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About Legend323232

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  1. HEY HEY Fellow gamers very serious question. Had to post because I just thought about this but please anyone, tell your thoughts. So here's the question, I can't help but feel that the modding community is evolving. Look at the trends and the new armor and clothing. Its all got a small touch of the industrial period. What I'm asking is this, could it be possible that as a community we're growing and evolving together and its showing because skyrim looks like its about to move into the steam punk/industrial age? WHICH IS SO FITTING, someone is going to make a mod about the Jarls finally recognizing the use and need for technology in dwemer ruins. Its only a matter of time until markarth adopts dwemer tech and takes over skyrim market place sort of like the steam engine in real life. Still that's not what's fascinating, we modders are doing it ourselves naturally, we are naturally moving Skyrim into a new period a new age. Very similar to 7th century Spain. We humans are fascinating creatures. To naturally evolves an open world game is such a testament to our creation. Im so excited, that means skyrim literally might break off into an entity of its own. It will no longer be a bethesda game, it will be OUR game, with all the graphics, and future tech we can muster. I truly believe skyrim has become a type of Frankenstein. Its alive
  2. HEY HEY Fellow gamers very serious question. Had to post because I just thought about this but please anyone, tell your thoughts. So here's the question, I can't help but feel that the modding community is evolving. Look at the trends and the new armor and clothing. Its all got a small touch of the industrial period. What I'm asking is this, could it be possible that as a community we're growing and evolving together and its showing because skyrim looks like its about to move into the steam punk/industrial age? WHICH IS SO FITTING, someone is going to make a mod about the Jarls finally recognizing the use and need for technology in dwemer ruins. Its only a matter of time until markarth adopts dwemer tech and takes over skyrim market place sort of like the steam engine in real life. Still that's not what's fascinating, we modders are doing it ourselves naturally, we are naturally moving Skyrim into a new period a new age. Very similar to 7th century Spain. We humans are fascinating creatures. To naturally evolves an open world game is such a testament to our creation. Im so excited, that means skyrim literally might break off into an entity of its own. It will no longer be a bethesda game, it will be OUR game, with all the graphics, and future tech we can muster. I truly believe skyrim has become a type of Frankenstein. Its alive
  3. I really would like to figure this out. If i save regularly my fallout 4 or skyrim game won't crash. Say like every 30min or so but if i go long periods without saving my game it will crash, both of the games act the same. Is that the memory block thing or ugrids or something? It makes me angry because sometimes a quest will take a long time in skyrim and it'll crash at the end ofvthe quest. Or in fallout4 i have save 12 times justvto finish building a settlement but the moment i don't save regularly it crashes. Im ABOUT TO GO RAMBO ON MY PC. All I know for sure is that i cant play either fallout 4 or skyrims without frequently saving otherwise they both will crash. Does anyone know why this is happening? And does that possibly mean the every save starts a new memory block? Are there tricks that nodders have discovered to get around this? Maybe two many mods? Im under 250
  4. So I was wondering, can we get a separate section for translated mods? That way If you need a translation you can just go to the "Translated" section and BOOM, there you go. ...Getting tired of seeing chinese flags all over... just saying
  5. Yes i thought i was losing it but if run either Skyrim or FO4 too long with out saving the games crashes. Ive trsted it on multiple playthroughs, for quite some time and always thought its just a freak occurrence but no rest assured. If i save regularly, a well modded playthrough can go without hick up. Bit the moment i play long periods of time without saving both skyrim and fo4 crash on me. Seriously! Look i don't do drugs, and as much as i joke about beong one im not actually a close in. This s#*! is just too wierd man. Someone please tell me im not losing it.
  6. This is ridiculous, i know we're modding but why do the issues that come up have to be so stupid. Its never just hey trun your firewall off or, remove this mod, or something simple. It always has to be track a monkey across aftica, fart on mt. Everest, get punched by mike tyson four times, turn right, restart your computer and notepad being open on your destop was problem all along. Why can i create a character player completely fine, but when i turn off the game and try to load that game it crashes? Edit: it appears I've found papyrus logs, doubt they'll be of help.
  7. This is ridiculous, i know we're modding but why do the issues that come up have to be so stupid. Its never just hey trun your firewall off or, remove this mod, or something simple. It always has to be track a monkey across aftica, fart on mt. Everest, get punched by mike tyson four times, turn right, restart your computer and notepad being open on your destop was the problem the whole time. Im getting too old for this. So here's the issue im starting new games, they work fine, if i turn of my pc game and tymry to load the character ctd. No im not putting up a mod list because there's about 182 plugins, 216 installed mods. And im typing this on my phone. I know modding. All i need to know is; 1.how to fix the string save issue. 2.if a Nvidia gforce 970m is really incompatible with ENB 3. Does anyone have an ACTUAL workable fix for this. 4. Any direct mods that cause the issue in anyones experience. 5. Ini tweaks that help with animations 6. Does nemesis have any incompatibilities known that anyones willing to list. 7. Why does this keep happening just as my weekend begins? Its like fate to blow my time off on fixing this game. Fallout and Sims are acting like jerks as well. Im not trying to be rude, just bypassing the comments that are asked 15 billion times. (Did you verify your game files? No i poured acid on my foot.) ( Did you reinstall your mods? No I stuck a fork in my nose.) (Did you follow the, [insert here] guide, No I voted for kanye.) Professional advise please.
  8. Scratch that, i now have dumb*** written on my forehead. My bad i figured it out the papyrus change in ini id the way to go.thanks gamer family. Btw Boruto is pretty good, for any anime nerds.
  9. Oh come on enough with the jargon, how do i fix it? It cant be that complicated for a moder. If i hit the tilde key the scripts catch up like normal.
  10. Ahhhhhhhhhh texture pack it was the stupid texture pack. I did everything EVERYTHING! nothing worked. It was osmodius texture pack. No offense great mod, BUT NOT IN RIFTEN!
  11. Ladies and Gentlemen after 4 days of work, stress, and self reflection I found the fix. Believe me, depending on your system things will vary. But in a nut shell, We and Bethesda are at war. Bethesda unfortunately is with the new world order agenda. They keep making up dates so they can dwindle down all our resources and have a one world gaming government. but the resistance, for now, is alive and well. I don't want to give the enemy tools to further their terrible nazi agenda, but just so you know there are 30 million plus soldiers on our side fighting the gamer fight. Like Nexus Mod Manager,seems it would be the problem but our fellow gaming warriors constantly come out with updates of their own *AHEM* UPDATES OF THEIR OWN to help make modding a fair and free place where all gamers can go and *AHEM* UPDATE THEIR NEXUS MOD MANAGER!!!! NOT SO MUCH ON THE NEXUS BUT ON NMM's site. Where you can find nmm version 0.64.3. So the evil Bethesda illuminati updates are kept at bay. God Bless all of you, seriously and don't play too much, you'll be giving someone power over your emotions. When you fix it, stop playing the game for a couple days so Bethesda knows your not a tool. POWER TO THE PEOPLE.
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