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Posts posted by Sepherose

  1. As far as I am aware, Bashed Patches will not make a leveled list of over 255 items (I haven't read up enough to know if it is an engine limitation or not). But in theory, couldn't a SkyProc patcher be made that would read installed mods and the bashed patch, and if a leveled list would go over 255, it split the items arbitrarily between two new sub lists and place then into the original, effectively circumventing this limitation?

  2. I feel horrible about this because someone already offered help and I really don't want to bother him again, but I really, honestly, can not wrap my head around the scripting for Skyrim. Not sure why, possibly due to IRL distractions, but I could use some help.


    I'm trying to figure out how to dynamically alter the scale of any dragons that are within a (large) range of the player by anywhere between -0.02 and 0.02, and apply something to them to prevent the script from firing again. It seems like it should be simple enough, but I really am not getting this.

  3. If I recall correctly you hit the nail on the head with it being the specular. But, I don't do body retextures, so I am unsure. I typically play female characters and I use UNP though, there is a texture blending utility to get rid of neck seams for it. Might glance around and see if you can find something like that for males?

  4. After Skyrim came out, I started doing more than just recolors with a few splashes of detail on the diffuse and maybe some basic normal map stuff. I learned more about specular and started expirimenting with with making really nice ones, but had to stumble through it for myself for the most part. I did have a little help, but not as much as I would have liked. Anyway, here is a pic tutorial that shows how I usually come up with my basic specular maps and how to apply them using GIMP. Before you start though, you NEED to back up all the textures associated with the texture you are working on.


    Skyrim basic Specular map tutorial.


    Now, some final notes on this:


    1. Keep a project file on hand as an in progress backup.


    2. Use the dodge and burn tools to manually change the shininess of the specular by brightening or darkening (respectively) areas.


    I hope this is helpful to those that are just starting out with textures but are otherwise successful with modding.


    I am also aware that this is likely not the BEST way to get a specular, but it does work well for me.

  5. I'll check it out for you and let you know how it goes.


    EDIT: Looks like you forgot to apply the layer mask to the chest tattoo before merging the layers. I got a fixed version, if you still for some reason can't get it to work let me know and I will toss the DDS your way, game ready with mipmaps.

  6. I'm working on a small mod and the only "spectacular" thing I am wanting to do with it is this:


    In the mod there is going to be a unique bow, and on death I want it to apply force to the ragdoll of the killed enemy to fling it a ways, similar to the giant's slam attack. I know this would have to be an on death effect, but would it be overly difficult to set this up? Or could I select an already existing effect from the "On Death" dropdown?

  7. Alright, so far the patch I have whipped up works flawlessly on my end. It integrates Bellyaches dragons into the DD assault system, and later I plan on trying to do some faction based stuff to add some more unpredicability to the game, in the end making it so the player may witness a battle for supremacy and the honor of killing the Dragonborn between dragons.


    So far, only the assault system integration is seemingly done, it also removes the hand placed dragons from BNDS, and I need some people to test it, here are the requirements:






    Dawnguard (for DD)

    Bellyaches New Dragon Species

    Deadly Dragons


    And obviously and up to date Skyrim install.


    Strongly suggested:


    Unofficial Dragonborn patch


    As an issue with BNDS can be resolved by loading it before the UDBP.


    Suggested Load Order:





    Seph DD+BNDS


    If anyone is interested, the file is attached below, and feedback would be greatly appreciated.

  8. Hey, I've been wanting to try this mod because I'm new to the Xcom series and am having a bit of trouble late in the game even on Easy. Anyway, I have a store bought copy (I get a discount) instead of the Steam copy and was wondering how I can install the mod?


    My game directory would be like this E:/Program Files (86)/Xcom Enemy Unkown.


    When I ran the batch file I didn't expect it to work in the first place because of the files being located on my HD and not my SSD, but when I read the batch file it made me wonder if it would work at all since it attempts to locate the Steam directory.


    I even thought about editing the file to make it look for the correct directory, but I have no clue what you guys are using to view them.


    Thanks in advance!


    The game uses Steamworks. You have to activate it on Steam. Even if you bought it in a store.

  9. You guys might have noticed that although it's still not activated without modding (AFAIK), the menu bugs have been ironed out and -to my great pleasure- marathon has been added.And it's really nice.


    I'm a little worried that something is wrong about it though - after the base attack, I need 2 devices to build the hyperspace relay. Of course the base attack gave me only one. I see two possibilities :


    2.two base attacks :)

    I'm rooting for number 2 ! Still waiting for any sign that it would come up though. My current objective is still to build the relay but that's not gonna happen as is


    Try stunning another one of those energy shard guys on a ufo mission. That seems to be the trigger to getting a base... I know it wouldn't make sense since you did it already but who knows...


    I actually tried this and now I just have a second shard sitting in storage. I can't use it for anything....

    I have been playing insane ironman with marathon active and a few other second wave options.... it's rough...


    EDIT: I changed the variable for marathon from 2.0f to 1.0f and it indeed allowed me to build the facility, then changed it back without issue. Looks like this is the way to go for now until/unless they release a completed second wave mode in a patch or *sigh* as a DLC.... I really hope it isn't the latter.

    Either that or until some intrepid modder can alter only that particular aspect of it.

  10. Specifically, if it's possible to force the player to send different soldiers on each Skyranger to force even more decision making on the player's part.

    Actually, there is no decision at all if you can handle every incursion simultanously. Soldiers aren't very expensive and you can steal the alien's weapons soon enough. Lose a rookie by running him up to the sectoid to stun it? Totally worth it if it works.


    The multiple choice thing is in there specifically because there was no decision involved in the original game. It was just straightforward work.


    You can't balance the elimination of a game mechanic with higher cost.

    Weapon production/selling in the OG eliminated the importance of funding... completely. So just make everything 3x as expensive, right?


    I actually have to disagree here to a point. I personally like the idea that you have to leave some people behind so to speak in regards to where you choose to take a mission. But, at the same time, the big thing with being able to have multiple transports in the original was that the missions could be completed by the aliens before you arrived, or you could run out of fuel. So you were still forced to sacrifice places in the original, the mechanic was simply different and a bit more chaotic. So in the end, I think being able to accommodate one extra Skyranger is not asking too much.


    As for the cost not being good enough to offset, then why not research times? If I recall, weren't there some techs in the originals that could take up to 5 or 6 weeks to research? Then, even if you are getting the alien gear, you are still hard pressed to actually do anything, and it is a struggle until you do get those research pieces done. Not having the gear available to you can still lead to mission failure or the need to abandon the site, which can raise panic in a major way.


    In the end I do not think that OP wants to eliminate the mechanic, simply alter it in a balanced way, and that much in theory is possible.


    EDIT: I apologize if my post seems a bit jumbled, I have not had coffee yet...



    SKSE, a must for any modded install.

    Next comes SkyUI, a much better menu system.

    Now you will want some nice textures, and so you install Skyrim HD 2K Textures.

    Now you want to install Realistic Water Textures and Terrain.

    Now comes the excellent W.A.T.E.R. mod.

    After that the Skyrim Flora Overhaul.

    Can't forget the epic S.M.I.M. either.

    Also, Realistic Lighting with Customization.

    And off course, you gotta ramp up the bloodshed with Crimson Tide.

    Deadly Spell Impacts is next to give your spells that needed visual oomph.

    Realistic Smoke and Embers is an absolute must for the look of the world at large.

    No More Blocky Faces is something to look into to fix that... weirdness with the character faces.

    High Quality Eyes is just a great complimentary mod for N.M.B.F.

    FXAA Post Process Injector is great for looks. (My kill performance though.)

    Deadly Dragons, make those fearsome beasts ACTUALLY fearsome...

    Skyrim Monster Mod, adds a lot of variety to the world. (Has lore friendly patches)

    JaySuS Swords is an absolute need for any play through for variety.

    Immersive Armors, the same applies to this as the above mod.

    Dance of Death is just... awesome!

    And although I have not tried it yet, it the endorsements and comments speak highly of HiAlgoBoost to help with performance.

    Next, install BOSS and run it, this can help with a lot of those pesky Load Order issues.


    Now I know that some of the above mods affect similar areas, but what one mod missed another picks up on, and in the end I believe that this is a great way to START with a modded Skyrim install simply for a few gameplay tweaks and a visual overhaul. I hope this helps those that are new to modding their games and they enjoy playing as much as I do after installing these mods.

  12. yeah man that sucks, sounds like your uncle was awesome. I wish more of my family was gaming-social.


    He was the only family I had that was a gamer in that sense, although my dad plays quite a few shooter games. Tetradite has been working on an awesome tower area for this mod idea, I just wandered around there in game and it is awesome so far, it actually reminds me of what I uncle described whenever he talked about Ozzley's tower. :)

  13. Here is a thought:




    The following symptoms are pretty close already"


    Anxiety, stress, and tension






    Exaggerated sensation at the bite site




    Loss of feeling in an area of the body


    Loss of muscle function


    Low-grade fever (102 degrees F or lower)


    Muscle spasms


    Numbness and tingling


    Pain at the site of the bite




    Swallowing difficulty (drinking causes spasms of the voicebox)


    Malaise (feeling out of sorts, this can get extremely bad to the point of complete confusion)


    It wouldn't take much mutation in the virus to cause it to shift gears in some areas. For example the difficulty swallowing would have to alter, and since it is an effect of the virus attacking the CNS, it would have to mutate to target slightly different areas of the CNS, but probably not too much. It would also have to cause more rapid damage to the higher reasoning areas of the brain. This means that the overall incubation would need to be faster, closer to 24 hours. It would also have to damage to portions of your brain that tell the afflicted individual how hungry they are and how often they are hungry. And finally it would have to slow it's assault of the respiratory functions of the body to prolong the afflicted individuals life.


    People suffering from a variation of rabies like this would be frighteningly close to zombies, but they still aren't undead, as that just... well, that just wouldn't work, unless it's a fungus type infections, and for that all you really need to do is look at the Cordyceps genus of fungi.

  14. I'm going to start this off by explaining why I want to do this.


    Yesterday morning I received a call from my Father that my Uncle had died. It has been really rough for me, and I don't have much to remember him by which makes it worse. What I want to do though, is make a mod in memory of him, I know, this could come across as a bit strange if you don't know anything about my Uncle. He was an avid gamer, and in particular, he loved the TES series and Dungeons and Dragons.


    He always played a battle-mage type character in TES and I had started with this idea when he was first diagnosed and told he had about a year, this was two months ago, so I thought I might have been able to organize at the very least the armor done and in game so he could see that and play a character that used it, and now it has become more of an in memorial kind of deal for me, as well as a bit of personal drive. The idea initially was to make some armor that accommodated a battle-mage character that incorporated some visual aspects from his favorite armors/outfits in the game.


    Those armors were:



    -Dragon Plate

    -Wizard Robes

    -Ebony Armor


    He usually played while wearing some combination of those but had always wanted to be able to recolor them and blend certain aspects off them together, which was the idea (based on the conversations him and I have had about Skyrim).


    Over the course of planning this out, I decided I wanted to try and do a little more after the armor had been done. He used to come over every weekend to play D&D with us, and occasionally he would DM. When he did this, he always brought in one of his old D&D characters named Ozzley as the quest giver. The best part about this character was that he was a human Wizard that had been granted three wishes, the wishes he asked for were: "I want to be immortal in the true sense of the word!" This not being a true wish, the response was "Granted, but you will forever be a man of great physical age." After that, "I wish I could traverse the Planes freely!" This response was "Granted, but you won't actually know where you are ending up." And his last wish "I wish I had all the knowledge of every school of magic in existence across all the Planes!" The response: "Granted, but you are the most absent minded being in existence."


    In the end what you got was a very kind old wizard that was never quite sure where he was and remembered just enough to both potentially bring you to great treasures, but also left half finished spells and alchemy experiments laying around his tower that might turn you into a chicken, or a rat, or make living creatures within sight of you fall so madly in love with you that they mistakenly attack you because they feel they have to have you. As well as all other manner of bizarre happenings.


    Sadly, I can remember exactly how the armor should be, and I can do the textures (although I lack the ability to do any modeling), but in a stupid fit of being upset deleted all notes about actual story last night.


    All I am really asking for here is for help from someone that knows modeling to help me make the armor. Other than that, if anyone else is willing to help me with getting an actual story made to accompany it, I would be forever in your debt and would help you in any way possible in the future if you need it. And obviously, anyone that does help will be credited.


    Many thanks to anyone who took the time to read and consider this request for assistance.

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