Hi, Yesterday I posted a topic about having difficulty working on a overhaul of breti's Rochester World modder's resource simultaneously with another person, and I want to solve this as I'm hoping to expand to a modding team in the future, so this is essential to get right. Today I did some research and found out that many large modding teams, and Bethesda themselves, use Version Control, a manually-activated tool hidden in the CK that enables the user to convert the .esp to an .esm, and then add additional .esp files into that .esm, so that multiple people can work on a mod and, say, every Friday, a new .esm can be generated with all the authors' work merged together. Am I right in my understand of Version Control? Because some of it I'm finding a bit difficult to understand haha! I have a few questions as to the applications of Version Control; - How are the files added to the .esm? I'm guessing that after a new version of the .esm is generated, both mod authors would then work on separate versions of it, to then be combined at a later date? - Does this result in actor and item duplication? I ask this because when I attempted to run Skyrim with both his version and my version of our mod (the only difference being he had added an interior cell), I soon found that pretty much everything that I had added in my overhaul of breti's mod that wasn't in the original .esm file had been duplicated! So how does the VC get around this? Is it something to do with it being an .esm? Thanks!