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Everything posted by EEDDDWWWAARRRD

  1. So I've been a Skyrim addict ever since the release of this amazing game, but I have always been restricted to the xbox due to a lack of finances and a shitty laptop. But this hasn't stopped me from always checking out mods here on Nexus, which is why I have this account. My head is also always booming with ideas for good mods, and i felt this one would be rather amazing, especially if I ever decide to upgrade to the world of steam and a higher class pc. Making the vampire lord form look more bat-like. With dark-brown/black fur, removing the clothing and hair, replacing the pathetic flapping twigs on its back with actual wings, tweaking the face a bit, and perhaps darkening the skin tone on the areas that would show. Hell, just try to picture an actual bat with longer legs and a seperate set of arms. When I first had this idea, I was thinking back on times where I actually saw vampire-lord like forms in other media. Like when Michael Morbius was further mutated in the 90's spidey cartoon, pretty much becoming a humanoid bat, or in those Batman novels where he's a vampire and eventually gained the ability to turn into a more bat-like form. I also feel like this would be more friendly to the other races of skyriim. It feels like the vanilla form is really only nord friendly for some reason.
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