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About mhasemore

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  1. Thanks for the reply, though that's not really any simpler, at least for me.
  2. Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me with advice with the Special edition. I've just started a new game and immediately I've noticed that it's quite a lot harder to do manual saves since Oldrim. I have to press Esc, click on System, and scroll down to save, which is double the effort it took in Oldrim. I was wondering if anyone knows a better way of manual saving or if there is a reliable saving mod available that's worked for you. If the issue with Esc not bringing up the system tab could be fixed that'd be better, but I haven't found any information regarding a solution to that after hours of research.
  3. This is an incredible read but ultimately a very depressing and sad one. Here I was when I first played Fallout 1 and 2; a starry eyed RPG fan quickly falling in love with a new Bethesda franchise. Then Avellone's Fallout 2 genocide happened, stinking of juvenile corporate bullshit... and after 14 years, a gradual, but far worse effect, trickles into the Fallout series, and all of Bethesda's great modded games. First poor John Deilly gets his hard artistic work ground into dust after Fallout 2, and now so many mod authors on the Nexus are being treated in a similar manner by Bethesda? It seems even Bethesda will succumb to greed, complacency and ignorance, then... (sigh) none of this needed to happen. Fallout could have remained one of my most loved franchises, but this crap just splinters it into broken pieces that Bethesda is still trying to sell. I only hope it doesn't get any worse.
  4. I've used Insanity's Daedric Sword.esp ever since I first found it years ago. I love the look of the sword and I favor daedric weaponry. However on my most recent playthrough as a mage, suddenly the sword is invisible whether it's in the crafting menu or in my hand. Because I have to use it through the Steam workshop, there's no other files to download apart from an esp, and simply having it active and near the bottom of my load order doesn't make it appear. I've tried a trick with bInvalidateolderfiles and that didn't work. When I activated the mod in Creation Kit, I found the model is supposed to be Insanity/Weapons/Third era/Vvardenfell/Daedric/DaedricLongsword.nif, but I can't find this file anywhere in my Skyrim folder, and I've checked both Textures and Meshes. How am I supposed to get this file when only the esp is provided for the mod? Active Mod Files:
  5. Hello? Does no one have any advice for getting a stable load order; which is the ultimate goal of any Skyrim gamer with mods?
  6. How am I supposed to upload the Papyrus log, by the way? It's far too big, and pasting the text in just makes the browser give me a "connection reset" page.
  7. Kinda annoying to get papyrus logs for random crashes, but I can post my ini settings. I'll see about getting a Papryus log when I play next. Skyrim.ini: SkyrimPrefs.ini
  8. I've recently assembled a new gaming rig, which not only makes all my games more playable, but to make Skyrim playable with 141 plugins/mods installed. I transferred a save file and successfully loaded it onto my new rig, and while it runs smoothly at 60fps and rarely stutters anymore, it crashes just as much, and can go from a good couple of hours to one minute before crashing. Here's my system specs: (OLD) ATI Radeon mobility 6770, 8GB RAM, i7 processor (can't remember which), Windows 7 Home Premium (NEW) GeForce GTX 970, 16GB RAM, i7 6700, WIndows 10 Home I did change a few mod installations on my new machine: installed High Level Enemies as Normal Version instead of Scaled, and left out Alternate Actors (as it was buggy and didn't work). I also installed the new Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch instead of all the individual patches. This probably contributed to the problem, but I'd still like everyone's opinion on my load order and any possible incompatibilities/unstable mods that I may have missed.I've also installed ENB series 0.279 for the sole purpose of the CTD ENBoost patch, with the graphics modification disabled in the enblocal.ini.I've run through tweak guides and cleaned my files, updated my drivers, defragmented my hard drive, disabled startup programs, etc.I've used NMM, LOOT, Wrye Bash and TES5Edit to get my LOOT to have no error messages and sorted."Derkeethus.esp" is simply me using the CK to make Derkeethus look better and function as a melee warrior instead of an archer.The main reason for this post is that if any computer can get a stable, 140-plugin load order without crashing every 30 minutes, my machine should be capable now. I appreciate any feedback or advice anyone can give for a stable mod setup. Active Mod Files:
  9. I've had this idea in my head ever since I first killed Mirmulnir. Throughout my first playthrough on Skyrim, I would end up killing quite a lot of dragons in the wilderness - for the obvious reasons of getting dragon souls and the ability to upgrade my shouts. But then I thought; every single dragon in this game apart from Paarthy and Odahviing are incredibly stupid, to an extent that it takes me out of the game a little bit. According to lore, the few dragons mentioned were capable of bargaining with opponents that may defeat them - the most obvious example being "Twin Souls" or whatever that enchanting skill book is called. So my idea for the mod is this: give a customizable effect when defeating dragons, instead of them dying, choosing to spare them in exchange for knowledge of the Thu'um - basically the same reward. Arngeir, the Greybeards and Paarthurnax are capable of gifting you knowledge; why not other dragons? Especially the named dragons; it would make more sense for them to offer knowledge in exchange for sparing their life. This is more an immersion/moral mod that would immerse me in the world more. As it is, the Dragonborn being capable of slaughtering hundreds of stupid dragons allied with Alduin doesn't make much sense in lore, since they apparently can't breed, and there's no information on where they're coming from. The author of the "Passive dragon encounters" mod was probably coming from a similar perspective; this idea just takes it further.
  10. Bump. Exact same problem. No console commands can fix it; which means I'm stuck and I can't afford to start a new game for this. Might have to just give up.
  11. Hi, I've been modding Skyrim for some time now and I've run into an odd problem. Immersive HUD, one of the must haves, is behaving badly and is forcing me to deactivate it. Whenever I start the game, it runs fine for about a minute or until I enter a new area, but then the normal crosshair which normally disappears after a while stays on all the time. Even worse, the sneak crosshair, despite being marked as activated in the options, disappears completely and may randomly come on briefly before disappearing again. Seeing as I'm playing an archer in this playthrough, I need that sneak crosshair. The normal crosshair also randomly disappears too, so I'm playing an archer without a crosshair. My mod list is: Skyrim.esm ActiveUpdate.esm ActiveUnofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Version 2.0.3 ActiveDawnguard.esm ActiveUnofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Version 2.0.3 ActiveHearthFires.esm ActiveUnofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Version 2.0.3 ActiveDragonborn.esm ActiveUnofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp Version 2.0.3 ActiveFalskaar.esm Version 1.1.2 ActiveWyrmstooth.esp Version 1.10 ActiveJSwords.esm Version 1.4 Activemoonpath.esm ActiveHighResTexturePack01.esp ActiveHighResTexturePack02.esp ActiveHighResTexturePack03.esp ActiveUnofficial High Resolution Patch.esp Version 1.1.6 ActiveBetter Dynamic Snow.esp ActiveNatural Skyrim Rain.esp Version 1.6 ActiveStaticMeshImprovementMod.esp ActiveStaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTernFix.esp ActiveStaticMeshImprovementMod-FurnitureChestSnowFix.esp ActiveAuto Unequip Ammo.esp ActiveAuto Unequip Helmet.esp ActiveBirdsofskyrim.esp ActiveDual Sheath Redux.esp ActiveHigh Level Enemies.esp ActiveHigh Level Enemies - Falskaar.esp ActiveHigh Level Enemies - Dawnguard.esp ActiveHigh Level Enemies - Dragonborn.esp ActiveHigh Level Enemies - Hardcore.esp ActiveHigh Level Enemies - Increased Max Resists.esp ActiveSkyrim Immersive Creatures.esp Version v6.5.2 ActiveSkyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp Version v6.5.2 ActiveSkyrim Flora Overhaul.esp ActiveChesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp ActiveFootprints.esp ActiveJSwords_Load_Screens.esp Version 1.4 ActiveRaceMenu.esp ActiveRaceMenuPlugin.esp ActiveSkyUI.esp Version 4.1 ActiveiHUD.esp ActiveCloaks.esp ActiveCrossbows_Basic_Collection_EN_LL.esp ActiveHothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp ActiveHothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Version 7.1 ActiveImmersive Weapons.esp ActiveInsanity's Daedric Sword.esp Version 1.0 ActiveJSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp Version 1.4 ActiveHarvestOverhaul.esp Version 2.8.2 ActiveHarvestOverhaulCreatures.esp Version 2.8.2 ActiveDeadlyDragons.esp ActiveSkyRe_Main.esp ActiveSkyRe_Main_Fix.esp ActiveSkyRe_Combat.esp ActiveSkyRe_EncounterZones.esp ActiveSkyRe_EnemyScaling.esp ActiveSkyRe_EnemyScaling_Fix.esp ActiveSkyRe_Plugin_BerserkBlackSwordsmanArmor.esp Version 1.0 ActiveSkyRe_Plugin_BetterBows_1.4.1.esp ActiveSkyRe_Plugin_BowofIorveth_1.2.esp ActiveSkyRe_Plugin_DaggerCraft_1.3.esp ActiveSkyRe_Plugin_DreadKnightWeaponSet_0.99.esp ActiveSkyRe_Plugin_NicoroshiCreations_1.1.esp Version 1.0 ActiveSkyRe_SIC Crossbowfix.esp Version v6.1.2 ActiveBreezehome_Fully_Upgradable.esp Activemoonpath_questdata.esp ActiveRun For Your Lives.esp Version 1.2.4 ActiveWhen Vampires Attack.esp Version 1.1.1 ActiveThe Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp Version 1.2.7 ActiveAchieveThat.esp Version 3.2.1 ActiveBetterQuestObjectives.esp ActiveBetterQuestObjectives-Dawnguard.esp ActiveBetterQuestObjectives-Hearthfire.esp ActiveBetterQuestObjectives-PaarDilemmaPatch.esp ActiveBetterQuestObjectives-SkyRePatch.esp ActiveGuard Dialogue Overhaul.esp ActiveHeadtracking.esp ActivedD-No Twitching Dragon Death Animation.esp ActivePassive dragons.esp ActiveRichMerchants.espdD - Easy Lift Bodies and Objects.esp ActiveHelgen Reborn.esp Version 105.3 ActiveSoS - The Dungeons.esp Version 1.23 ActiveSoS - The Wilds.esp Version 1.13 ActiveSoS - Civilization.esp Version 1.02 ActiveRealistic Lighting.esp ActiveApocalypse - The Spell Package.esp ActiveSmartCast_1_0.esp Version 1.0 ActiveCommand Dragon.esp ActiveThe Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp Version 1.8 ActiveAE_animation_ENG.esp ActivedD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp Active3DNPC.esp ActiveUFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp Version 1.2i ActiveUFO - Dragonborn AddOn.esp ActiveUFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp ActiveUFO - Heartfire AddOn.esp ActiveBetterQuestObjectives-UFOPatch.esp ActiveLonelyKarliah.esp ActiveWATER - Sir Crabalot Returns.esp ActivedD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp ActiveSkyRe_Races.esp ActiveSkyRe_Races_Fix.esp ActiveWATER.esp Version 2.0 ActiveWATER Plants.esp Version 2.0 ActiveWATER DG.esp Version 2.0 ActiveWATER DB Waves.esp Version 2.0 ActiveWATER Falskaar.esp Version 2.0 ActiveBarenziahQuestMarkers.esp ActiveSKSE Hotkeys.esp ActiveUnique Region Names.esp ActiveBashed Patch, 0.esp Version 17/04/2014 11:32:51 AM ActivePre Automatic Variants IC Patch.esp ActivePreASISPatchIW.esp ActiveDual Sheath Redux Patch.esp ActivePre ReProccer IW IA Patch.esp ActiveReProccer.esp Activeqotsafans Miscellaneous ReProccer + IA Patch.esp Activeqotsafans LeveledLists IW IA Patch.esp Activeqotsafans Books HF Patch.esp Activeqotsafans Ingestibles HF Patch.esp ActiveI recently reset my preferences to default, and have run BOSS and cleaned with TES5Edit. I'd just really like to use such a useful mod again where it didn't have issues in the past. Any help or suggestions are appreciated.
  12. So it could be that the Apocalypse spell package was simply a big mod that overloaded my game? Perhaps, but I've tried troubleshooting with other large mods, especially ones like 3DNPC, Immersive Creatures, etc. I've actually cleaned out most unnecessary mods that I used to have, including Skeleton Replaces and Dual Sheath Redux. I would have thought the overload is less likely since the simple removal of one mod solved all my crash problems. I won't be uninstalling any more mods in my current playthrough, as I know that is bound to cause problems. Anyway, I look forward to the Apocalypse New. In subsequent playthroughs, I may try and cut out more big mods if possible.
  13. Well, after troubleshooting it like I said, it clearly is between these two mods. After uninstalling the Spell Package, all my crashes, freezes, and other performance drops were eliminated. I'd heard about a possible compatibility patch being made by the author of Apocalypse, but I don't know how it's coming along. In the meantime, I'm seriously considering editing the esp file of Apocalypse myself, and deleting everything except the select spells I actually use... but I'm not sure if that's possible. If anyone knows how to possibly edit the Apocalypse file in the Creation Kit to actually use it with Skyrim Redone, it would be appreciated.
  14. I've been spending ages troubleshooting my game, and after many hours of troubleshooting via disabling plugins, I finally narrowed it down to Apocalypse - The Spell Package, and used the recommended STEP method of removing the mod. However, this pains me greatly, as I really loved that mod, but apparently it is incompatible with T3nd0 Skyrim Redone. I love bot mods, and I would really like to keep both of them. The funny thing is, the game worked fine until I reached around lvl 50 and my save file went over 10MB (consistently staying under 15 though). I've done the whole Boss load order, TES5Edit cleaning and disabling background programs, but I could never get Apocalypse to work with Skyrim Redone. Does anyone have any solution to allow both mods to work together? The Teleport Spell and Open Lock spells are the main reason I use Apocalypse; without them, I feel very limited in what I can do. I should also mention that I previously had Wyrmstooth installed, but after troubleshooting for a while, I decided to remove it, since it increased stability, but only to a limited degree. Here's my load order, if it helps: Active Mod Files:
  15. I just wanted to say how much I love Apocalypse... the Teleport spell alone is worth so much more than so many other spells, I absolutely love the utility the Apocalypse spell package brings, especially with Smart Cast. However, I've had to uninstall it recently due to constant instability with the game, as I also use Skyrim Redone, another wonderful mod. I look forward to this project coming to fruition, and look forward to seeing if it works. The strange thing is, I could use Apocalypse and Skyrim Redone together until I reached the later game stages. I've worked hard to keep the save game size down, but the instability remains. The thing about teleport, though, was that it didn't always teleport you to where it lands if its on a slightly steep slope, but that's about the only problem. I haven't tried many other spells, due to the limits of Smart Cast, but maybe add a regeneration spell? I'm an Argonian, so I don't have to worry about that, but the Orcish healing or whatever is kinda weak; you could add a better, higher level regeneration spell. Also, any spells that buff your damage with weapons or enchantments would also be useful. Good luck!
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