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About Tmax98

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Obsidian commit to mod support and the Nexus for Project Eternity
Tmax98 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
So awesome that the developer itself is endorsing the Nexus modding community and are planning to allow the game to be easily modded. Obsidian is awesome! -
I'm sure plenty of people want this. I know that Vanilla hairs get a different texture when the person puts a helmet on but modded hairs make you go completely bald. Helmets that don't fully cover your head, you can see the baldness. Such helmets like Iron Helmet or Imperial. Then you have the full head helmets like Daedric, Steel Plate, Ebony, and Dragon. These essentially take all you hair away. Now I know that you can keep all your hair in the helmet, but when you have hair that flows to shoulder length or farther your hair shouldn't get all shoved in the helmet. Anyways, I request a mod that actually shows your hair when you use a helmet, particularly modded hair. I've seen ways of making your hair clip out of your helmet but that's no fun for obvious reasons. I've been playing a female character lately and I don't use helmets at all because I actually want to see my character's face and hair. I would be fine with a partially covering helmet but then my character's hair goes away and it's just ugly. I use Circlets enchanted just so I can see my character's face and hair. I can get the same enchantment benefits but no armor. So if there was a way to make hair show with helmets, at least the helmets that don't fully cover face, it would be great if someone made a mod like that. Perhaps with full-face helmets a way to show hair would be maybe put a whole somewhere for a ponytail or something to stick out. Maybe that wouldn't look good, I don't know. So if someone could at least have hair(particularly modded hairs, ApachiiSkyHair primarily) show in partially covering helmets. There could be whole new helmets made for showing hair and face. Maybe remodeling of helmets like there are so many armor remodels out there. At least for female characters. Maybe make armored circlets? You have all these armor mods that allow you to show off your character's body, but their head must either be removed of hair or completely covered to offer protection. I personally don't mind just sticking to Circlets, but would like to have more armor protection. Would definitely be nice :)
I ran into this same problem because I didn't think to disable the mod before the werewolf transformation quest. After looking through the quest scripts, I think I found the answer. Open the console (~) Click Aela (or prid 0001a697) Type setrace <race ID> Close console And her lips started moving again. The <race ID> needs to be whatever race your custom Aela mod changed her to. I think Hotter Skyrim must have her set to Breton. It should have kept it at Nord. It may have but when Werewolf transformation happens it might screw with the mod. I first tried setting it to Breton then back to Nord and the lip thing was fixed but her head didn't match her body and she was missing the war paint. It works best as Breton cause the lips move and the face matches. Only issue is the hair is laying on a body that is no longer there so it's sort of suspended an inch or two about her chest but whatever.
Are you having constant exterior CTDs? I've FINALLY found your sol
Tmax98 replied to yafi's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I deleted the whole Skyrim folder in My Games the first time, but now that I think about it I think I only deleted saves the second time. Would my old saves be able to work if I did it like that or would I have to start over again? -
Are you having constant exterior CTDs? I've FINALLY found your sol
Tmax98 replied to yafi's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Seems very large. Did you delete all your logs and then try again? And they were still that big? Probably too big for Notepad. Try opening them up in Word (if you have it) or Windows Write or similar. They're just text files. deleted all my logs and loaded up again. CTD and checked the logs, the Papyrus.0 is at 383 MB. I tried opening with Word Pad and Microsoft Word, neither worked. -
Are you having constant exterior CTDs? I've FINALLY found your sol
Tmax98 replied to yafi's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
What does one do if the papyrus logs are colossal in size and cannot be opened? Papyrus.0, Papyrus.1, and Papyrus.2 are all at 383 MB and my Papyrus.3 is at 11 GB. I was just getting freezes up until last night where it is now CTDs. I'm having the save-bloat issue where my most recent save is 42 MB. I've even uninstalled an reinistalled twice now and gotten rid of mods and everything and still having issues. I'd see if I could get anything out of Papyrus if I could actually open them. -
Save file size escalating to high numbers, causing freezes and/or CTD
Tmax98 replied to Tmax98's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Okay so scratch that, the files are going way up again. When I first took off SoS it went down like from 59 MB to 16 MB(still too large compared to my original game save size, but still less) but now another 3 hours and its up to 34 MB. I'm still having the short freezes fairly constantly, and now they're now even longer than before. -
Save file size escalating to high numbers, causing freezes and/or CTD
Tmax98 replied to Tmax98's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Wow, so that worked with the save file thing. File size dropped way down, hopefully the tiny chronic freezes will stop soon. -
Save file size escalating to high numbers, causing freezes and/or CTD
Tmax98 replied to Tmax98's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Odd, but okay -
Somehow, Skyrim saves are getting messed up. I've experienced it and saw another forum post about it. Simply put, at a certain point, save files(viewable in the Your User/My Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Saves) are increasing in size far much than they should. I've seen 20 minutes add 2 MB onto a save file, and 2 hours add 20 MB. Something happens, and I don't what, that makes saves suddenly start increasing in size dramatically. For instance, my main save file was being added up at reasonable increments. Suddenly, I see a difference between two saves that are only 13 hours apart of 21 MB. While a previous save can be seen at 29 hours and another seen at 78 and there's only a 3 MB difference. It gets worse, I started a new game and only 2 hours in I was experiencing chronic freezes, lo and behold the save file was at over 140 MB. 2 hours in with that much information? Something's up, and it's causing CTDs(Crashes to Desktop) and chronic freezes. I even deleted my whole Skyrim folder in the My Games directory and fully reinstalled, and the problem still seems to persist. I played a new game and 11 hours it was already at 39 MB, another two hours have added 20 MB. I assure you I didn't doing practically everything the game has to offer in those 13 hours. It's not like I have a lot of mods, with all my mods activated I have about 90 plugins. My new save is running with about 60. If anyone has any sort of solution to this, please do tell. Something is up.
Apologies in advance for wall of text, I'm just trying to provide as much information as possible. Hi, I've been playing skyrim for a decent amount of time now. Not as much others, but a good amount. My main and only save file up until today has about 130 hours logged into it. Now, I say this because I am proving that I have played all that time with little to no problems. I've been adding mods as I find new ones and continue in the game. I'd like say I've been careful. Well two days ago I started having issues. I was doing the quest The Break of Dawn(the one where you get Dawnbreaker), and when I went to give the beacon to the statue, she lifted me up and did her whole speech. After that, she dropped me to my death. I was like wth, and had to start from my pre-fast travel autosave. I activated god mode so if she dropped me again I wouldn't die. I also saved after the fast travel. That time it didn't work at all, I was never lifted up into the air. I was confused, but I've seen quest bugs before and just used console command to advance to the next step to clear the rubble away with Meridia's light. Well the light never appeared. So I had no idea what to do, except console commands again. The rubble didn't clear away, and the disable command didn't take it away. So I resolved to use the console command to move to the end boss guy of the dungeon just so I could get in there and finish the quest and be done. Well I finished that and couldn't get out. I used console commands to move to one of my companion characters outside. All should have been fine, until I went to finish the quest. The white blinding light she did never went away. I figured if I just fast traveled it would go away, well it didn't. I had no idea how to fix it. Well it was late at the time, so I decided I'll just reload the other save the next day and either not do the quest at all or just try again. That was about three days ago. Now, before I started up Skyrim the next day I installed some new mods. Dragonbone equipment, The Asteria, Armed to the Teeth, Bathing Beauties luxury suite with the retexture, and Catagorized Favorites menu among them. There were also some other new armor mods and Economics of Skyrim. That's about it. I'm trying to include as much information as possible here. So I reloaded the save without the white light. Well for the rest of the day it was CTDing shortly after loading. So I thought there was some issue with the mods I activated that day. So I went and disabled all of them with NMM. Still kept CTDing. I use SKSE latest version and latest version of Skyrim. I ran it no mods included and it still kept crashing. I installed Wrye Bash for the help it has with showing mod load order for Save games. I altered according to that where all the mods were green. Still no go. That whole day I was trying to fix my issues, checking online for solutions and everything. I did that yesterday too. Still no go. I tried a new save and then it glitched in the intro(vanilla version). So today I got rid of the whole install and all the data, backing up all my mods on my external hard drive. I then reinstalled it. I activated minimal mods, only a few mods that shouldn't really affect anything. Quality map, SkyBoost, Remodeled Armors, CBBE, SkyUI, Sounds of Skyrim set, and a few texture and animation mods. I don't do the HD stuff, since my computer isn't high-end. I run on integrated Intel HD Graphics, 4 GB RAM, i3 dual core 2.53 gHZ processor with Windows 7 Home Premium. I run all my settings low except the ones view distance of characters and objects. Like I said before, I've logged nearly 130 hours already in skyrim with little to no problems. So, I tried a new save. It worked, sort of. The first time my character was walking to all the wrong places in the intro cinematic, and I couldn't continue. I deactivated some other mods, essentially deleting any mods that added anything besides equipment into the game. This time it worked and all was well for a bit. The headsman was not doing anything for a solid 30-45 seconds and then Alduin finally showed up to stop the show. Some of the quest stuff wasn't working, like the wall in the tower never went away, despite Ralof telling me to jump. I just console command disabled it to get through, since that's essentially what happens anyways. Then Alduin's showing up in parts didn't work properly, but after I just continued on Hadvar went along with me eventually. Once I got into Helgen keep I was experiencing chronic freezes. They stopped for a while then kept coming back. I continued on for a while despite the freezes, hoping that they would go away. Well I'm in Bleak Falls Barrow right before the claw door and I'm still getting the freezes. I can't play the game any more like this. I've done everything I can think of, to no avail. My first save still crashes, and the other one has chronic freezes. I don't know what to do anymore. I've used AdvancedSystemCare to clean out my registries and just the computer in general, reinistalled the game, tried multiple solutions. I've even gotten some mods that are supposed to help with performance and stop crashes/freezes. I've got nothing. If anyone knows of anything else I can do, please let me know. I'd prefer not having to kill my save, but if that's the only solution I will do so. *edit* I saw one forum post where they had similar issues as me, and that his save files went way up in size. Curious, I checked my own save files. Sure enough, they were rapidly rising in size. However, even my brand new save file is still high up there. I have a save 114 hours in at 9 MB. The next was the save before I went to place the beacon, which is 20MB more. Another save I had made with White Screen just 13 minutes later was another MB more. My new save with only 2 hours in it(wow, did not think I had two hours on it haha) is at a whopping 139 MB(another minute later save and a 2MB jump!). I am dumbfounded, please help. *edit* I saw another post that suggests backing up current save files and deleting the skyrim folder in the My Games directory and then starting a new game. It has gotten late and I should get to the point where I fall asleep in a bed and not on my computer. I am going to try that tomorrow and see if it helps.