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About Trashbat420

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  1. Hello all, firstly i hope this is the right place for this question. so, im making a player home, ive been working on it for weeks and im planning to upload it in dec if its all ready, im really proud of it and have spent ages collecting various custom meshes and models for it, anyway one of the features is a hot tub, and i have one of those little red valves that you can turn, and i want to make it so when you turn it, these 3 steam jets i have turn on, so the steam only appears once you've turned the valve, i have googled and looking at the creation kit site but i cant find specifically what i want to do, and i find lot of it is quite hard to understand on that site. any help would be really appreciated! Thanks - Trashbat
  2. seems to have worked, added haskeyword vampires aswell, all looks peachy to me :) also got rid of the dragonbane effect but kept the damage to dragons, gave it the dawnbreaker effect, however i have a mod that makes enchantment effects look like letters n symbols, so it looks pretty sweet just gotta tone down the damage a bit so its not so immense, i'd upload it, but the model is a jaysword so id need permission ect ect so thanks people, proper helped :) <3 btw if anyone cares i called it "The Good Samaritan" after Hellboy's gun... seemed fitting with the extra damage to all things that go bump in the night...
  3. wicked cheers people, i'll give that a go! yeah this sounds easier, im gonna try that, does undead include vampires? or is that another condition??
  4. alright people, 1st time posting just because this is really doing my head in... so, in a nutshell, im making a sword that does extra damage to all things supernatural, and dragons. ive added the SilverSword papyrus script to it, as its not an enchantment as such, and i think that bits worked, altho i dont really know for sure tbh... but my main problem is on top that i added the dragonbane enchantment: MQ203WeaponDragonDamage5 and my issue is my sword now has that lightning sorta effect that dragonbane has, is there any way to keep the enchantment effect but lose the visual effect, if that makes sense? ive looked around at loads of tutorials, and unless im being a total derp im cant find one that answers my question. i am relatively new to modding skyrim, used to mod FNV a bit, any suggestions would mean a LOT thanks - Trashbat (oh & apologies if im posting this in the wrong sections or whatever...)
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