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Everything posted by Nick2kman

  1. Heres my script for makeing any NPC almost run a script pack and set aggres, ect scn SRSStartScriptEffect ;Follower Variables short StartingAggression Short StartingAssistance Short StartingConfidence Short StartingEnergy Short StartingResponsibility Short StartingMood short StartingIgnoreCrime ;ID's for the ref that he has been hired short HasBeenHired Begin ScriptEffectStart Say IdleChatter RemoveFromAllFactions AddToFaction SRFaction 10 AddScriptPackage SRSoldierFollowersPlayerWAIT set StartingAggression to getAv Aggression set StartingAssistance to getAv Assistance set StartingConfidence to getAv Confidence set StartingEnergy to getAv Energy set StartingResponsibility to getAv Responsibility set StartingMood to getAv Mood set StartingIgnoreCrime to GetIgnoreCrime setAv Aggression 1 setAv Assistance 1 setAv Confidence 2 setAv Energy 50 setAv Responsibility 50 setAv Mood 5 ignoreCrime 1 SetPlayerTeammate 1 End make this into a base effect script then add it as actor effect then use castimmediateonself in Dialogue and you get a NPC that runs a script in any way you want them to run it. I think i should also add some more lines but this works well when casted. also when you add this to Dialogue as castimmedaiteonself make shure you set up the conditions for the responces right otherwise it might cast on you or not work right. also make the SCPack run forever too otherwise it will EVP and stop running. Now I need a way to add building statics like the DemoNukeMarker does so i can build buildings in my mod?
  2. Nha, i look more like Harison Ford. but ya i look like Russel Crow in that pic. Man i already cleaned my mouse 3 times and its still giveing me Problems. Sy
  3. this sounds like a fun idea, need some help with any thing
  4. WTH you have over 500 post's you have now ataind the rank of Posting Machine. your site isnt working to
  5. Sounds like your trieing to make this a Realistic moding Project Good luck. Idea.... Add Breathing sound to Helmet and make it so you cant hear the out side sounds as good
  6. Want any help from me, I Have a Mod you can put in your its a WIP but its comeing along well. :thumbsup:
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