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Everything posted by BeastlyBeast

  1. Get these three mods altogether Intense Difficulty by Plutoman101 PISE by Plutoman101 Deadly Dragons by 3jiou
  2. I played Oblivion. It was fun, but the leveling was too easy and fast for me. I leveled up like three times just cuz I went on a small crime spree in Imperial City. Guards were very easy to kill, and citizens were even easier. The only time I ran into trouble playing Oblivion was when I met some Elven Guards, and tried to kill one to take the better armor. THOSE were pretty hard. But, other than that, Oblivion was not much of a challenge for me. Granted, I played it on XBOX, not PC, so I didn't have the vast selection of mods at my fingertips, but still. Vanilla Oblivion was kinda stale to me, and just too easy. Skyrim on the other hand... Guards actually live up to their title of 'Guard.' They attack in groups, and killing just one is a pretty big accomplishment. Creatures are pretty decent in difficulty, too. You're not going to run into TOO much trouble with pesky wolves, but look out if you see a bear in Skyrim. Those'll tear you to pieces if you're not careful. I think bears are just a bit weaker than Giants. Giant's are HARD. Killing one is a freaking awesome achievement! You gotta go in really prepared if you want to fight a Giant. I'm talking poison and paralysis, a follower in the best gear you can give it, and all that good stuff. I like Skyrim a little more than Oblivion because it has that difficulty aspect that Oblivion didn't have at all. I can satisfyingly kill a guard, or a bear, or two giants, without thinking about how little of a challenge it was... because it WAS challenging. Then, you got the mods for Skyrim which make it look better, feel better, add more stuff, and a million other things. I'm not going to say Skyrim is the best game. That has yet to come. But, Skyrim certainly isn't as stale as others seem to say it is.
  3. You get that one thing, the other thing and your walnuts, but the walnuts went bad by the time they got to you, and the two 'things' were brought to you in terrible condition. I wish doctors could make up their minds about what's good for you and what's bad for you. It's always changing. LOL.
  4. I'll try that. I always erase my saves before messing around with the mod again, but next time, I'll try deactivating and reactivating the mod.
  5. Does anyone know what these problems might be? I think it's either a linked reference probem, or a navmesh problem. It can't be a door problem because my follower isn't the only npc hat teleports.
  6. Hey, guys. I was messing around with navmeshing, and realized I'm terrible at it. LOL. So, A navmesher is still a very much needed job, and if you're experienced with navmeshing, and would like to help, plz do not hesitate to comment or send me a PM. :) Also, I noticed a very strange glitch with my inn. If I take my follower outside, he walks outside just fine. But, then when I want him to go back in, he goes back in, but he doesn't appear right at the front door. He appears inside of a 'rentable' room, along with two other people with more than one linked reference. Is there any reason why that could be happening? There are no coc or door markers inside the room they appear in. The room is empty of anything that would make them teleport, or even walk there. I can't tel what kind of glitch it is, so if anyone can help me, it would be much appreciated. TTYL, and more pictures will soon be posted either tomorrow, or the next day.
  7. I think adoption would be cool, and also, in the '2 creative weeks' thing todd howard showed us, they made it, so it's possible to do it.
  8. LOL yeah. I might do that. But, it just depends. BTW, do I need to navmesh the world cell? As in just the exterior part? Because I went outside with my follower, and I ran far away to see if she'd follow me, and she didn't until I came back closer to her. She does follow me, like, to the blacksmith and back to the inn and such, but she doesn't follow me all around the world. Do I need to place navmesh, or paths even? I know there are objects that look like paths. IDC what I need to do. As long as my follower follows me where I go, I'm happy. LOL
  9. Does anyone know where to find a mod that adds summonable mounts?
  10. Dang, IDK what to say. These were nusiance, but I always had a fix for em. Maybe you'll just need to wait till they come out with a fix. :/ Or, maybe you'll luck out and find a fix that works for you. IDK, though, cuz that's weird that these problems have no fix for you.
  11. I'm a really nice person, but if I had GTA, the first thing I'd do is steal a car and shoot the previous driver, and then drive on the sidewalk, hoping to run over people. Then, I'd send the police attacking me to the hospital. :P Okay, maybe not that. I'd probably never pick up GTA, but... In WoW I played Horde chars b4 I played Alliance chars. In Oblivion, I stole and murdered my way through the game. In Fable, if someone made me mad, I'd kill him. You can be nice, and enjoy causing mayhem and destruction in a game. It's just a game. People involved in psychological studies can say that you act out what you play, and that's bad if you enjoy violent games, but I've never seen a guy murdered in cold blood by a guy wearing steel armor, holding a greatsword...
  12. I get these, too and I think everyone else does, as well. We just gotta live with them until Bethesda fixes them, which will likely be never, or when Skyrim isn't a big deal anymore. :/ If you have the camera thing, click on an object in your render window. Black ground texture can be fixed by painting over it with another texture. I don;t think I get the third problem. However, I do occasionally have this weird glitch where if I click on an exterior cell, like a world space, The large objects like houses will be invisible. If this is your problem, just click on another cell far away from the cell you're working on, and then go back to the original cell. Hope that comes across good. LOL
  13. You need to -SPOILER- Kill the dragon at the tower first, and then go back to whiterun. -END SPOILER- If you did that already, then IDK what to tell you. I just want to make sure u did all the right things that you need to do prior to it happening.
  14. Go for it! My first char was a spellsword. Scimitar in one hand, destruction spell in the other. My next char was a barbarian Orc. Batleaxe only. My third character was a Ranger of some sorts. He was experienced with sneaking and dual daggers, but he had a bow with him too. Great for hunting. You have to mix it up a bit, or the combat will get repetitive. And, my proof that that statement is true is: I'm still not bored, and I've beaten the Thieves Guild questline, the Main questine, the war questline twice, and the DB questine. I probably WOULD'VE been bored had I done ALL that with solely one character doing only one thing. But, I mixed it up, and tried pretty much every character type available except for mage, sword-and-shield, Archer, Unarmed and probably many others. Also, I've only tried the game on the first three difficulty levels. I still got expert and master to go. Versatility is what keeps me going, and it's sure to be what keeps everyone else going. Don't fight the urge to change it up, or you'll wind up being one of those guys who thinks every game that lets you 'be who you want' is dull. :P
  15. I posted on a youtube video that I was a guy, but if I got 30 likes Id play the storyline as an old lady. I got more than 30. LOL. I have yet to do it, but still, who's to say I won't? I think that most people just play guys, because it seems more realistic. I mean, when you think of a male warrior, what do you think of? Muscular, tough, ready to bash in your face, mean, good with a weapon, and all these things that you don't think of when you imagine a female warrior. I mean come on! A large muscular woman with a battleaxe and a horned helmet? The only women you can imagine doing that are female bodybuilders, IMO. Cuz, they're pretty much the only women on the earth who intend to get strong and muscular, instead of skinny.
  16. Well, I think it's pretty good. It could be more vast, but just a little more. With the vanilla killmoves, 1.5 killmoves, and the extra killmoves added through the countless killmove mods on the nexus, it adds those. We have been shown possible mounted combat, and possible crossbows. That'll add more. And, then for the people talking about combat difficulty being too easy, we got Deadly Dragons, PISE, and many others. All in all, combat is SLIGHTLY stale with vanilla skyrim, and all the mods and patches released fix that slight staleness. Also, when it comes to people saying it looks like you're not hitting people, and it's just hack and slash; turn to third person, and use a spell or two. I have a feeling that the people who say the combat isn't as good as it 'should' be are the guys who play solely melee characters in first-person only. It's seems stale because you're doing the same repetitive swinging of the sword all day, and you're not shooting a fireball or healing your follower. Skyrim's combat is only vast and lively if you make it vast and lively. It's not going to make your mouth drop every time. No game's combat will.
  17. It'd take forever. Think about this for a second: Every quest that gives you money in the end will need to be revamped to accomodate the new currency... Do you know how many quests give you money??? Probably most of them. I think Bethesda said somewhere around 300 quests in Skyrim. So, let's say 270 give you money. You would need to edit the scripting of 270 quests, to give you g/s/c instead of gold coins... Yeah, no. :P
  18. LOL, no. It's actually Goldshire. And, it STILL isn't done yet. But, I tackled down most of what I need to do for this. All I need to do is implement the trainers, add a stablemaster and a spell that summons a mount (may do the spell later), and make the innkeeper give me a room. But, I'm a little scared. . . If it took me three plus days to do the teeny tiny town of Goldshire, how long is it gonna take me to do the giant city of Stormwind!!!??? But, either way, it'll get done. I'm contemplating whether I should add the animals and wilderness right after I'm done with the town, or wait until I'm completely/nearly done with the world. Any ideas? LOL. I'll give ya one thing, though. Worldbuilding is a lot more fun than I thought it would be. Once I figured out how to make a large span of flat land, it came pretty easy. :) I think to save some time and get more done I'm going to work on the paths to Westfall, Duskwood and the Burning Steppes first, before working on getting to Stormwind. For the sake of getting the most done in the littlest amount of time. :)
  19. IMAGES! FINALLY! This is just a small taste of what I accomplished in just a few days. I'll upload more, but right now, I can't. I've been working on the mod itself for hours. But, here's a taste of the followers. Even a combat photo! http://www.weebly.com/uploads/3/4/4/2/3442274/6670920_orig.jpg The first four followers (possible group members) you meet. http://www.weebly.com/uploads/3/4/4/2/3442274/8216941_orig.jpg The Spellsword is under attack by the evil orcs of Orgrimmar!
  20. I think randomization is the way to go. :/ I'm doing the same thing as you (making a mod with a separate world cell). It's hard. I'm not even done with the first tenth of the first percent, and I've spent three days on it already. LOL
  21. There's only one answer... Dragons don't like you... I mean they really don't like you. :ohdear: :P It's probably something with Deadly dragons. More spawns DOES = Harder, so I wouldn't be surprised if extra spawns was something that DD added, regardless of your set frequency.
  22. I was worried about copyright infringement, when it came to distributing this mod, so I looked around to see what their 'ruling' was on it. I found these directly from the Blizzard website: "Can I do a total conversion of your games? Yes. We've seen some very polished and fun conversions for our games, and have no problems with total conversions so long as they are for personal use and do not infringe our End User License Agreement included in our games, nor the rights of any other parties including copyrights, trademarks or other rights." "Can I make add-ons or expansions for Blizzard Entertainment games?... We do not allow add-ons or expansions for Diablo. You may make and distribute StarCraft and Warcraft maps and campaigns that you have created yourself, so long as it is for personal, non- commercial purposes. Any such maps or campaigns would also be subject to the other terms outlined in our End User License Agreements included with those products." Does this mean that it is safe to release my idea as a silly, free, replica of the World of Warcraft, or does this mean something else? Reason I'm asking is because I also see this: "Can I get authorization to do an expansion pack, novel, screenplay, theatrical production, or other adaptation based on your games? Unfortunately, Blizzard Entertainment® cannot accept unsolicited ideas or submissions. As a result, we will not be able to review or authorize any submissions related to expansions, novels, screenplays, productions or other adaptations." I don't know if my mod, and all pictures associated with it, would be considered an 'other adaptation,' or a 'total conversion.' I'm not good with legal terms, so someone will need to help me out here. :rolleyes: TY.
  23. Hey, guys. For 3 days, I messed around with making a new world, and I think I did fairly decent. :) Pictures will be posted soon. I have nearly finished Goldshire, which is the second place that 'Humans' will find while playing WoW. It has a working Blacksmith, an innkeeper (not yet working), a barkeep (not yet working), and some followers (people looking for a group). a I'm only wondering one thing: I used the actual names of the WoW NPCs, Does that violate copyright laws for WoW, or am I safe to upload pictures and files like that? If not, then I'll just change the NPC names to generic names like 'Innkeeper', and 'Goldshire Blacksmith', but, please let me know, either way. TY. Again, pics will be uploaded soon. Cya!
  24. I think there's always going to be water. You can raise the land pretty high, and then use 'flatten vertices' to flatten the land. That'd get you off to a nice start. Build on some flat land for a bit, and then work your way up to building slopes, and such. It's actually not as hard as people make it out to be (or as hard as I made it out to be in my first post. :P) It can actually even be fun... but, it's a learning process. I gotta learn slopes pretty soon, with what I'm doing, so I'm going to learn everything about them as quickly as I can. LOL.
  25. It'l just be a nice little addition to the franchise. People love the single player game. They're sure to play the multiplayer side of it. If they charge top dollar to play it through a monthly fee, however, then I'd imagine less will want it. It should be 'buy, and play'. Not 'buy, and play while continuously streaming a never ending purchase.' They already make enough off of the single player games. I'll bet there are still people buying it TODAY! Heck, I saw a video on youtube of a guy who has 3 sets of skyrim, one for each game system (XB,PS,PC) Thats 180 dollars off of 1 person. They don't need another billion dollars just cause they released another popular online game, like someone does at least once every 3-5 years.
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