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About RoboticManiac

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  1. Got to admit, I hate this policy. The opposite, forcing all relationships into LGBT is permissible, but forcing them into being straight isn't. Yes, sure, support diversity- but allow for the diversity of experience. As much as it is touted that Nexus Mods is not the end all-be all of game modding, for a great many games it is. A solid example would be the games the website is most known for, the Skyrims, Fallouts and Cyberpunks. It's incredibly difficult for a mod from any of these games, again as an example, to gain any bandwidth or following outside of Nexus. Yes, there are mods that buck the trend, but they're rare for a reason. Nexus is a great website with great creators, but it's hampered by a dogmatic and inflexible policy that restricts one's freedom of expression. By merit of these time's great politization of all things, an excellent rule of thumb could be to judge whether or not the opposite of the potentially controversial mod would be permitted to be on the site. Again, as a simple rule of thumb, not an eternal rule- Allowing for the blocking of more disfavorable files and mods. I hope that the powers-that-be would at least consider changing course, rather than just dismissing and throwing out the opinion of anyone who disagrees with them.
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