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Posts posted by QaxeIsKaze

  1. Hi. I've got several world-spaces in my mod. Playing in them is great, but when leaving, and going to a standard game location, I've heard 1 or 2 people say they have seen floating gravel/rocks and/or grass... above the ground, in dungeons, etc. I want to fix this.


    I read somewhere that turning my mod into an .esm will cure this, but I prefer not to go that direction. Does anyone know the proper method to prevent landscaping from my custom world-spaces from appearing in the base game locations?


    EDIT: More info -- I already have this in my .ini files (Skyrim, SkryimPrefs, SkyrimEditor)

    • bAllowLoadGrass=0
    • bAllowCreateGrass=1
  2. After adding a new world-space to my mod, in the vicinity of Fallowstone Cave and Giant's Grove locations, suddenly a mountain appears inside of Fallowstone Cave.


    Creation Kit: Looking from inside the CK, I see nothing special in Fallowstone Cave. No mountain. Furthermore, I never edited this world-space.


    TES5Edit: Using the console in-game, I got the mountain's ref. ID #, and tracked it down in TES5Edit, but it is listed in my world-space, not Fallowstone Cave worldspace.


    My world space is original, not copied from another.

    World map offset data:

    x 50, y -19.3, z 2.5, map scale 1


    Fallowstone world space map offset data

    x 46.7, y -21.4, z 3, map scale .0001


    Changing my map offset data doesn't move the mountain.


    Basically, I need a way to find this mountain in either the CK or TES5Edit and delete it from Fallowstone without having to remove it from my world.


    Thanks for any help you can offer.

  3. Thanks for replying. Good point on specifics, I think the trouble is that people don't know more than "It's slow" and expect that I might have a better idea what's causing it.


    As far as scripts go, I have around 360 scripts, but the majority are quest related (including the dialogue type). I don't have any scripts that turn the sky purple and cause it to rain cheese when the player arrives or anything. In the town world-space there isn't much going on with trigger boxes either. One or 2.


    By configuration suggestions, what do you mean? Like an MCM function to turn off certain things? There really isn't much to turn off.


    I think there isn't much to be done, I just wanted to post this in case I had missed something, which is always possible. "Did you push the optimization button under the blah-blah-thingy menu?" "Why no, I didn't know there was a blah-blah-thingy menu."


    Thanks for the ideas.

  4. Hi. My mod is Icicle Valley. There are several small world-spaces in the mod, and the mod is rather big. When inside the main town, people say that the game is "slow". I cannot be more specific, but perhaps they mean that it lags or turning their character's head is jittery. The world spaces range in size from a Fallowstone world to Skuldafn world size. On the small end really. Lots of clutter, around a dozen npc milling about doing things. Some light fog, nothing major.


    Is there something I can do to optimize my world-space so that it runs more smoothly for people? If I need to provide more information, please feel free to tell me what you need to know so I can help you help me. ;)

  5. Hello.

    I'd like some help with a bit of script. Not sure if a spoiler alert is needed, but just in case I will reference a couple quests here.


    At stage # X in my quest I am trying to have an enemy "teleport in" at a targeted location (xmarker-heading). Let me be clear that I do not want to simply "enable" the enemy in a location with something like Alias_Atronach.GetRef().Enable() I need the enemy to appear to be summoned at a specific stage in my quest.


    The effect should look like the arrival of atronachs at Fellglow Keep or at Shalidor's Maze. I've looked at these examples, and at the Hag's End example too, but alas none of these appear to be triggered by a quest stage.


    I'm hoping this is as simple as adding a bit of script like Alias_SpawnThatBadboyNow.GetRef(BangPowKablooie).pop()


    Thanks in advance.

  6. I came upon this thread because I was also finding this armor in random boss chests, and since I found an answer to the problem on my own I thought I would practice my necromancy skills.


    "Ebony Knight Armor" is a custom armor found in the "Ulath" custom-voiced, male, dunmer follower mod. I was looking for an armor mod I didn't recall downloading, but nope, it came with a follower. The mod leaves out the mesh/texture files apparently. For me, the voice didn't even work, so it was a bummer all the way around.

  7. I have been Googling for half and hour, but I don't appear to ask the right questions. I didn't see the answer in the release notes either.


    I just want to know why there is a Virtual Install. I've used NMM for a few years and I like it just fine. I was reinstalling my game so I got the newest NMM, and one of the first things I noticed was that there appeared to be 2 versions of every mod installed. Another post here assures us that 1 copy is just a shortcut. Not sure if that's true, but it's not my actual question. Could someone explain why we would want virtual install? What purpose does it serve?


    Question #2, I have no idea what the whole profile option is about. Is this for PC with multiple users, or for people with multiple characters... I don't see a purpose for this either.


    Thanks much.

  8. Just checking back on this, and wanted to point out that this "bug" doesn't happen if I am standing in the cell where the corpse is enabled, at the time it is enabled. In my quest 2 corpses appear -- 1 male, 1 female in a timed event. If I am standing in the room when the event happens, they both have their clothes on. If I am outside when the event happens and walk in via the load door, OR coc in with the console, she's naked, he's got clothes on.


    It wouldn't be SO bad, but she's naked and he's not and I didn't want people to think I'm any more of a twisted perv than I actually am. "Don't use that guy's mod, that creepy b*stard has naked dead girls in it."

  9. Hello. I did the quest "Ice Cold" quite a while back, and completed the tasks. Sqs FreeformRiften07 confirms that all relevant stages are cleared, but of course my misc journal reads "Return to Marise". At the time it was completed, I wasn't using any mods nor DLC for that matter.


    USKP doesn't solve the problem. Neither did the command SetObjectiveCompleted 20 1 (etc.) I did try resetting the quest, but to no avail.


    Does anyone know another way to fix this?

  10. Hi. I have a quest in which several npc have been murdered. When the player arrives on-scene, the male corpse is fully clothed but the females are not. I need some help fixing the glitch. Here are some details:


    1. I am working on this mod with NO other mods installed on my pc -- not even the DLC are installed. I have tested this on a second pc using mods. Same bug.


    2. Clue: These corpses start the game disabled, and are enabled during the quest. Female corpses, with the identical outfit, which start the game enabled (just dead) are properly clothed.


    3. Clue --> If I am standing in the cell where the corpse is located at the stage she is enabled by the quest, she will be wearing her outfit! If I am outside the cell, and walk in via the load door, she will be naked. Example, in one stage of the quest, 1 female and 1 male corpse appear in a room. If I am standing next to them and set the stage, both M and F appear dressed.


    4. All these npc are located in cells with other living npc. But then, so are the corpses mentioned in #2.


    5. These npc have identical outfits and are in the same faction. I have tried changing the outfit to a default one, but the females still appear undressed (default gold underwear) in game.


    6. The female inventories are untouched, only their clothes are gone.


    7. In the CK, all corpses male and female are clothed.


    Edit: I have failed in my attempt to force the female corpse to wear clothes by including a stage when the player enters the cell, using the fragment

    Actor IjiDead = Alias_IjiDead.GetActorRef()
    IjiDead.SetOutfit(Uniform) Only seems to work for living npc.


    I really need some advice, this is a pretty immersion-shattering occurrence I have to get fixed. These are all mage-students, and their outfits are an important factor in the quest. Thank you for whatever insight you can provide.

  11. Hi again. Ironic indeed! I got a giggle.

    Just wanted to say thanks again for your help. This is one of those "holy crap" quest tools that has a lot of potential...and will see me rewriting at least 1 quest. lol


    Trigger boxes have been my mainstay for sure. I used trigger boxes and such when I was working on Winterhold Rebuild. Because I couldn't figure out the time-passing thing, I sent the player away on errands so that houses could be enabled, without appearing to just "poof" into existence. But in this particular case, the player is "lord" of a town and I thought a timed event was more fitting. The player isn't required to go anywhere or do anything. The farmer can come to the castle, get permission to build, go away, and come back in a few days to ask for more land to grow crops, etc.


    About the script you shared last, I don't think I've seen the "while" tag before. The "<" here is interesting, because I've only used it in dialog/package conditions. Is the < sign saying "Don't allow BuildStartDay to happen until GameDaysPassed has occured"? Remarkable.


    I'm definitely interested in learning more of this language. Just right now, looking at papyrus is like looking at Spanish for me. I can see a lot of familiar things, but it doesn't mean I get it.

  12. Those actually are my xmarkers, linked to dozens of items. Xmarker named "tools" is connected to all temporary building items, whereas my xmarker named "construction" is linked to all the things that will be enabled forever. "Jama" is the xmarker linked to crap that will be disabled to make room for a new shack.


    Here are my quest stages:




    Stage 10

    Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Gold, 900)

    Stage 20


    Stage 30

    Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Gold, 300)

    Stage 100 (fail quest)





    My script, with aliases listed



    ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment
    Scriptname QF_OstreQ02_021604C1 Extends Quest Hidden

    ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias
    ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Farmer Auto

    ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias
    ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Jama Auto

    ;BEGIN ALIAS PROPERTY Construction
    ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias
    ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Construction Auto

    ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias
    ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Jama2 Auto

    ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias
    ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Tools Auto

    ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias
    ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Cottage Auto

    ;ALIAS PROPERTY TYPE ReferenceAlias
    ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Crops Auto

    ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_2
    Function Fragment_2()
    Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Gold, 300)

    ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_0
    Function Fragment_0()
    Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Gold, 900)

    ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_1
    Function Fragment_1()

    ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_3
    Function Fragment_3()

    ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment

    GlobalVariable Property GameDaysPassed Auto

    GlobalVariable Property BuildStartDay Auto

    MiscObject Property Gold Auto



    There are 2 conversations with the "farmer" npc. 1st, he comes to the "Lord of Icicle Valley" and asks persmission to build in the hold. If the player agrees, the farmer starts building. After a few days he finishes and comes back to the lord to buy a bit more land to plant crops. Each conversation sets a stage with the papyrus frag ending:







    With the exception of the first stage, which includes the code I've just received.






  13. Okay, that did the trick. Thank you. The documentation didn't help at all which is why I came here.


    Thankful for these replies. I am very happy. SOLVED!


    Purely for the sake of knowledge, if anybody has time to explain why this didn't work...


    BuildStartDay.Value = GameDaysPassed.Value + 3


    I did remember to create a new global, and added it to my quest stage, papy. frag. properties (not in the dialog end). But still, something is not telling the quest to go ahead and set stage 20 after that time is up. Basically this just says "Wait 3 days and continue doing nothing about it."


    Thanks again. If nobody has time to explain this, I'm still good because my quest works.

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