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Nexus Mods Profile

About Bael

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  1. I did not think that had actually been confirmed. Thought it was just clickbait for poor news sites.
  2. I think it may be around the time for them to announce a 2014-2015 release date. Seems like it would be about their mean production time for a title like that as well.
  3. http://www.nowgamer.com/news/1924897/fallout_4_bethesda_is_up_to_something.html Bethesda puts old footage on YouTube, adds a hoodie to their online store and it makes news. It would appear everyone is restless and starved for news. What's everyone's opinion on E3 2013? Most professional sources remain skeptical and they do have two major releases scheduled. One this year one next.
  4. I suggest shouts as a school of magic. Add Dragonborn verses practiced shout users. Dragonborn operate under time or turn constraints where as the practiced users can only cast the amount they have prepared in advance. Say something like "storm call" Dragonborn wouldn't be able to cast shouts for the next 3 turns, and practiced users can only have one prepared going into combat. I am not so versed in the tabletop rules but someone moreso could adapt a system like that.
  5. Bael


    Anyone else curious and would like to see Atmora in dlc or maybe even a later TES release? The continent is largely unexplored in the series and I would like to see the kind of culture and lore they have or would lay out for it. I think they could do some very interesting things with that it is the origin of mankind, set out some real old ruins, older than the ones in Skyrim.
  6. This was never intended to be a hate thread. It was more directed to the old fans that do all love and enjoy playing Skyrim, but question some of the focus Bethesda developers put on it. I assure you we will all continue playing Skyrim and the next eight Elder Scrolls titles in the future. We came to voice some displeasure and maybe vent on things we think could have been done better, no one here is outright discrediting and dismissing the game. There have been good legitimate opinions on it.
  7. Keep in mind when you visit a location it is locked to the level you were when you first came, so you may have to revisit old dungeons just to level the skill. Once you get the right perks you can stun-lock everything to death. The master level shock spell does a base of 75 damage a second as well as being a constant cast.
  8. Boy that was a long read. Way back when Oblivion released there were nipples on the textures of the women, before release the ESRB said they wouldn't allow it, so they added in the perma-underwear. The original idea was to release the game with nudity. When someone in the modding community figured out they could remove the permagarments the ESRB shut it down pretty quickly, making Bethesda remove the textures altogether. I think, keep in mind this is 6 years ago now, that it was due to the fact that you can strip a body and manipulate it, move it or position it. Something you can't do in God of War, Duke Nukem or Dante's Inferno. They did not want to create any sexual deviants in the way of necrophiliacs. Don't quote me on that though, as it has be quite a long time. The articles on it may still be in archives available somewhere. I think Pete Hines talked on it after the ESRB cracked down on it.
  9. For the record I am hardly an elitest pc gamer, I work with a $600 dollar pre-built comp, I played Deus Ex on a PS3, and in total I think I've only managed 150 hours into Skyrim in my two playthroughs. And I started the thread. I took to The Elder Scrolls with Morrowind when it gained in popularity, but I am still a fan. I've been a member of the Nexus since '07 and I think the talented, dedicated fanbase they built and kept with them should at least have a game that was designed to be used with our keyboards and mice.
  10. I personally do not mind Steam, just as long as I never have to deal with Games For Windows Live ever again in my natural or unnatural lifetime. Yes it is something I'd rather not have to deal with but I understand why they would want to pick something up like it, as a company. The security on Bethesda games has always been comparatively light; it is easier to control things like that through Steam. I try to avoid dwelling on decisions that probably came from higher up rather than the people making the game. And hey Steam does feature a lot of indie games, which as a whole I think is a plus for the industry. It was never my intention to buy Skyrim for a console, but I was disappointed when I heard Bethesda was in the process of making mods available for the consoles before it was shot down. I do not remember if it was Microsoft or Sony that wouldn't allow it on account of the copyrights. I think it would have been a great benefit to the community to gain the attention of the console population. http://i.qkme.me/3omnqu.jpg Also boy am I glad nobody started talking about the engine. That happens to me a lot.
  11. I feel as though the significant other went out for lunch with a friend one day and ended up dumping us for them. They put all of this great attention and effort into the modding community and the tools for them. They pay so much attention and add so much to the game and construction set for the modding community, but they built a game for the 360 controller that I don't think the majority of the PC community uses. They read the forums and they download and play the mods, created a game they enjoy with a lot of shout outs to the community. They just didn't build a game for the mouse and keyboard people. I believe they started using the 360 around the Oblivion era because it was really easy to show demos on, plug in a hard drive with your game and the save data and just go. I don't know why the focus as a whole seemed to shift.
  12. Bethesda in the past had always said they were a primarily PC gaming company. Up to and including Oblivion. Does anyone feel a little let down that they have moved away from it with Skyrim? Being that XBox is slated for the first release of Dawnguard. The controls on the pc also seemed kinda shaky at times for the menus. Not saying that it was a bad game at all, just some of the little things, attention to detail, makes me feel as though they have forgotten about us.
  13. Even if you aren`t familiar with the Blender program it is easy to use it to convert .Nif files into the newer version. That is when they come out with the proper scripts for importing and exporting .Nif files. After the file has been converted it will need to be worked into the game via the construction set. Also if the collision geometry is programmed differently that will have to be updated by either importing an existing collision mesh from a weapon in the game, or building one from scratch. Nodes as well as collision geometry would have to be updated, but I doubt they will factor as strongly as they did in Fallout. Unless Skyrim has guns (hey they have all of the programming.) I`m not even going to talk about the engine, suffice to say I am a fan of it.
  14. I`ve been following the Bethesda modding community since Morrowind, and I have noticed they take a very active role in adding to their games the more popular features the community has put out. Now in Oblivion people were big on adding earrings, horns, and other things to their characters head models. However there weren`t any addslots in the construction set to add these, so people came up with clever ways around it like merging the upper and lower teeth meshes and using the bare slot freed up. In the construction set for Fallout 3 they had several free slots for the race models, but I hardly saw them see any use. I personally look forward to all of the things the community thinks to add to there characters and I hope Bethesda still saw fit to have the free slots in the construction set. I do believe that it will lend better to a fantasy setting as opposed to a sci-fi one. Cheers from the gates of the Citadel. (As long as you don`t have Broken Steel.) Bael
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