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Everything posted by BeastlyBeast
Thank you. I wound up doing it in a similar way to how the Thieve's Guild did their first quest (where you confronted 3 people) since the objective was very similar. I wound up making a separate objective and stage for each item, then created an int called something like 'LootedArmor'. Then set each piece of armor to go to a certain stage and wrote scripts using kmyQuest that said if this stage was entered, bump the int up by 1. Once it's 3 or higher, go to the stage where you need to give the armor to the NPC. Probably more complicated than necessary, as seen by your solution, but it works. There's time for cleanup later. LOL
I'm designing a quest where one way of going through it is to loot armor from a chest, then bring it to another actor/NPC outside and have them equip it. I have a stage set up for the looting of the chest but I have no idea what I am doing here. I cannot find anything on making a quest advance stages through looting or making sure multiple things are in the player's inventory. How can I make it so that once I have looted 3 pieces of armor from a chest (cuirass, gloves, boots respectively, all with aliases and their own IDs), the quest will advance? On a side note, the other option is to kill 4 people in the dungeon. As a bonus question, how could I ensure that once the 4 actors/aliases are dead, the quest advances in stage? I find myself constantly creating new scripts trying to think of how to do it, I probably have like 10 empty scripts right now... I don't want to clutter up my scripts bank - I'd like to get it right, I just cannot for the life of me figure out how. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
Thank you very much. I actually fixed it in a way very similar to how you described. The only difference is I put the enemies in a form list and enabled that instead of an xmarker or enabling every enemy individually. Thanks, though! Now I know what to do for future reference when I make more dungeons for my new land mod later.
I am building a dungeon for my first mod of new quests. It's working fantastically but the problem is one of the enemies in the cave will aggro even though they are quite far away and from behind a closed door. If I stand right against the closed door, the enemy will aggro me, and if the enemy in the opening room attacks me, the other tries to help. I've tried messing with aggression and aggro radius changes but the enemy will either not aggro at all or still aggro from far away, even if the radius is at 1. How can I make a dungeon 'encounter rooms' rather than having every enemy notice and try to kill me the moment I walk in? I see trigger boxes are a common way to do this in Fallout 4's CK, but those 'fight only within this area' boxes are specially made for Fo4. Is there a way to perhaps copy what's going on and implement it in skyrim? Perhaps either a trigger that changes NPCs within it to change relationship with player to 'Enemy' or I could disable the enemies from the start and trigger their enabling after reaching the trigger zone. How could I accomplish this? Thanks for any help!
Hey guys. I'm working on a couple different mods. One of them though, will involve scripting and quests which I am not too familiar with. So, I thought I'd practice by recreating some of the more memorable quests in Oblivion and Morrowind that take themselves less seriously. Techincally Skyrim has infinite quests but they're all dungeon diving, radiant quests. You get tired after the 12th run through Redoran's Retreat. Also, why does every quest involve violence? Some of the most interesting quests in older ES games involved pilgrimages, getting people to like you, and just plain interacting with citizens - quests that are rare in Skyrim. Would there be interest in a mod or series of mods that aims to bring these types of wackier and/or more interactive quests to Skyrim?
You can set up an AI package that is set to roam outside within the borders of Whiterun during x hours, then set up another generic sanbox 1024 package inside the Bannered Mare for nighttime. Just remember the clock is weird. He won't be roaming Whiterun from 8am to 4pm - it's 800 to 1600. At least I'm pretty sure the clocks in AI packages worked like that - they seem to everywhere else in the CK. Just look for a generic sanbox1024 or 512 package, which defines the area they can sandbox. Place one for Whiterun and one for Bannered Mare.
Thank you for your advice! The noise tool really works. I set everything to fairly low numbers like 100-200 and Octaves to 3 or 4. Really helped to make the landcape look better! I also made the mountain region a fair bit smaller but kept the height. I'll probably make them look better toward the end. Right now, I think I want to map out where the main landmarks will be and then build them, then design the rest of the world around that! It's still a fairly flat land but not nearly as flat and lifeless as it was this morning and I can edit it as I go along.
Hey, guys. I am trying to embark on a New Land mod and started by making a heightmap of the world. It works just fine but I feel like it looks very unnatural. I tried my best to make the land hilly yet smooth, like actual ground, but it's quite difficult to do so in the heightmap editor without making plots of land that are flat and wide and unnatural looking. It would be good to note now that my land is around 10x10 cells, slightly smaller. I also recently tried my hand at making a custom world in L3DT and importing it to the CK. It works but because of the differences between the way L3dt's heightmaps work and the way the CK works, I have the same issues. What looks like nice smooth bumps and hills and decent mountain borders in L3DT looks rather flat - the mountains look like the hills I want and the central land is mostly flat save for some very minor, nearly unnoticeable variation in altitude, in the CK. I was wondering if I should just keep trying my hand with heightmaps or if I should start from scratch and build the world as I go along. Any tips on how to see my world as it's final product and not the blank looking, unnatural canvas it is right now? It will be a larger mod than anything else I've designed, but no bigger than say maybe 3 towns, some dungeons, and a city - MAYBE 2 if I feel extremely ambitious but I doubt it; my mod purpose really only calls for one city. Would it be feasible to just build it as I went along?
Hey guys. I am making a small overhaul mod for myself and decided to tackle starter active effects. My first thing was with Khajits, where I want prices to be 10% better with Khajit merchants, but 10% worse with all other merchants, showing how cruel Skyrim's people are to outsiders. So, I made 2 Perks - one for the better prices and one for the worse prices. I said that for the better prices, the Player must == GetIsRace Khajiit 1.00, and so must the Target (Inside the Entry Points). For the worse prices, the Player must == GetIsRace KhajitRace and the Targets must != GetIsRace KhajiitRace 1.00 Then I made 2 Magic Effects, again one for the better prices and one for the worse prices. I didn't do anything to these except change 'Perk to Apply' from NONE to zzzKhajitPriceSAMERACE/OTHERRACE respectively. There isn't even a changed Assoc. Item. Just 'Value and Parts' and 'Constant Effect'. I also made sure that these effects would show up in the menu as an orb, like how you see in active effects. The animated magic orb that shows what the spell/effect looks like. Finally, I made the Ability. I added these 2 things and, for good measure, went into the two effects and again made sure PL needed to == GetIsPlayer Khajit 1.00. I did not change magnitudes or anything. NOW, I only tried it once in the Riverwood Trader switching from Nord to Khajiit and checking the price of a health potion. The effect doesn't show up in the Active Effects and, while the price does raise when I talk to a non-Khajit merchant like Lucan, it only raises 1 Septim. The regular price is 52 septims, so it should've raised to around 57-60, not just 53. So, what might be going on here? Should the 'GetIsRace' be something other than 'Target'? Should I add a condition to make sure the target is a merchant as well? Why might it not be showing up in the menu or taking effect?
Exporting FaceGen Makes Opening Sequence Not Work
BeastlyBeast replied to BeastlyBeast's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Oh my. No I didn't do that. Did not know I needed to. However, I fixed (most of) it with a Opening Scene Cart hotfix. Appearantly it happens when you run lots of mods during the opening sequence, since it's so scripted. Now, the cart's fine, but Hadvar's Horse dies before the start of the scene. LOL! -
In the CK, I activated Skyrim.esm, and the esp for the Opening Scene Overhaul, and made a small extension-mod that changed the appearances of Hadvar and Lokir to better fit their new voices. When I activated my new mod, the faces were grey, but everything was fine. The second I exported FaceGen data, though, I had problems similar to when VSync is off or the Havok system wasn't working. Horses were detached from their carts, people were getting hit and dying, and my character was shaking around in the cart. I deleted my mod, and they're grey again! Now I'm kinda scared to revert the FaceGen data back to what it was in the base game, for fear the physics will get screwed again. Any idea what might be causing this? I altered no scripts. I literally just changed their appearance and used Ctrl+F4 to export the characters' facegen datas. How could I make this mod work without breaking the physics?
Is there a mod that rebalances armor or weapon values? I have Immersive Armors and Weapons, and they are amazing mods, but sometimes the armor/damage value can be ridiculous (i.e an Orcish Scmitar will deal 12 more damage than an Orchish Sword for some unknown reason [not a real example, but a hypothetical example - basically, damage and armor values are a bit off]) Is there a mod or java patcher thing I could use that would revamp the values?
Hey guys. I accidentally downloaded High Level Enemies without looking to see that it is effectively discontinued, out of date, and isn't work on anymore. I definitely noticed a huge spike in enemy damage, so bad I needed to drop to Apprentice difficulty just to give myself a chance! I uninstalled the mod and started a fresh character, but the damage still feels like too much. 2 swings on Master just obliterate me. Is there a way to check the damage I'm being dealt, or alter it, so that it's better again? Thank you! I just hope I don't need to reinstall just to fix something as menial as damage! LOL
I knew some of this. :smile: COC is a lifesaver, probably saves me hours of intros every time I test my mod. I probably should disable other mods, but for whatever reason, it never crossed my mind to do it. LOL. Anyways, another little progress report, I made whelp guards for Whiterun with no helmet and no shield. They just have the outfit and sword. I decided to make a 'specific' whelp that would follow a guard around the whiterun Day patrol. Turns out, it actually works! My level 10 shieldless, helmetless whelp actually follows his/her linked guard around the city on patrol until 7 when she goes to the barracks! So glad to see this coming together, especially when 2 days ago I felt this would be nearly impossible! I only have a few knights and 1 single whelp in or around whiterun, but I already sense a greater feeling of immersion - like this stuff shouldve been in the game long before. :D So far, going very well. As for whiterun, I now just want to add some more whelps and make some archers for the outside. I also have a more specific checklist: 1) Add more whelps, and specifically add a whelp to the guard that patrols the road leading to the meadery during the day 2) Change the 2 guards outside of whiterun (the one that talks to you and tells you you can't enter Whiterun) into knights 3) Add archers into the towers right outside of whiterun 4) Add packages to the new guards that make them more realistic - whelps and archers practice at Jorrvaskr's 'backyard', knights and whelps have day and night shifts like other guards, etc... 5) Long term goal: Make knights and whelps usable during the civil war. Right now I am just going to apply the disableduringcwsiege script to all the templates. This may even produce the issue of making the civil war only completable at like level 35 at the least, because the knights are level either level 40, 45, or 50 I cant remember. Basically, if this would be done and you'd try to fight the civil war at level 10, you're gonna have a really bad time. LOL Once the short-term goals of the checklist are complete, I think I'll be able to move on to other cities! Not too shabby for a week's work (humble gloat).
Continuation of my issues and possibly it's resolution - I decided to try and follow the way Skyrim does it as closely as possible. After looking deeper into it, I found that the guard that stands in front of the gate has a travel package to the post, is linked in the game world to the post, and also has a package that tells him to sleep. I created a base knight, without worrying about any hierarchy in the CK. I added a custom travelto package for the marker, linked the knight to it as well, and placed him directly on the marker. Started up the game, and he wasn't there. I shut the game down and adjusted my load order. I had remembered that another mod much lower in my load order never worked. So, I placed the .esp right above skyui... the knight finally appears and takes me to jail when i hit him or commit a crime! It pisses me off this was likely all a load order issue from the beginning, but I'm gonna mess around some more and hopefully this was the only culprit and issue I run into.
I thought I understood what you wrote - I really do think I get it. But, when I tried this, I was met with nothing but problems. I made a lvl list, a lvl actor, and then skipped the template and just made specific guards. I placed an xmarkerheading and renamed it, then created a useidlemarker ai package to try and get a knight to just simply sit at one spot. First off, the 3d model it used was a huge dragon, which I needed to switch. I didnt know where the transparent M Marker was, so I just chose a skeleton. I made multiple types of knights with different looks and voices and placed them in the Lvl List, made a Lvl Knight actor who basically fufilled the template role as well, then made the 'specific' knight with the ai package mentioned earlier, as well as the disable during CW script. I started up the game and nothing was there. OK, i thought, maybe the disable during CW script was the issue... i delete the script and retry - nope. Nothing spawns there, even though I have both the xmarkerheading and guard placed in the world with the reference for the ai script being that xmarkerheading. I genuinely don't know what's going on... why won't it spawn any guard even when everything's connected and placed? EDIT: Restarting. CK crashed (SURPRISE THERE...) and I was fairly certain I screwed stuff up. However, I looked at one of the markers for whiterun guards and it seems the M Marker is suspended in the air, not directly on the post, and it seems the patrol spot is linked to the guard... Should I actually just build a knight and just simply link him to the marker? If I'd do that, then how would I go about AI packages, where he'd only patrol for a few hours then go sleep?
Hey, guys. I am starting to work on a guard overhaul mod, but I quickly realized, guards are extremely hard to mess with. When I find a guard actor (one of many who all do virtually the same thing), I just go deeper and deeper into a rabbit hole of templates and bases that I can't figure out nor want to mess with for fear of messing up the game irreversibly. So, I decided to just start creating new Actors. Basically the gist of my mod is: Why is it that when you go into any city, the guards are exactly the same. There are few females, they're all dressed in the exact same outfit, no matter what. Some mods will allow for open-faced or open-eyed helmets, which can add some individuality and break up some of the monotony of the guards. But, I want to take it a step further. Why are all the guards capable of the exact same thing? Sword+shield and archery training - and they're all really good at it too! You're going to tell me every single guard has the exact same amazing capabilities as all the others? There's no super-experienced guards or knights, no whelps in training? No guards JUST experienced in sword handling or JUST archery? What about even a hierarchy? I refuse to believe that in a real-life situation, the guards protecting the life of Jarl Bulgruff - a huge target of virtually half of Skyrim - would have no better training, experience, or armor/weapons than the guard patrolling Pelagia Farms. My mod aims to simply vary the types of guards you see with 3 specific additions. Whelps - Newer Guards. Lower leveled, less experienced, nobly giving up every other life they could have to try and protect their city. In a siege on the city, these guys would probably be the easiest to take out, but their zeal and valor is unparalleled! Helmetless and only wielding a sword and shield with no archery capabilities, it's easy to pick these guys out of the crowd of guards. Would most likely travel WITH a more experienced (vanilla) guard on patrols. Knights - Guards in Steel Plate armor (possibly with the seal of the city branded on itself if I can get into texturing models). MUCH higher leveled - 45-50 - wielding a Greatsword and the power to strike immense fear in anyone who dares to try anything funny. These guards would be stationed right at the gates of the city and CERTAINLY near the city's Jarl, in or right outside their palace. Archers - Archers need no explanation. They would be stationed on top of bridges, castle walls, and outposts. These guards would be close in level to vanilla guards, but would only be experienced in archery. If they do carry a melee weapon, they're going to be absolutely terrible with it. That's what I plan to add with my WIP, hopefully finishable, Diverse Guards Overhaul mod. Hope you like the idea and wish me luck in making it work!
Hello, guys. I am not sure why this would be happening, and running the game as admiistrator doesnt help. I've tried this in both steam and skse, but it still does this. I have the game set to fullscreen, but the actual game window only takes up about a quarter of my screen. Again, I am NOT in windowed mode, I am in fullscreen mode, the problem is my game screen doesnt take up the full screen. Any help is appreciated. What sucks is I had this problem before, can't remember how I fixed it. ugh! Thanks so much.
Hey, guys. I have been looking for mods that make Skyrim feel like Dark Souls for a while, and I believe I have found the issue with why so many 'Dark Souls mods' don't emulate Dark Souls so well - Slower animations. Dark souls relies very heavily on timing, and with that comes slower walking, running and attacking animations. When a monster attack you in Dark Souls, you can't just put your shield up, bask the enemy, then hit him 20 times and repeat. Dark Souls requires you to think and time your every movement... this is what Skyrim has yet to do. So, I was wondering if there was a mod out there, or a modder willing to design a mod where animations, primarily attack animations, were slower. I think that if this mod was made, a Dark Souls-esque experience would be much more possible. Thanks!
Most important question that people seem to be avoiding... did you create a brand new save? If you uninstall mods, especially mods that add and change things, in the middle of a current playthrough, you're gonna have a bad time.
Okay... Sorry for the third reply to the topic, but I just want to updaye what is wrong. I believe I have REALLY zeroed in on our issue. I don't know if this is 100% it, as I don't know how it would cause the dragons to spawn, but the visual problem seems to be caused by IMAGINATOR. My most recent save from when I hadn't changed the Imaginator settings did not have the issue at all, while my earliest saves that DID have imaginator effects DID have the brightness/bloom issue. My only concern about whether or not its the sole issue is it's not resolved even when I revert the imaginator settings back to default. But, I believe it's still part of the culprit here. :)
Ok, I did a bit more troubleshooting. It seems that the glitch is directly related to my particular playthrough. I typed coc eastempirewarehousestart at the very main menu without making a character and I didn't get this issue. But, I played my character and did the same thing... he DOES have the issue. I dont know how helpful this is, but at least I can say we may have narrowed down the problem a little bit. :smile: EDIT: After MORE troubleshooting, it seems to not be related to the quest, as the issue comes with an earlier save of my main character. However, only the visual problem comes, there doesnt seem to be any dragon spawns. Could the dragon spawns be related to the quest? Thank you. Hopefully I have helped make it easier to zero in on the issue. Worse comes to worst, I just revery to my oldest save that doesnt have the problem and play from there. Hopefully it doesnt get to that point, but IDK. Even if it doesnt, I'd love to know whats causing it. TY again
Hey guys. I have a very peculiar problem. I started the Thieves Guild Quest that involves me following someone into the east empire warehouse. My game looks totally fine all the way up until I get into the place. Once I enter, the area looks very bright and has high bloom. On top of that, dragons spawn inside and clip through the walls while flying around... this only happens at that specific area and when I leave, it reverts back to normal. By this I mean, when i head back into the docks where the ships are, the screen loses its brightness and bloominess. This doesn't fix the problem in the warehouse, however. If I reenter it, the problem continues. I just deleted a few saves to see if it comes again, but I am not sure why it happened. I do not believe its my specs at all though. Its most likely my mods. Here they are: Skyrim Update SPIKE ClimatesOfTamriel AOS SMIM DeadBodyCollision Dual Sheath Redux Footprints SkyUI Combat Drama Overhaul iHud TK Dodge AMB Glass Variants hothtrooper44 Armor Compilation Immersive Weapons Civil War Overhaul Grass On Steroids Enhanced Blood Main amidianborn Skyforge Weapons Realistic Runnig Speed Deadly Combat Deadly Combat GiantAIFix Beards UFO Realistic Ragdoll Force Deadly Combat ASIS patch Dual Sheath Redux Patch Climates of Tamriel - Dungeons Hazardous Interiors Cold Nights Level 5 AOS CoT 3.1 compatibility patch zzzSXP Alternate Start TradeBarter WetandCold CheskoFrostfall RealisticNeedsAndDiseases Hunterborn Hunterborn Frostfall Patch Hunterborn RND patch Asis Dependency IMAGINATOR ASIS tow_Conversation
Okay, I made a new blank script to set the gold to 0... it's blank at the moment, but I can add properties to it. However, when I go to add a miscobject named Gold001, I just get this compile error: Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "AAAalternateStartWealthScript0"... C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\AAAalternateStartWealthScript0.psc(2,0): missing SCRIPTNAME at 'MiscObject' C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\AAAalternateStartWealthScript0.psc(2,11): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'Property' C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\AAAalternateStartWealthScript0.psc(2,35): mismatched input '\\r\\n' expecting STATE C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\AAAalternateStartWealthScript0.psc(0,0): filename does not match script name: miscobject No output generated for AAAalternateStartWealthScript0, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on AAAalternateStartWealthScript0 What's happening here? TY.
Ok, I have no trouble getting the actual dialogue to work. I just have an issue with the script. I am trying to set my gold amount to something specific and this is the script I input: int CurrentGoldAmount = Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(Gold001) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(Gold001, CurrentGoldAmount) Utility.Wait(0.01) Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Gold001, 2000)I just get a compile failure and I can't add properties. I was told that I need to make gold001 a property, though. What am I doing wrong?