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Everything posted by Deleted4308040User

  1. You better be! Or else you'd have one sad man on your hands! And daw me loves you too
  2. Oh... T.T I see how this is... :(((
  3. Why yes, yes I did! Thought it was time for a change! Glad you like it!!! X3
  4. Fine! *comes back* You are no freaker... is that better?
  5. I'm not going to say anything on that... *slowly creeps away* >.> freaker
  6. Haha I can only imagine! O.O Your poor poor friends >.> No redbull for you anymore!
  7. Sleep? What is this alien term you bring up? All I know is 5 cans of redbull and 2 liters of coke a day and I never have to miss a single moment of my life! This "sleep" never comes for me! MWAHAH!
  8. Well we have so much to talk about that one conversation won't cover it all, even though I'm not quite sure what has been going on in this little convo other than some totally random stuff O.O
  9. *pokes Luna with a stick* Dammit!... don't fall asleep on my profile! It's hard enough to clean up after you, let alone to scrape your passed out torso off my page!
  10. OOh lord... you're about to fall asleep and droll all over your keyboard aren't you?
  11. Oh damn! You found out the weakness to my profile picture switching witch power!... F5!!!!!!! *shakes fist towards the heavens*
  12. Pretty much! I think that's why I was smiling! XD An annoyed smile! LOL!
  13. LOLYES!

    And I was wonderin when you would notice!!! XD That's the one where my dog kept giving me trouble while I was trying to take it! He was biting my leg in that picture >.>

  14. Say what woman?! You just call meh that? You know who you be a talkin to here? I'm SGM! THE SGM! The one and only! So you be dat fatteh ho! >:-( Fatteh!
  15. Hey fatteh! I'm pollutin yo profiles wit mah words!
  16. X3 maybe just like one! Love you too! Can't wait to see those shots!!
  17. I just felt like trotting on in here and leaving my mark on your message board. Now to trot on out!
  18. Never to late! :) Thank you bunches!!!
  19. You are just to unbelievably nice! Thank you so much! =D <3 Also I looooovvvveeeedddd that gift!
  20. Fine... I guess I can take a look. Gosh! XD

    And yay! Glad you do! And pinky promise :3

  21. Psh! I thought you were already doing that ;D but now I feel loved :3 how could I forget again?
  22. Haha! If it was fixed by me, than I have no doubt yours would be better! But my mom is fixing mine so..... yeah! Missed you too!
  23. Well two days is a long time for me to remember you! Mwahaha! >:3 haha of course I'm joking! I still feel bad for forgetting :( and your cake won't be better than mine! As mine is homemade! Enjoy your store bought cake! XP

    Oh the reply will be long indeed :D *huggles back*

  24. :D thank you so much, Irina! And I'll never share the cake! Mwahaha! And since I'm now at work, I'm unable to give you a full reply to your message :( I'll be certain to do that as soon as I get home!
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