Introduction Name: Alessia Kyra Race: Vampire (formerly human, stricken with vampirism at the age of 17) Age: 1021 Sex: Female Armor: specially crafted dresses for best protection yet light as silk known as the Heaven and Earth set Weapon: preferred: Enchanted Combat Knife (Scorcher of Heaven and Earth) sheathed on her left waist keeps an enchanted crossbow (Sniper of Heaven and Earth) strapped on her back with a quiver of bolts. proficient with: halberds, swords, crossbows, spears, horseback combat, and basic illusion spell Combat style: Knife fighter, uses agility and speed to dodge, block and or parry attacks, mostly letting opponents get tired, then begin attack at a perceived good moment. If combat skills are doing her no good, she is proficient with low level illusion spells enough to escape some encounters. Attitude: Silent, rarely talks, unless she really needs to talk (has very few friends, outlived most of them) RARELY trust people, if she say she does, usually there's something in it. Very reserved, calm, and never sells herself off unless she's on a mission in her private contracts. If angered, she rarely shows it, she hides it, and wait for the right time to take revenge (without being known of her involvement) Trivia: -Her beauty seemingly locks her in her 17th age appearance when she was bitten -She uses her ability in illusion (and seduction) to manipulate situations -At her 442 age, she had the ability to remain in the sun for (more or less) 6 hours consecutively before being injured by the sun -Her vampirism age grants her slightly faster healing rate than most human and grants her the ability to fully heal from wounds which makes scratch and other wound marks heal completely -Her background in the military provided her with vast knowledge of warfare, combat, and strategy note: this is a mere outline of the character, for the full background and history, there will be another thread concerning this... Story Begins: A tall figure entered through the door of the tavern, tough there is a slight shriek from the door, no footsteps could be heard(or at least she presumed so). She walked up to the bartender, sat down, then ordered a couple of drinks. Then she drank silently, alone in a corner of the tavern...