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Everything posted by n0e

  1. 1. Categories have subcatgories. Infact the categories on GameFront are EXACTLY the same as they would have been on here, cause, well, it's the same source data. The new site runs on the exact same category structure and database as the old site, and thus the category structure used here. 2. There are filters on some pages but we're working on adding more advanced filters and an advanced search. 3. We've already rolled out an update today that changes category views to use cards with preview screenshots, ratings and other information that makes this easier Like we've said before we're not closed to feedback. Infact if people contact us directly with an issue we've been known to roll out fixes and test them within the day, sometimes hours. But for us to do that, you need to contact us directly. We aren't regularly monitoring this thread. We have a support ticket system on the site. Honestly if there's something wrong and we can fix it we'll fix it, you just need to work with us. As you can see from today's update, it's already an improvement, and we'll roll out more in the next week, i.e. the filters etc.
  2. In response to post #67080466. #67081506, #67082576 are all replies on the same post. Oh, don't get us wrong we would never dismiss any idea and feedback, FT was just trying to clarify the situation as it stands today. Currently we're entirely volunteer run, the site is hand built from the ground up entirely by one web developer in his spare time, for example, so where we go in the future is open to all possibilities, we read and consider every idea that comes from the modding community for how best to bring GF forward as the entire reason we spend so much of our free time to build is for you guys. :)
  3. I've had this happen on the site I work at as well. If you haven't already, you need to request a review of your site for someone at google to look at and then remove your domain from their filter.
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