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Status Updates posted by Deleted4308040User

  1. Haha and that is a very good thing :)
  2. Thank you Beba! It's nice to be back :) Happy to see you are still here as well!
  3. More to come indeed! Thank you so much and keep yours coming as well :D
  4. Lol seems like it! And alrighty I guess you deserve a hug back ... so here you go *hugs hugs and more hugs* Enjoy yo resting
  5. Well hello drive-by person!
  6. Hiya! Since I've done a poor job replying to comments on my pics I wanted to tell ya thank you so much for the comments :D They mean a bunch ^^
  7. Alright woman! *catches you ad hugs tight*
  8. Wanted to let people know that Im leaving this site for a while so I appologize for all messages I havent replied and for all the mods I haven't tested. Sorry everyone.
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BlakkPhoenixx


      You are a GREAT guy, Blaine. Do whatever makes you happy! I'll miss you.
    3. tekmage


      Have a good break and take it easy. :)
    4. tekmage


      Welcome back! lol
  9. This is total bull...
  10. I definitely won't ^_^
  11. I know I will! Thank ya!
  12. I'll miss you too and I'll send you a message every day that I'm here. Will be gone from here for a while this week!
  13. Oh I know I am! ;-D

    And luv ya too!

  14. OH it so has! Today I made sure the world knew all about it!
  15. Haha you know... I bet you're right! Well no need for me to hold back anymore!
  16. Shhhhh! Don't let the world know!
  17. Shhhhh! Don't let the world know!
  18. They could, yet I'm sure it would be hard to ;-D
  19. I don't means to be mean! <:-( Forgives meh?
  20. Awww T.T You know I could never be mean to you!
  21. Oh man... will I ever! In fact talking about sle... zzzZZZzzzzZZZ
  22. Pbft! Totally isn't my fault! D:
  23. Good! It's about time!
  24. I'm not depressing you! But fine I take it all back! XD
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