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Posts posted by Murkrow900

  1. I cannot give you definitive advice on stress testing the game.


    I have never heard about using logs from the .NET Framework to determine why Skyrim crashed. SKSE has an option to create a dump report which may or may not help. Original Skyrim has a mod called Crash Fixes which has a log option as well (I do not know if there is an SSE version of Crash Fixes). Neither one should be taken as a definitive reason why, but they can provide avenues to explore.


    I tried to limit tabbing out of Skyrim. I cannot speak to that. Personally, had no issues with the Steam overlay but then I rarely ever actually used it.


    Going around the open world, TCL should be okay. It is when playing in dungeons that TCL might break things. TCL mode does not allow things like trigger boxes to recognize when the player enters or leaves. Thus those would not do their thing. If you need to TCL cause you fell and got stuck, that is fine. But using it to help zip through a dungeon, bad idea. That said, I would still limit the usage of TCL as much as possible.


    If you think about it in this way: Your system has a finite amount of resources. The game requires a minimum amount of those resources and anything else you run at the same time will take up resources as well. Meaning, not running other programs while playing the game can help keep the game going longer.


    If I were to test a particular system to determine whether the game would crash or not, I would play the game without mods. I would turn god mode on via the console and just run around the open world at regular speed. I wouldn't do any quests unless I was wanting to test something specific that required being at a specific point in a specific quest line. See how long the game can last on that system running at normal speed doing normal things before it starts going bad. I would note that length of time. Add mods and repeat.


    Yes, there are crashes caused by bad meshes and other things which can be fixed. But the game itself will crash at some point simply due to running out of resources. I doubt that they fixed all of the memory management issues when converting to SSE. The goal is not to prevent the game from crashing but learn at what point the game will crash for the system and mod load you have. If that time frame is acceptable, save and restart before reaching that point. If not acceptable, reduce the mod load until that time frame is acceptable.


    I could play the base game all day long without mods and have very little issues if any. As I added mods the playable time reduced. It wasn't a fixed amount per mod either. Some mods have such a small footprint that they hardly made a dent. Others not so much. As I got better computer systems, the number of mods that could be applied to the game before issues arose became greater as well. At no point did I ever throw 250+ mods at the game and hope it would work. I think 150 plugins might have been the highest I ever reached and that might have been giving myself an hour to an hour and a half before needing to exit and restart the game.


    If you see the following things exit and restart the game. They are signs that the system is struggling.

    Textures not showing up at all (i.e. solid color like black or magenta) -- can also be a sign of an improperly assigned texture file, check for that too

    Distant LOD not swapping out as it should. -- ground looks muddy or blotchy in one cell while the one you were in looks fine.

    Mammoths and other things falling from the sky.

    Those are in no way an exhaustive list.



    Keep an eye out for odd things, save often, restart occasionally and have fun playing.


    THANK YOU! Great stuff, really appreciate your take on this.


    HOWEVER! I just ran a really hard hitting stress test and this were the results.


    Is it 100% Frostfall causing my CTD's? I had the game on speedmult 700 and reaaaaaaally pushed the limits. I attacked s***, COC'd around and fasttraveled, saved, got attacked by lots of vampires, went into all capitals, activated the forgotten city quest, attacked all of solitude etc etc. Still had 60 fps all the time and no CTD or hiccup. I played for an entire hour and quit after getting bored.

    But after activating Frostfall in the MCM i get a ctd about 15-20 minutes in on my stress test.
    Thinking of switching it for the normal survival mod that comes from the Beth store.


    Interested in peoples opinion here!

  2. Frostfall makes a lot of adjustments and utilizes scripts to bring it all together. When increasing the movement speed and crossing lots of cells, these scripts do not have enough time to do their thing before their objects get unloaded. This causes a build up that can lead to an eventual crash or lockup. Does not mean that Frostfall is a bad mod, just means that it is a mod best used at normal walking speeds.


    Leveled lists would not cause a crash unless the object selected to load had some sort of issue with its mesh. In that case, the game would even crash when you tried to spawn the object via the console.


    Furthermore, if your testing yields a roughly consecutive time frame for the crashing / lockup to appear chances are that your system is reaching its limit and giving up on the game. You have two choices:

    save often and restart the game shortly before the crash would occur

    remove additional mods that may be resource hungry

    Thank you. I will try and disable Frostfall by not activating it in the MCM and then walk around with speedmult and see if it happens again. If it doesn't happen i will try enabling Frostfall and seeing if it occurs once more. I read somewhere that installing NET Script Framework can add some sort crash log which i can later post here for a synopsis? Furthermore do you think there's a better way to stress test the game that is more fair to the game system?


    Your assistance means more than you know, makes me feel not so alone in these trying modding times! ^^


    Random question but while on the topic, does tabbing out of Skyrim still cause CTD's after like 10-15 minutes of doing it? Or is that just an old superstitious tall tale?


    Also wondering if the steam overlay is safe to use or if that as well is problematic? Also wondering if the command "TCL" is fair to use when stress testing and if so should i fly low or high? What speedmult would be fair, 500-700? I read someone used like 5000 but that just sounds silly as that would most definitely cause a CTD eventually even on the most stable system.


    Thanks again.



  3. Hi. I've been trying to stress test my game as of late since I'm getting close to a finished modlist. What remains to do is making a smashed patch as well as setting up Lods with Dyndolod.

    But before doing that I've wanted to see if the game is stable or not. I ran around with player.setav speedmult 500 from all the cities. It only ended up crashing after the 40+ mark after i had left the game running for a while paused in a menu.

    Unfortunately when i came back to the paused game the game just crashed instantly. I tried re-doing this and got roughly the same results but all in different locations so the location doesn't seem to impact.

    Does this mean something is bad or is it more likely to be something random related to the stress test i performed?

    Some of the problematic mods i am aware of that i do have installed because i thought they were fine is Frostfall, Obis and SIC (immersive creatures).

    The first 20-25 minutes of the stress test i hadn't activated Frostfall in the MCM or looked up to the sky to activate it. 6-10 minutes or so after activating frostfall the game CTD after some running around and unpausing of the game. My ini/prefs are on high/ultra and i have the Bethini recommended tweaks.

    SIC/Obis conspiracy is that I'm thinking that perhaps they're causing a crash since I have no smashed patch at the moment so perhaps the level lists are messed up? Could explain why the CTD isn't area specific but more about what's currently spawned? It's strange though because i encountered a lot of different enemies without issue before enabling Frostfall from the MCM menu.

    Been working real hard on this setup so i would really love if it was soon to be ready so i can start playing.

    Thank you. Answers are highly appreciated as always.

    GTX 1080


    I7 intel







  4. Thank you. I will make a new post shortly due to having experienced some other more pressing issues that put these more minor things on hold.

    Best regards,



    Thanks again for your kindness and support. Would love your take on my current post as you seem knowledgeable.


    Thank you checking the load-order. I'm glad it looks good. Shall i run loot to sort the unofficial patch dilemma or should i simply move it manually?


    While i have you here are you familiar at all with running ELFX alongside relighting skyrim? I have disabled relighting Skyrim as of now since i want to test if it removes some flickering i was experiencing. Lights on very specific spots like a brazier in solitude flicked on/off depending how close i was to it.


    I recorded it and uploaded it to YouTube. Timestamp at https://youtu.be/HjzsafpBw-I?t=9


    I haven't tested if it still occurs now after disabling relighting Skyrim. Will test and get back to you. I have heard this could be caused by something related to Skyrim not being able to handle 4 light sources at once?


    I also had some minor flickering near a shoreline at the Solitude lighthouse. Not sure if it's fixed now. All of this was recorded pre-cleaning and with some minor overwritten files issues. https://youtu.be/AHTN1eGQ8EY?t=9 Timestamp


    Thanks again, means a lot.



    Sorting with LOOT would be better as it'll fix any other issues I may have missed.


    For the light flickering, I have a feeling that the area where the fire is located is getting unloaded due to occlusion culling or a similar thing. It could be an issue between Relighting Skyrim and ELFX - I don't think they're compatible - but I'm fairly certain the issue is that the fire is getting disabled for performance reasons because the game (or a performance mod) thinks it's out of sight. I'll check in my game to see if it happens, just to give you a baseline.


    For the shoreline flickering, I thinks it's a little more complicated. It looks to me like Z-fighting caused by two textures trying to display at the same location. My guess is that it's because of the way the mesh of that little island is designed, where there's some very shallow water right at the edge, and as you get further away the game draws them with less accuracy, causing the flickering.* It's also probably made worse by the foggy weather. Is it a problem in a lot of places? You might not be able to remove it completely.



    *disclaimer: this is just an educated guess based on my knowledge of Skyrim and game design. I could be completely wrong about this.



    Thank you for your detailed response.


    Okay so after my initial test there were some minor issues as seen in the videos i provided. However now when testing the Z-fighting near the water outside the Solitude Lighthouse is now gone. I also can't seem to re-create the problem with the smoke in solitude. This could be because i un-installed relighting Skyrim or because the game fixed itself after cleaning perhaps? Not sure. I will try and re-install darker nights as now the nights aren't as dark since i think i disabled the plugin somehow. Perhaps with that in mind the bug will return. Will test further.


    SO TL;DR

    The flickering smoke thing is gone.

    The Z-fighting is gone. BUT!


    What remains is the following (uploaded a video for each tiny problem so you can see what I'm dealing with in detail)

    Roads from afar flicker ever so slightly, i think this could be the cause of blended roads being overwritten or something, will investigate more and check for conflicts. See video below, same for black hole problem.


    Some black holes in the mountains near Morthal (could be elsewhere too but this is where i checked) have appeared. When clicking on them and pressing "disable" the entire mountainside goes away till i re-enable it. Which shows that it's part of the mountain texture. I'm guessing this is cause of something conflicting with Majestic mountains. I will also investigate this further and update you guys. Video for Majestic Mountains and Blended roads bug----> https://youtu.be/9eFpN2yJpII?t=2


    Clouds near Morthal (could be elswhere too) switch on/off(or change nuance at the lack of a better word) a bit depending on how i move. Will provide a video for this. Perhaps the cause of some sort of texture conflict? I have cloud and sky mods installed. Video ---> https://youtu.be/ripXacpPB8Q?t=1


    I also have a on/off light effect in the alternate start cell. Not sure if this is due to some conflict. I have a patch for Alternate start to play nice with my lighting mods. Will check this further too. -Video --> https://youtu.be/En3OayCmyeU?t=2


    This I'm not sure is a problem or not but i noticed when jumping around near the ocean the nuance/shadows on the ocean seem to change a bit? Not sure, might just be going mad! But i made a video just to check with you guys if this is normal or not. Video ---> https://youtu.be/pxMrpF7Pvcc?t=7


    Slight moving chandeliers/shadows indoors. Isn't that annoying but mostly weird since i take it it's not supposed to be like this. ----> Video https://youtu.be/-1d0fe69Bug?t=1


    I will try running Beth.ini to fix some of these issues as I've heard the INIs could be the cause of this. As i have not tweaked them at all yet. Do you have any suggestion for good INI tweaks?


    OK so other than those things there's no big problem i have noticed yet. I played for about 1.5 hours with no problems and a consistent 60 fps everywhere. If you guys have anything to contribute or got any suspicious what might cause some of these issues i'd be most grateful for your assistance.


    Thanks again, this means a lot to me. Your replies really make me happy.


    More clean view of the video links of each problem i have remaining.

    https://youtu.be/9eFpN2yJpII?t=2 :Blended Roads Majestic Mountains Bug?

    https://youtu.be/ripXacpPB8Q?t=1 :Clouds nuance shift?

    https://youtu.be/En3OayCmyeU?t=2 : Alternate start, minor on/off flickering in the starting cell

    https://youtu.be/pxMrpF7Pvcc?t=7 : Ocean shadow nuance shift

    https://youtu.be/-1d0fe69Bug?t=1 : Moving interior shadows bug

  6. Thank you checking the load-order. I'm glad it looks good. Shall i run loot to sort the unofficial patch dilemma or should i simply move it manually?


    While i have you here are you familiar at all with running ELFX alongside relighting skyrim? I have disabled relighting Skyrim as of now since i want to test if it removes some flickering i was experiencing. Lights on very specific spots like a brazier in solitude flicked on/off depending how close i was to it.


    I recorded it and uploaded it to YouTube. Timestamp at https://youtu.be/HjzsafpBw-I?t=9


    I haven't tested if it still occurs now after disabling relighting Skyrim. Will test and get back to you. I have heard this could be caused by something related to Skyrim not being able to handle 4 light sources at once?


    I also had some minor flickering near a shoreline at the Solitude lighthouse. Not sure if it's fixed now. All of this was recorded pre-cleaning and with some minor overwritten files issues. https://youtu.be/AHTN1eGQ8EY?t=9 Timestamp


    Thanks again, means a lot.



  7. Thank you so much TheGreatFalro. You remind me of the veterans on the Nexus that used to help one out back in the day. I have much love for this forum, people like you are definitely one of the reasons why :)

    I will start the process soon and let you know how it went.


    Oh! Thank you for pointing that out. I didn't notice that i was in the wrong place. How would i go about finding a moderator to help me move it?

    Thanks again, i really appreciate it.

  8. Hi.


    As the title reads I'm wondering how to go about making a smashed patch while also utilizing Dyndolod?

    In what order should i do these things?

    I have installed all my mods and gotten the appropriate patches as well as cleaned all dirty plugins.


    What remains now is to setup lods/billboards using Dyndolod and making a smashed patch.


    I have never made a smashed patch before and I have never used Dyndolod before either.

    Any tips and advice you could give me is highly appreciated.







    Here are the mods I have left to install for the lods/billboards. Would appreciate some basic knowledge how to go about doing this and if using SFO is considered wise or if i should skip it. I just want some decent mod for trees that doesn't cause CTD's or crazy performance loss. I prefer to keep my game 60 fps at all times if possible, hence why I'm skipping ENB's etc.


    https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11446 Indistinguishable Billboards for Skyrim SE

    https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9135/?tab=files Terrain LOD redone

    https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3333?tab=files HD LODs Textures SE

    https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2154?tab=description Skyrim Flora Overhaul SE

    https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90987 Mator Smash

    https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32382 Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD




    Active Plugins 252 Dirty Plugins 0 Total Plugins 257




    Here are the issues I'm currently facing and don't know how to deal with.


    More clean view of the video links of each problem i have remaining.

    :Blended Roads Majestic Mountains Bug?

    :Clouds nuance shift?

    : Alternate start, minor on/off flickering in the starting cell

    : Ocean shadow nuance shift

    : Moving interior shadows bug
  9. Here are some other minor issues I've been having. I think it could have something to do with Enhanced lights and FX?


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=En3OayCmyeU <---- Minor on/off flickering in the Alternate start cell.


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjzsafpBw-I&feature=youtu.be <---- Minor on/off flickering for a smoke brazier in Solitude


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHTN1eGQ8EY <---- Minor flickering near a rock outside the lighthouse in Solitude. Possible issue with a texture mod? I run noble skyrim/rustic/nordic snow/Forgotten retex/Embers HD/Arctic frost redux/blended roads/Majestic mountains/ethereal clouds/just ice 2k/enhanced night sky/SMIM


    I just uploaded them so quality will increase real soon.

  10. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Hi and first of all thanks for taking the time to read my post. I appreciate you taking the time to help me a lot, so, thank you for that :smile:
    Ok so here's the story guys.
    So i just started modding Skyrim SE again since i felt like it was the perfect opportunity with the rise of the corona virus.
    However i haven't modded in many years and it's taken me at least 2-3 days just to get all the mods installed which puts me at about 238 active plugins.
    What remains for me to do is to figure out if i wanna use a tree mod or not as well as start installing the LOD stuff and then engage with Dyndolod. I also read somewhere that these days bashed patches and stuff like that has generally speaking been replaced by something called "the smashed patch"?
    I never was any good with doing merged/bashed patches and stuff but i heard this smash stuff is a lot easier to do. It could be worth mentioning that i have never used Dyndolod in the past on my own. Is there some things i should know and if so which guides should i follow? I really like Gamerpoets/Gopher.
    Could be worth mentioning that I know how to clean stuff (i think) and I've managed to keep the errors to a 0 in LOOT. If i understood LOOT correctly the only things that remain for me to do according to it is clean stuff.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    So my questions are the following.
    1. Should i install Skyrim flora overhaul if i want a good tree overhaul that isn't too complicated nor won't impact performance too much? I don't want anything super fancy but i do want lods and stuff to work properly and not look like crap.
    2. Should i install Indistinguishable Billboards, Terrain Lod Redone, HD lods Textures SE, Skyrim Flora Overhaul and Dyndolod before i make a smash patch?
    3. Based on the stuff i have left to do with my mods before i can start playing what order would you suggest me as a rusty average/novice modder to do these things in?
    4. Also would be incredibly grateful if someone took a quick peak at my load-order and told me if I'm missing something important or should rethink keeping a mod that you think is bad for my game etc. I really value keeping 60 fps at all times and having a good enough looking game.
    5. Final question. Do you guys have any specific recommendations how to setup my inis? I remember oldrim having lots of ini/prefs tweaks, especially if you didn't use an Enb (which i don't do due to liking it as it is and preferring more fps). I don't remember a lot about inis so if there's a one-stop-shop kinda solution that'd be very cool:)
    You've helped me in the past and i just wanna say thank you for being such a great community. Looking forward to your replies! :smile:
    Here's my load-order https://pastebin.com/kzj8tYQT <---

    PS. I posted this on /r/skyrimmods/ but they said they didn't know how to solve these things so i figured I'd ask the best people out there here on the Nexus :)
  11. Hey guys. I've recently started a new Oblivion game since I haven't played anything but Skyrim when it comes to the elder scrolls series for many years. A friend of mine recommended the infamous ' Oblivion superpack' but the problem with that setup is that it's so god damn unstable. I crash quite frequently and the game freezes up at times also which is not what I'm interested in. I have never completed Oblivion so I don't really care for a 'super high end mod setup'. Just something that enhances the gameplay and graphics but also makes sure that the game won't crash and still stays stable around 60 fps. My specs are the following. Lots of love. Murk.


    Operating System
    Windows 10 Pro N 64-bit
    Intel Core i7 6700K @ 4.00GHz 28 °C
    Skylake 14nm Technology
    16.0GB Dual-Channel Unknown @ 1205MHz (16-16-16-39)
    XB271HU (2560x1440@144Hz)
    4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (NVIDIA)

    I have a very similar system setup to you (except I have a GTX 1070), and was also experiencing massive performance drops in central Boston, specifically around Goodneighbor and Old North Church. I'd go from a solid 61 FPS to 20-30. I tried every ini trick and settings adjustment imaginable. Turns out the problem was a mod, one I noticed you also have enabled.
    Try uninstalling Fallout 4 HD Reworked Project Revised by Halk_Hogan_PL (hdreworkedprojectrevised.esp). I can't promise it will work, but it's worth a shot. :smile:



    Wow... You are AMAZING! That was it! Removed and now the game runs great going 60+ (and 70+ when enboost is disabled) within boston. Thanks so much! This is why I love the Nexus! Different people with lots of different experiences. Thanks to everyone that took time out of their day/night to help a stranger. And special thanks to you Rykea :).




    Dude? Seriously? If I didn't know better I would swear you are using something like Google Translate. Besides that, you should not be giving out fixes or advice unless you can type it in a way that anyone ELSE can read it AND understand what you are saying. A LOT of what you said in your post makes absolutely NO sense at all, and this is why I suspect you are using something like Google translate.


    Murkrow already stated that he is not familiar with modding and the steps you told him to do are NOT for beginners, which essentially what he is.

    Englsh is my third language, after Flemish and French and I don't have a problem understanding what purr4me writes down, nor what she means, despite me also not being too informed about the intricacies of modding. The frame loss is thanks to the game and how bad it is optimised. No fiddling with ini files will change that. What purr4me does is go to the root of a problem, deeper than what superficial placebo files can do...


    It is not because you don't understand somthing that it doesn't make any sense...


    What Grom meant to say was probably that there is no point in discussing these things as they are way above what is asked for here. And just blaming poor coding and bad game developing for the games poor performance isn't helpful. I'm well aware how Bethesda leaves stuff unfinished but that's why modding exists and why it's so awesome here at the Nexus. It's really nice that you can understand whatever Purr4me was saying but for me it's basically trying to understand chinese when you're japanese, i get the general idea but it's all just a blurr. About performance and the goal of the post. I had this problem way back in Skyrim as well (with a much inferior system compared to what I have now) and eventually after troubleshooting and discussing stuff with seasoned modders i ended up with the performance that I wanted. And that game was just as poorly optimized as Fallout 4 if not more so. Things can be sacrificed for performance and some things much more easily than others since some things might not be so essential or possibly even pointless since at times you install things you didn't properly understand(which i might have even though I try my best to not do just that). Which is essentially what this post is for. To see if you guys(and girls!) the pros got some insight on what might be a good idea to remove or tweak or maybe even add. Thanks for your input however. Hopefully you'll continue contributing to this post. Need all the help I can get. Best regards, Murk =).

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