hello, nexus members, ive seen tutorials for lod generation but i still have questions. 1. how is lod stepped from detail to more detail as you get closer. is there a defined distance, a certain level of detail/x unit of distance. can the skips or jumps/changes be adjusted or controlled if so can it be controlled dynamically 2. what ini settings effect lod besides ones that have lod in the name. 2b. is lod textures the same as normal textures 3. when using xlodgen with texture replacers where do the lod files get placed, are they just the new textures with lod data attached? or are these additional textures besides the texturepack? 4. can lod be packed in a .bsa file? 5. how can lod flickering be reduced or removed. 6. does it work the same between fallout new vegas and fallout 3. thanks, new modder