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Everything posted by Fruitman1010

  1. Instead of the typical Alchemy Overhaul with new ingredients, effects, or magnitudes, I have yet to see an Alchemy Overhaul that changes the process of potion making completely. I'd like to see a mod which changes the process from "Select 2 or 3 Ingredients, Hit R, Rinse and Repeat," to having to make salves, create extracts, boil liquids, etc. Doing something different with one ingredient can create a completely different result. Also, using these steps, it is possible to make a more potent and more pure version of the potion or poison created. Doing the Vanilla alchemy process would garner a very weak, impure potion with some additional, unwanted side effects. A list of possible processes would be as follows: Grind Boil Mix Stir Create Salve Create Paste Gather Extract Gather Essence Gather Pollen Gather Petals Dilute Use Bark Use Tears Use Saliva And so on. Some of these would only be usable on certain ingredients, while others can be used on almost everything. To pick which process would be used on an ingredient, you would select an ingredient and "craft" it. A menu would then pop up with the available processes. The more skilled you are, the more processes are available. No longer is the potency of a potion governed by alchemy skill alone. Now alchemy skill should have a minimal effect, allowing for one to create decent potions from the start, but with some additional negative effects to balance it out. Also, creating a potion would not require just two or three ingredients, but at least 5, and up to 10. Time also passes when processing ingredients. To create a potion (which is in liquid form) you must add either a liquid to it, which will either add a negative or positive effect, or enhance the current/desired effect, or add water, which will most likely dilute the potion. To create a salve (which is pasty in consistency) you may have to add a few drops of liquid, but sometimes you will not as the liquid inside one or more of the ingredients will be enough. This is just an outline, use it as a guide, if any of you are up to the challenge. I may come back to this to add more, but I probably won't. If no one is willing to create this, I would be very appreciative if someone could walk me through how to do something this complicated. Thank you. ;)
  2. Okay, so this is for all of the Whovians out there. I had an idea for a mod (but have no idea how to make them D=). I would very much appreciate someone creating this. =D So, the mod: A Sonic Screwdriver Lockpick. This could be three things, a texture replacer for the standard lockpick (in the inventory, environment, and mini-game). Or, it could be an item, that you could use on a locked door. The function would be similar to that of a staff, but it'd create a noise and no projectile would be fired. It would, however, unlock the door you are looking at. Or, it could be both! =D Now, this is lore-unfriendly, I know. If someone decides to make it a tool, then it could be considered unbalanced. However, you must craft this at a forge, with several hard to obtain materials, then you must enchant it at an enchanting table (so that you can actually use it) and you must recharge it upon several uses. The items used to craft it could be: 3 flawless diamonds, 2 dalekanium ingots (crafted from 2 dwarven scrap, a malachite ore, and 2 gold ores and yes, I know that the screwdriver does not contain Dalekanium in the show, but I want more Doctor Who related items here. =3), a filled Black Soul Gem, and possibly a large pearl. These items are pretty hard to obtain without the use of cheats. Also, the screwdriver has about 10 uses, and can also relock/lock doors. To lock the door, you would point the screwdriver at the door, activate it, and a menu would pop up that allows you to select the difficulty (Novice-Requires a key). The better the lock the more uses are used. Also, upon using this item, anyone in about a 7 foot radius would hear the noise, and would be put into a suspicious state. If they are sleeping, they have to be in a 4 foot radius to be woken up. Alternate screwdrivers: You could have all the different screwdrivers from all of the different Doctors. They would all require the same materials, and have the same durability, but would be aesthetically different. Thanks for reading! I would love to hear back from a mod developer, especially if you are willing to create this. =D Thanks!
  3. Me too! Make a light version as well. Pwease? I think I agree with the above post. I might die a 'lil on the inside if no one makes this. Or jump in front of a bus, to completely end my pain. The pain stops when this is made. And when this is made SKYRIM WILL BE 10 MILLION TIMES MORE EPIC THAN IT ALREADY IS! -Fruitman1010 P.S. FUS... RO DAH!
  4. Would this apply to both genders? Male underwear for the female players, and bras and panties for the guys? Just wondering. I have a few female friends that play skyrim and have wanted more male removable underwear. I for one, want underwear I can remove for the women. And, for the male underwear, just make sure to include the correct mesh. =P So the females are pleased. Lol.
  5. Well... First of all... I was reading an one of the forums about buying a tavern. Then I thought, "Why shouldn't we be able to buy other things in the town as well? For example, we could maybe buy the College of Winterhold for oh, say, 1,000,000 gold? Give or take. Or even buy the town itself? Jarl is still in "control," of course, but you can take anything or even rob/pickpocket, assult, people as you please, even picking locks (or all doors are just auto unlocked in that town) without being prosecuted! And, the items respawn. You can even collect taxes from the town by going to the homes and shops, or talking to the Jarl for all taxes collected. Even the Jarl pays the tax. The tax amount depends entirely on time waited, how many homes/shops there are, multiplied by the number of people owning each shop/living in each home, how many buildings, and a random number of items sold at each location. You can also buy things and collect the tax to get things for free without the need for pickpocketing. If you buy all the towns in all the nine holds, you can eventually become High King of Skyrim. Of course, it would be VERY expensive. Most likely 500,000,000 gold. Give, not take. Lol. Also, you can command some of the soldiers, and own the shops and individual buildings. You may also select people to be your followers. Up to 8 people from each town at once can be your follower. You can murder without being prosecuted, but the people DON'T respawn. Except for the guards. You can even build your own towns IF you find a location large/flat enough and it has a decent amount of resources. Though, it will take a minimum of 3 in game years to complete, depending on the size. All towns in a hold, for example, Riverwood and all other settlements outside the capitol of Whiterun must be purchased seperately, and all the buildings in the towns/settlements must be purchased and in Whiterun, THEN you can purchase the whitrerun hold. This applies for all Holds. Second of all, I think environments should have a role in the game and your survival. As well as hunger and thirst. This part is optional, but would be rewarded with many thanks and many kudos. So, environments would contribute to the temperature. Temperature has a BIG role in your survival. If it's too cold and your not wearing warm enough clothing, or you don't have a camp fire, or frost resistance, (NOT JUST FROM NORD RACES!!!)then you cold contract hypothermia, which progresses to Frostbite (Much like that of vampirism, but in a much shorter time.), which can cause appendiges and limbs to fall of and even death. Yes, waters MUST have temperatures if this part is going to be complete. And, the deeper the water, the colder/warmer it is. Example, it is MUCH warmer in the waters of antarctica and the arctic than it is on land, and the deeper you go, the warmer it is. But, pressure of the water can crush you, and make you die. While the waters of tropical areas, while warm, are cooler than the land, and cooler the deeper you go. Same pressure physics apply. Flames, can now be used to make camp fires, and you can create small shelters from Frostbite out of ice. They WILL melt. After about 4 ingame days. You must use A LOAD of magicka, and continue using frostbite until it builds up. Best made small, and with a limit, 'cause if you are four days into building a whole wall, it will start melting. You should be able to cast spells and draw weapons underwater. Example, you should be able to cast waterbreathing under water. And water puts out flames. Sparks will cause area damage underwater, and damage you as well. It's electricity, and water conducts it. Clothing has a factor in warm/coolness. If you wear heavy clothing, you'll be warm, but might overheat in hot areas, and cool clothing will keep you cool, and no clothes keeps you cool, but you cold get hypothermia in cold areas. Also, if you were in the water, you might want to dry off before going to a cold area, as the cold temperature will make you contract hypothermia faster, no matter what type of clothing your wearing. Also MAKE CRAFTABLE CLOTHING! No more having to loot or buy it. Make tents, and stuff. Portable chests, and s***. I want the player to have to build their own home, or buy it. Preferably build one because we already can purchase them. FARMING! Needed, otherwise you could starve. Alcohol makes you drunk, water gives you thirst points. Sleep makes you get a bonus which increases your stamina, and makes it regenerate quickly. Also, lack of sleep decreases stamina, and makes it diminish way faster when sprinting or power attacking. BEING ABLE TO CLIMB WALLS OR MOUNTAINS! Being able to attack on your horse. All that s***. Being able to create your own mineshaft, and fish. You should be able to fish, and hunt, and all that s***. No just grabbing the fish with your hand, give me a fishing pole! Damn, I've always wanted one in skyrim. Please, please give us boats. BOATS ARE NEEDED GOD DAMN IT! This and other stuff. Use these ideas and incorporate some more of your own.
  6. I feel there should be more races, mounts, and abilities! C'mon, who hasn't wanted more races? Who hasn't wanted to ride a DRAGON?!?! Who hasn't wanted to have more abilities? 1.)Races- I feel there should be WAY more races, because, c'mon, it's skyrim, it's "magical." I'll give a list of races. Pick as many, or as few as you want, but I think these are epic. Serpentine- They have a scaly upper body, with arms, but have a snake tail. They can use the tail to grab and strangle the foe, as well as poison them with fangs. The can also climb trees and swim very fast. Sprite- These little trouble makers have an EXTREMELY small size, but are VERY good at magic. They can also fly and are faster than most races. The also make excellent thieves. Pteropus Chiroptera- This giant bat like creature is very agile, can climb trees and mountains, and also fly at high speeds. They also can use echolocation but have extremely poor eyesight. They can also drink blood like a vampire, but do not need to. Carcharodon- They are shark-people, can breathe underwater, and swim very fast. Their bite is deadly, their teeth razor sharp, and senses can detect life, scents, sounds, tastes, and feels from very far distances. Quick reflexes, but need water to drink. Also has very hard skin, as well as ability to foresee events. Merman/Maid- These half fish people can swim fast, breathe underwater, befriend fish, charm others, and even turn their legs into fish tails! Also, they can see underwater very well. Taloniforous- These bird people can fly at high speeds, have VERY good eyesight, and deadly claws. Look like a mix of a hawk, an eagle, and a person. Ashen- These people can rise from the ashes, giving them almost immortality. These creatures are very good with fire type destruction magic, and are even immune, but are horrible and very weak to frost. Phoenixeria- This race is a mix of the Taloniforous and Ashens, making them similar to a phoenix. Can fly at high speeds, leaving trails of fire in their wake, and can be reborn. Arachnia- These spider people have six arms, and two legs. They also can see all around them, as well as poison foes with different effects, and spin webs. They can climb any terrain, and dangle from webs, as well as trapping their opponents in them. Chloromelia- These reptilian races can blend in with their environment, much like that of a chameleon. Appearing almost invisible, but very slow, but have claws and teeth that do massive damage. Oleria- These owl people are very wise, and silent. They make the perfect assassins, and mages. They can fly at super sonic speeds, and with no sound at all. They grasp spellcraft quickly, and easily. Also having deadly talons, and beaks. 2.)MOUNTS! Dragon mounts! You should be able to ride dragons. And not just firebreathing ones, but frost and lightning breathing dragons as well. Dolphin mount! You should be able to ride a dolphin in the water to go at high speeds, but be wary of drowning! Submarine (Dwemer creation)! You should be able to ride a Dwemer submerging automaton, that lets you breathe underwater and walk around in. Has a bed, and a chest. Also has an anvil, alchemy table, enchanting table and all other crafting items. Also has a periscope, and diving helmets with suits (They are enchanted with the water breathing enchantment.) Boat- Who hasn't wanted a boat in Skyrim? We all want one. Several different kinds. Sail, row, and magic. FLYING ASTERIA!!!- If anyone has the Asteria mod, who HASN'T WANTED TO FLY IT!? Parachute/Glider (Dwemer parachute from Oblivion FTW!) Want this thing back? Dwemer hot air balloon! Is what the name implies. Pegasus! Comes in two different kinds. Holy and Unholy. Holy Pegasus is white, will fight with you, and has a horn on its head with which is stabs people. Unholy is black, and fights with you, rapidly regenerating health. Has 3,000 health, and can leave trails of fire in is steps, and uses a flaming horn to stab and burn its foes. Griffin- Lets you ride a Griffin, which is a bird like creature, with a lion body, horse hooves, and eagle wings and head. Also has a lion tail. 3.) ABILITIES!!! Flight! For winged races, and such, maybe even vampires growing wings? Shapeshifting- Not just for werewolves anymore! Even transform into different races, and creatures! This gives you the abilities of the race transformed into, for the duration of the transformation. Potion of transformation! Does the same thing as shapeshifting. Sonic step- Sends you flying across the area, to your target location, all in a few seconds. Limit of 1000 feet. Glide- Also for winged races Poison bite- For the Serpentines and the Arachnia Bite- For all fanged races Peck- For beaked races Talon Kick- For races with talons Super senses- for the shark race Sonic flight- For fast fliers, lets you fly at sonic speeds. Echolocation- Lets you "see" everything around you. Completely silent to others, since it is too high pitched for them to hear. For the bat race. Web- Lets you spin a web on your enemy, or stick things in it. Also good for traps. You can also sit in your web. Tail transform- For the shark race and mer- people. Strangle- For the serpentines. They use their tail to grab the foe, crush them, or strangle them. Fire trail- For Phoenixeria. Leaves a trail of fire where they've been. It fades after a few minutes. Climb- For serpentines, and Arachnia. Serpentines climb trees, and arachnia climb all. Blend- For the chameleon race. Blends into the environment, and not entirely invisible, but completely undetectable. Foresight- Lets you see into the future. Which, just lets you see the traps and such. And three possible outcomes for every situation you use it for, as well as sleeping draugr.
  7. Wow, I didn't think it'd get a reply so quickly! Thanks for the feedback. I was disappointed when I got skyrim and the the only destruction magics were fire, lightning, and ice. >_< That sucked the life and joy out of my playing experience. D:<
  8. I feel there should be more types of destruction magics. They are technically "elemental," but I feel there should be more elements. Like, water, wind, earth, and stuff. Maybe even dark and light magic? Examples: Water magic should be used around water, and it takes the water out of the water source and uses it to trap your enemies. or example, it could hold them in a blob of water and drown them. Or you could turn it scalding hot, and burn them to death with hot water. And so on. Wind magic should be able to push your foes, or block attacks but using air pressure to push the attack back to the caster of it. Or even make tornadoes, and such. Try to think like that. Earth magic should be able to create structures and natural armor, as well as using it to make gems that can be sold. It should also be able to control plant life, and turn some things into ores. Maybe even turn things into magma? Light magic is ideal for paladins, as it uses the holy power to vanquish the undead, heal your allies, cure disease, and stun your enemies. All that stuff. Think, priest but more aggressive priest. Dark Magic should be able to raise the dead, and summon dead from graveyards, and even create your own skeletons, and such. Ideal for necromancers and dark mages. It also has the power to make MASSIVE destruction. You should be able to do all sorts of things, including conjure unholy beasts.
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