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Everything posted by InfernoDraco

  1. I'll check it out, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't allow other undead to show the appropriate armor they wear. If it could be done, I would suggest something along the lines (if the problem is they are considered monsters) is pair up using the nude replacer draugr mod and have (maybe a plugin?) that changes the undead to humanoid (non-playable npc type), while remaining counted as dead for those who have spells or abilities (eg Frostfall's instints) to still detect them as such. Modify the encounter lists (eg. Restless Draugr, Draugr Wraith, ect.) so that they wear the appropriate (maybe ruined) armor, which could be designed to provide low defense, weigh a lot (eg, 8 carry weight) but smeltable (1-3 iron). That way, overall, the appearance would be about the same, and only die-hard looters would bother with collecting virtually useless (unless a smith) dead weight. I really need to find time to learn how to properly program...
  2. Although, for true immersion's sake, the "ancient draugr armor" set that reflects what they are wearing would have to be put in. Possibly a set race uniform for the different types of draugr, the same way all guards automatically have their city's suit.
  3. It came with the Path of Sorcery - Magic Perk Overhaul, under the conjuration section, associated with harvesting bones to make your skeleton followers. Accessible here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6660/? @ svartalfimposter: I noticed that which is why I wanted it to apply to all humanoid undead. After all, if they're wearing fresh armor, it helps if they look it.
  4. So I put on a mod that allows you to build skeleton followers, but since I wanted them to fit in, I gave them armor I crafted. However, right now only some helmets and their weapons appear, even if actual armor is equipped. I was wondering if there was a mod that would allow equipped armor on undead to actually appear, and if not, would someone let me know if they plan to build one.
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