down here
  4. That sounds like what happened to me, in one of the updates to the CKit the patch deletes a bunch of source scripts, and without them the CK doesnt work, however there is a backup of the scripts in scripts.rar in the data, unpack that into the right folders, dont overwrite anything though, and then reload the CK and try again, If its the problem I had it will now work fine.
  5. Think of it as a mercy killing, someone from the town saw how hard it had hit him with his family gone, sister dead most recently, whoever it was hired the DB to put him out of his misery (Which I believe is the way it was supposed to be seen). The DB isn't an evil group, its doing a difficult thing, Ill admit the Skyrim chapter is corrupted from its original ideal quite a bit, but the player tries to get them back on the right path. When I say its not evil, I mean there are examples of the DB doing the right thing by more than one person, remove 1 so that 40 may live, or kill bandits and make one person happier... Then again I do try to always complete his quest before the DB quests that way he doesn't die not knowing... And I always skip the bonus for Murai or whatever her name was in Markarth.
  6. * Crazy Idea begins * A long time back another mod was released Lady of Akatosh, and the mod maker may have retired / moved on but subsequent posts on that mod mentioned everyone would love "The Lady / Dragon" to be summoned through the Shouts, change her name to be a variant of Brianna or something and use the corresponding shouts to summon her, maybe she could be added to this (or Thunderbolt but isnt that becoming this?) and make her a gain for a quest relating to Talos and Akatosh, 4 names were mentioned maybe even 4 "Ladies", Would add something different that might make the whole shouting thing feel complete, Your the Dovakiin why not work with similar types... * Crazy Idea ends here * Anyway will be great to see :smile: Names by: Calemyr Ahmik Grah Vahdin (Service Battle Maiden = Amy = Feathered Dragon or similar as a Nod to Calemyr (Since this is a name he had thought sounded good) Brii Ah Nah (Beautiful Hunter Fury) = Brianna Mir Raan Dah (Allegiance Animal Push) - Miranda Su Sah Nah (Air Phantom Fury) = Susana Then again, credit would have to be given to both the mods Author Praveen, and Calemyr if this was implemented in any way
  7. Id love to see interaction between Ceri and many different companions Serana sure for those that have it, Kasia from Sexy Maids of Skyrim, the Lylvieve Sisters, from the mod of that name, and a few others. But Definately Kasia, and Serana, and the Companions, Ive noticed she doesnt seem to like working with the companions, would be great to see Ceri and them get along, you'd think she'd like their aid.
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