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Everything posted by Gwanuneg

  1. Tobjoern, a huge thank you for your congratulations! Me so was pleasant to read his! Thank you!
  2. What's on your mind?
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tobjoern


      -btw. you can activate/deactivate notifications about status updates of your friends under *My settings* - *Notification options* ^^
    3. Gwanuneg


      Oh, thank you for your answer and explanation! Now I understand why. But I have no such news, which might be of interest to you, my friends :)
    4. Gwanuneg


      Oh, thank you for your answer and explanation! Now I understand why. But I have no such news, which might be of interest to you, my friends :)
  3. What's on your mind?
    1. Tobjoern


      ...ahm, not much at the moment!? ^^
    2. Gwanuneg


      Tob, "not much" - it's not so little! ;) :)
    3. Gwanuneg


      Tob, "not much" - it's not so little! ;) :)
  4. What's on your mind?
  5. papp263, thank you very much! ^_^
  6. Thank papp263, thank you very much!

    I am very glad that you consider me worthy of your friendship.

  7. OHTeheavy4 - That's the name of the armor that you liked. If you do not find it, I can send the file. Sincerely, Gwanuneg
  8. What's on your mind?
    1. Kasz94


      Could you send me the file of the armor? I have looked but i cannot find it!

      Thanks in advance!

    2. Gwanuneg


      Sorry, tell me how you send a file?

      Unfortunately, I do not know how to do it here on the forum.

      Or via any file sharing?


    3. Gwanuneg


      Sorry, tell me how you send a file?

      Unfortunately, I do not know how to do it here on the forum.

      Or via any file sharing?


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