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Status Updates posted by Deleted4308040User

  1. Thank you, Blue! :D I love the comments
  2. You're very welcome again! :D
  3. Hello Bison! I appreciate all the great comments you have given my photos :D I'm really glad you are enjoying them. Also thank you for the kudos :) and I definitely will continue my support of all the other members. Now to go and dive into your pictures (sadly I have never looked at them before :( )

    Oh and for your nice comments, a big old kudos!

  4. I totally agree! That would be one of the best mods out if someone were to come up with one. I uploaded my pic but if I could have moved a few things around to make it work much better, I think the pic would have been stellar. The more I think about it the more I hope that someone will create that mod.
  5. Awesome! I'll have to keep an eye out for it. But right now... having the worst time with a pic setup. Angles just aren't working well for me tonight -.-
  6. I can't wait man. It'll be awesome! I get what you mean about the heavy photoshop not being overly supported but really when the pic comes out looking fantastic, most people won't complain. Take your time on it and really blow us away :D
  7. Oh I don't mind at all. And not at the moment, just getting some inspiration on a new battle pic. My last one was awesome but there was no real action involved in it so trying to think up a new one :) How about yourself? You coming up with more great pics?
  8. I added you :) and thank you for the kudos as well! Looking forward to seeing more of your photos. They help inspire me :)
  9. Battle pics are the coolest! They really bring some extra life into Skyrim beyond the tiny skirmishes that go on to win a nation wide civil war. And you should keep trying with the others :) Seeing your talent with battles I'm sure your others would be just as amazing.
  10. Should say alone* not along...
  11. It was so great :D and I can believe that it took all weekend. I've tried my hand at a few battle pictures and the set up along take forever.
  12. I really don't know what to say :D Hope my shots don't ever disappoint you!

    And oh thats perfectly alright! You beat me to it!

  13. You're welcome :) I look forward to seeing more shots from you.
  14. I really appreciate the awesome comments on my photos Midhras. Kudos to you :)

    Also your shots are just amazing. I love going through them and getting inspired to post more of my own. Keep them coming please!

  15. Haha I figured thats what you meant! I understand fully about getting typing a little to fast
  16. You're nice comments make me want to continue posting more shots :) I always love good feedback like that and will keep on sharing more. And I can't help but comment. All of yours are amazing, just so many to comment on that I can't hit them all :(. And thank you for the Kudos :) I would give you another but alas, I can not.
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