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  1. Ok so the defaultSelfActivateTRIG only works once, after that it won't activate again. I'll try your script suggestion, but quick question; do I need to alter it in anyway to match the portcullis' reference or FormID or anything like that? Or can I literally copy and paste?
  2. Markers are on, but for some reason it still won't exist visually. I've tried going into WarehouseAmbushes and copying a defaultSelfActivateTRIG and that seemed to work when linked to the door via Activate Parent. Need to fiddle with it a bit though I think.
  3. Okay, that makes sense. But I've never really messed with triggers before. I'm trying to drop a trigger box in my cell, and it shows in Cell View, but not in the render window :/ I'm probably trying to do something here that is beyond my current understanding of the CK, but if you wouldn't mind helping me through it that would be great of you :)
  4. Hi, I'm currently hard at work on my Rochester Overhaul mod, and have run into a bit of a problem. I currently have three portcullis set up around the various entrances into my castle's grounds, and have hooked them all up to MetalLever01 active parents that all work fine, which is cool. However recently I have seen several mods that feature doors/portcullis that will open automatically when approached. This would be a great thing for me to include as I currently am having difficulty with several NPCs that need to walk from the town into the castle bailey but can't use the levers. So if I could make them open automatically somehow, it would solve a lot of issues. I was thinking maybe a trigger box might work for this? But I'm not sure how to set that up, or what trigger would be needed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Joe.
  5. Just a quick one, I'm setting up a tavern by adding in a basement cell which rooms for the player and some of the tavern NPCs to sleep in. I've given the tavern owner the necessary script (RentRoom > selected the bed I want to rent in the basement cell, set the bed to be owned by the tavern owner, set the WI thing WI) but the dialogue to rent me the bed just does not appear. She's all set up with a tavern faction, she'll sell me food and drink, but I just can't get the dialogue to appear to rent that bed. Am I missing something?
  6. Ah okay, I think I see now. I'm beginning to think that this is actually going to work. Just need an answer now about whether or not VC has to be on every machine :) Thank you!
  7. @Matthiasswagg - ah I see. So I take it that an .esp and an .esp merge of the same file with, say, 1 interior cell, would results in duplicates, but if I made rochesteroverhaul.esp an .esm file first (or even used VC to add it into the rochester.esm file), and then tried adding that second .esp, it wouldn't cause duplicates? Just to clarify :) @ jaxonz - yeah I'm much the same, I've been keeping archives of my releases but now that I'm working with someone else this is something I've realised has to be worked out before I can continue. Thank you for the links! Quick query - would Version Control have to be set up on every contributor's machine, or just on the one that is going to do the compiling, and then that person sends out the newly-merged .esm each week?
  8. Hi, Yesterday I posted a topic about having difficulty working on a overhaul of breti's Rochester World modder's resource simultaneously with another person, and I want to solve this as I'm hoping to expand to a modding team in the future, so this is essential to get right. Today I did some research and found out that many large modding teams, and Bethesda themselves, use Version Control, a manually-activated tool hidden in the CK that enables the user to convert the .esp to an .esm, and then add additional .esp files into that .esm, so that multiple people can work on a mod and, say, every Friday, a new .esm can be generated with all the authors' work merged together. Am I right in my understand of Version Control? Because some of it I'm finding a bit difficult to understand haha! I have a few questions as to the applications of Version Control; - How are the files added to the .esm? I'm guessing that after a new version of the .esm is generated, both mod authors would then work on separate versions of it, to then be combined at a later date? - Does this result in actor and item duplication? I ask this because when I attempted to run Skyrim with both his version and my version of our mod (the only difference being he had added an interior cell), I soon found that pretty much everything that I had added in my overhaul of breti's mod that wasn't in the original .esm file had been duplicated! So how does the VC get around this? Is it something to do with it being an .esm? Thanks!
  9. I've put TES5Edit in its own folder and tried again, I still end up with a merged file that requires both .esps and .esms to function :/ Hope you don't mind if I send you them.
  10. Thank you, that would be really great as a last resort :) Would you need the .esm and .bsa files for that? TES5Edit is just installed in SteamApps > common > Skyrim, I haven't put it in a folder or anything, it's just loose. And merging I just go with the defaults of creating a new file and the two-pass intelligent copy :)
  11. Merge script :smile: thanks for your help on this btw, I really appreciate it. Love your Simple Taxes mod.
  12. This is where I believe I'm somehow going wrong, then. I'm trying to merge a file called rochersteroverhaul.esp with rochesterupdate.esp, which both have the masters skyrim.esm and rochester.esm. So by what you just said, the merged file would still only have those two .esm files, yes? However, when I merge the two .esp files, and check in CK or NMM, it lists it's master files as being skyrim.esm, rochester.esm, rochesteroverhaul.esp and rochesterupdate.esp :/ I think I'm fudging this up somewhere down the line, as the file essentially requires it's own parent files instead of joining together two files.
  13. Thanks :) Although bit of an issue, Skyrim now CTD before it even gets to the Continue.. Load.. New etc screen :/ pretty sure I haven't done this right /sigh.
  14. I've merged the base .esp with an update and it worked fine, using that tool you provided. However, in creation kit when trying to open the merged file it also loads the two files used to merge it, as it deems them master files. Is this right? I'm trying to cut down the number of files the user has to download to get the full experience of my mod, you see.
  15. Not got into quests or scripting yet, he's just chipping in with some of the level designs by adding interior cells to a few empty shells of houses.
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