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Everything posted by brainfrog357

  1. I got some armors ready again, congrats on the fast progress
  2. Yes, that sounds reasonable. The lore-plugin could be done with little extra effort: another .esp file that adds the books and whatnot into the world. So yes, I'll join the team.
  3. I am able to create armors, yes. They adjust to NPC weight, but I have problems with the inventory icons for them. I have no experience with creatures though. I understand your explanation regarding the lore. Is this "bend" even necessary? You add explanations, so that the lore-users can pretend that they play in Tamriel, while blatantly stating that it has nothing to do with Tamriel. I'd rather trust the lore-users that they can accept non-lore mods as well. This mod has a different worldspace and no connection to Skyrim, so a lot of specific content mods (houses, followers) will not work anyway. Combat and Crafting mods should work though. I mean there are MERP and Mesogea mods that do not modify the lore to fit Tamriel.
  4. So what are you going to change? In the meanwhile I'll work on some samples for armors Update: here's a quick retexture of the beggar clothes, to look like the outfit worn by the nameless hero. I'll probably have to fix the legs though, haven't tested it in the game. http://www.abload.de/img/test_herobwkyu.png
  5. I'd help you with armors, NPCs and quests if you would keep the Gothic-lore. This would be a lot better in my opinion, because the fans can actually play the original game as they know it without being bugged by renamed characters/gods/places.
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