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About 3XCLBR

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  1. My scroll wheel click on my mouse is broken so I can't unequip things in my inventory. I don't see an option to rebind it in settings. Is there a way to do this?
  2. So, I want to use these two mods with very similar names together, but it won't be possible as they are. I have an idea of how to make them work together, but I have no idea how to implement it. First, a rundown of what they do: Truly Undead allows vampires (skeletons, and draugr(but they're not important to me)) to resurrect after they're killed under certain circumstances. True Death (basic version) turns vampires into ash(or gore) when they're killed. The problem is that TD turns them to ash before TU resurrects them, causing a whole new vampire to be created (ash pile still on the floor). I figured that making them work together would be as simple as delaying TD's ash-ification until TU decides whether the vampire should be resurrected or not. Is there a simple way that a modding virgin like me can accomplish this? Thanks. :happy:
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