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Everything posted by geckonator9
This a relatively basic question that in any other context I would consider unnecessary, but EA's reputation and the presence of multiplayer in Inquisition kind of necessitates it. Will EA ban players from the online functions (and, as an extension, such basic stuff as the Keep's save transfer) for modding single-player settings and graphics? I have little to no interest in multiplayer, but the idea of losing access to it because of an attempt to optimize single-player experience is one I don't relish. Does anyone have experiences/official statements from the company to confirm or relieve these fears? Also, on a related note, how easy would "rolling back" patches be if one were to have saved previous versions? I made backups of the older update files on this suspicion and now the various flaws in today's Patch 3 (which apparently worsens party silence along with various other bugs in what should be pure bug-fixes) make me want to try using them until a new and more coherent update comes out.
Cannot Become Thane after Civil War
geckonator9 replied to geckonator9's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I fixed it, it turns out that it was the unofficial patch doing it. I completely uninstalled the patch and did the quest, then reinstalled it, everything is fine now. -
I'm having a problem, as the title says, I just finished the Civil War quests and want to spread some influence in the newly conquered territories. However, there is no dialogue option to discuss this with the Jarl, even after buying the house. I am having this problem in all holds. I have even tried using the setstage command to progress the quest manually, but it still doesn't work, I don't get any updates on the quests. I am using mods and am running them on Skyrim Script Extender, and I have all of the latest patches. My Load Order GameMode=Skyrim Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmshoutrecoverytimereduced.espMM_BeluaSangunaireRevisited.espmm_BeluaSanguinareRevisitedDialogueFixes.espboneoverdaedric.esplisternersarmorset.espFasterCombatMagickaRegen100.espcivilwarcleanup.espamuletsofthedivines.espStaffofMagnus_Improved.espAK- Namira for Good Guys.espKRZ - Better Archmage Quarters.espVampireMasterSet.espVampireLordFlys.espStrongVampireLord.espanti-vampnocide.espVampiricDrain-More-Powerful.espVampire Lord Serana Fixed.espfFastTravelSpeedMult_4.espCrimson Tide - Blood.espCloaks - Player Only.espApocalypse - The Spell Package.espShutUpBoutDawnguard.espExtraBlades.espSkyhaven_modified.espThe Paarthurnax Dilemma.esplakeviewdock1.2.espmagicscaling.espMiraak.espshadowyshadowmere.espUnofficial Skyrim Patch.espUnofficial Dawnguard Patch.espUnofficial Hearthfire Patch.espUnofficial Dragonborn Patch.espBring Out Your Dead.espHearthfire Cheat Chests.espSurMiraakBadass.espHighResTexturePack01.espHighResTexturePack02.espHighResTexturePack03.espUnofficial High Resolution Patch.espGildergreen Regrown.espTougher Alduin (HP x10).esp I have a suspicion that the unofficial patches are to blame, although I tried deactivating them and trying again, but to no avail.
I love how Dragonborn gives us insight into what happened in Morrowind after Oblivion. However, it makes me extremely angry that Great House Hlaalu was essentially destroyed after the Oblivion Crisis. What I want to see is a questline about restoring them. I don't have the modding skill to do any kind of complicated quests, so I'm just puting this out as a suggestion. It would be cool to see some quests where you essentially engage in the old-style inter-house warfare that we read about in Morrowind. Basically this quest could start with an option inserted into "Served Cold" to join the assasination plot. From there you can essentially have a few dungeon delves to "The Mainland" (really just teleport to a dungeon, I'm not asking for a whole new province or anything) to wipe out House Sadras. As you do this an Imperial Architecture styled fort will rise up and grow in Solstheim to represent a growing power base. The whole thing could culminate with a full on invasion of Raven Rock to take over the city. Afterwards the city will have Hlaalu retextured banners and guards with updated armor. You'll then get the house in Raven Rock that you had to forego to get into House Hlaalu.
Is it possible to make it so that training skill does not pass large amounts of time? I have a ton of extra money to spend but I don't want to spend in game months (and real-time hours) just talking to a guy and clicking the same thing over and over. Or perhaps, set how many levels you want to train with just a slider. If no mod exists to remove the time-passing, then please tell me how i could change it myself. I'm starting off using the CS and I'm reasonably certain that I can make something if I'm pointed in the right direction.
I tried installing the MGSO, but a long string of errors that I can't even remember has led me to the point where I completely deleted Morrowind from my system. I'm trying to reinstall, but the directions for the overhaul say to install the game to C:/Morrowind and forego the whole ProgramFiles(x86) thing. However, now that I installed it once, the game does not want to go anywhere else when I reinstall it. I looked this up and tried to go into regedit to clear my Morrowind registry, but I cannot find Bethesda under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE like the internet says! Someone please help! I'm following the install directions of this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_aBESDVUKc&list=PLE9F91EDC3C9331F9 I'm at the installing Morrowind part of video 2. I can't change where it installs to. HELP! I will be eternally grateful to anyone who can help!
I think he's talking about making this mod off of official Bethesda canon. In that case, the best way someone on the internet who is way more dedicated to the lore than 90% of the player-base put it something like this The Dwemer (they are not dwarves in any way but their advanced technology, I'm tired of the misconception) wanted to become gods, so they used the power of the Heart of Lorkhan to disassemble themselves with the plan of being reassembled as either a new god, or an entire race of gods (it's not exactly clear). Unfortunately, they got the reassembly part wrong and they were essentially vaporized and left as ghosts (if I remember correctly their ghosts were wandering around ruins in Morrowind, like Arniel's shade). However, it could also be the Numindium soul trap theory, or the simple Aetherial beings instead of gods idea above. The Elder Scrolls can often get weird and metaphysical like that, with all versions of a single story being true simultaneously. Like how Akatosh is known Auriel to the elves, but they're both the same being AND two separate rival gods at the same time. In short, they couldn't go to space. In fact, (correct me if I'm wrong) there IS no space to go to! The Elder Scrolls is essentially a universe where the types of the scientific misconceptions of our ancient past are true. The moons are Lorkhan's corpse rotting and regrowing every day, and the stars are holes from where the gods left the physical universe out of fear or anger towards the creation of Nirn. And all of that is scientifically verifiable on Tamriel because the remaining gods are real and give blessings to pilgrims, and every other aspect of that cosmology is correct.
Am i the only one who is mad at the fact that you need to sacrifice the Greenhouse or one of the towers (can't remember which) if you want Children to live in that house? I'm thinking that someone needs to add a little expansion, maybe a new thing to build a side building to house your Steward, Housecarl, and Bard. I heard that if you adopt first then you can have the Children live in the main hall but lose the ability to hire them. This would probably be complicated, so it's just a pipe-dream, but I would love something like that.
A simple mod that I would download in a heartbeat. Letting us say all of the "by right of" dialogues be used with Tsun. Maybe you could link them by having an option to say "but wait, I've done more stuff" in the option directly after that. Then if you say every single one, there could be an unvoiced dialogue where Tsun basically declares you the greatest hero to ever visit Sovngarde.
Mothership Zeta Crew ¿Romance? Referendum
geckonator9 replied to Nylonathathep's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
Yeah, a romance system might be good. However, I am wondering about how you're going to justify hitting on your subordinates to the Council when it inevitably gets revealed to the public :) -
How will future games deal with The Endings?
geckonator9 replied to geckonator9's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
However, you could argue that the use of canonical endings was because those were the good choices in a game where every choice was about morality and good always triumphs in a good story. In New Vegas, your choice among the four factions is more about about ideology, and even the Legion is mentioned to have redeeming qualities. Also, even with the theme of letting go of the past, you can still see any faction besides the legion as trying to build their own future. For example, The NCR is never shown saying anything along the lines of "We are the reincarnation of the United States Government," or anything else to indicate that they're only trying to reclaim old world glory. Also, Mr. House may be trying to gain power similar to that he possessed as a rich pre-war businessman, but he is shown to want to bring about genuine progress. So yeah, an ambiguous way of talking about the events of the game would still be better in my opinion, and is made easier by how the Legion is shown to be so evil that they can only lose in the aforementioned stories. It could go something like: During the Battle of Hoover Dam Yes-Man launched a coup with or without the Courier while either the original Mr. House or a backup AI attempts to stop him, resulting in a Securitron Civil War. The Mojave soon becomes a war zone as whatever faction had won the battle has their claim contested by the other two, the state of things is unknown as all communications to and from areas outside the Mojave are being blocked by House or his AI. -
This is something I've been wondering about for a while but have only now decided to discuss with people. Every one of the game's 4 main endings (the ones decided your faction) leaves the Mojave in very different states, which makes future references to the events of NV hard. Does anyone have any theories on how they'll work this out without betraying the choices of players? My best guess is that they'll pull a "Warp of The West" and have something happen to make every ending be technically true while leaving it ambiguous to who the Courier actually sided with.
Now that I'm done with everything in the base game AND a few mods. I want to start a new game to pick a totally new endgame scenario, but I CANNOT STAND starting over in games where you get so powerful by the end. Is there any possibility of a mod that will allow you to restart the game with all experience points (maybe not the choices made in level up, just the total XP earned so you could respec.) Maybe this could also come with an increase to the number of enemies and the quality of their equipment. I would even be fine if no equipment carries over from the previous playthrough. I'm wondering if this would be possible in a mod or if it's just a pipe dream.
Reputation Glitch
geckonator9 replied to geckonator9's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Fixed, but unfortunately it seems that the mod causing the problem was Beyond Boulder Dome. So now I'll never experience it. And it seemed like such an amazing mod too! -
Reputation Glitch
geckonator9 replied to geckonator9's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
I've installed BOSS but have no idea what to do from here. I moved the Cyberware to below the ESMs, and I actually installed ReputationFixer AFTER the problem started, but its effects were no more permanent than the console codes. -
I'm encountering a common bug where all faction reputations except those of minor towns are set to neutral. My problem is that this problem cannot even be fixed by console commands because even when I use "setreputation" it returns to neutral as soon as I reopen my Pipboy. Also, NO I was not wearing faction armor when this started happening. I am using mods and my load order is as follows: FalloutNV.esm GunRunnersArsenal.esm ClassicPack.esm TribalPack.esm CaravanPack.esm MercenaryPack.esm DeadMoney.esm HonestHearts.esm OldWorldBlues.esm LonesomeRoad.esm UWHNV-Core.esm Run the Lucky 38.esm Project Nevada - Core.esm Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp Project Nevada - Equipment.esm domecity.esm domecity_Kaz_plugin.esm MMUE+.esp psychoelfs anti anti cheat.esp Casino UnBanner.esp Casino Bets.esp DeanTurnaroundAllTime.esp LFox Sink Bug Fixes.esp LREndgameLockerAddon.esp UWHNV-Addon-DLC.esp UWHNV-Addon-FollowerHome.esp UWHNV-Addon-GRA.esp NewVegasBounties.esp NewVegasBountiesII.esp Jackal.esp The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp The Lucky 38 Empire.esp CONELRAD 640-1240.esp Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.esp Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp The Weapon Mod Menu.esp Mail Order Catalogs.esp Mail Order Catalogs DLC01.esp Mail Order Catalogs DLC02.esp WeaponModsExpanded.esp WMX-GunRunnersArsenal.esp WMX-PreOrderPackCaravan.esp WMX-PreOrderPackClassic.esp WMX-PreOrderPackMercenary.esp WMX-PreOrderPackTribal.esp WMX-DeadMoney.esp WMX-HonestHearts.esp WMX-OldWorldBlues.esp WMX-LonesomeRoad.esp Mail Order Catalogs WMX.esp Mail Order Catalogs DLC01 WMX.esp Mail Order Catalogs DLC02 WMX.esp Project Nevada - WMX.esp ReputationFixer.esp Is this a problem with my load order? If not, is there an unofficial patch to fix this?
Honest Hearts was a big letdown
geckonator9 replied to Falconian's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
I'll be one of the first to say that Honest hearts didn't have the quality of the other DLCs, but I still found it enjoyable. As mentioned, the story of the Survivalist is great and one of the best bits of storytelling hidden in the background that I've ever seen. I think that Joshua's religious devotion was an intentional thing as part of his character, given his background and near death experience. The developers also noted that Christianity was not something the tribals have taken to entirely, with one side quest actually letting you undergo their "Rite of Passage" by being put under the influence of the Shaman's drugs and having to kill a giant Yao-Guai. Also, were you looking at the environments in the Park? The whole point of making the DLC was probably to let the developers make something that beautiful! -
Wasn't Dead Money a horrible DLC?
geckonator9 replied to nukafish's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
I managed to use an exploit to get the bars out of the Vault, but out of respect for the moral of the story I never sold them. They're being stored in the Safe specifically built for them in my Underwater Hideout. -
Which ending do you usually go for and why?
geckonator9 replied to Dan3345's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
Well, keep in mind that FO4 will most likely use the Creation Engine used for Skyrim, which Bethesda will be better with. If they don't merge then Bethesda should design the gameplay and environments while Obsidian oversees the writing. -
Which ending do you usually go for and why?
geckonator9 replied to Dan3345's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
I was kind of coming to that conclusion myself, but thought that the line was an attempt to give Yes-Man last minute jolt of villainy after the game set him up as the developer's favorite to win the war. However, I still think the people of the Mojave end up happier and safer under the NCR. Despite this, my favorite quest between "No Gods, No Masters" and "Eureka" is the former, solely for the joy that comes from seeing General Oliver being thrown off the Dam :biggrin: Edit: Not to mention the monotony of clearing out the dam room by room for the NCR So yeah, the game is very morally gray about the 4 factions, which is a major credit to the team at Obsidian. I say that the writers for Obsidian should be absorbed into the main Bethesda team and be used for Fallout 4. Just imagine what they could do with Bethesda's budget and time table! It really is staggering that the game was as good as it was with the time Obsidian had to work, with only 2 months to plan, 10 to develop, and only one month for debugging. -
Which ending do you usually go for and why?
geckonator9 replied to Dan3345's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
I agree with Brocop's point about the NCR being better than Yes-Man, but would like to add something to that. Am I the only one who noticed Yes-Man's little throwaway line about "becoming more assertive"? I had gone for the NCR path my first time through but then decided that an independent Vegas couldn't be that bad and reloaded a save to side with Yes-Man. The problem that makes the NCR my favorite of the four is that one little line by Yes-Man after dealing with General Oliver. For all we know, the Mojave will look like the Terminator movies after Yes-Man wakes up. Only with the evil kill-bots have little screens with smiley faces on them and always shouting encouraging lines while ruthlessly enslaving or exterminating everyone. So, to recap: Your choices are a bureaucracy with crippling taxes and incompetent politicians, a fascist empire of tribals that want to recreate a civilization that has been dead for 2,000 years, a rich genius brain in a computer who wants total control through manipulation, and an anarchist AI that will most likely go Skynet on everybody after a year or so of reprogramming himself. Have fun! -
I know people have already asked for this, but it needs to be repeated one more time. There should be an option for the Platinum Chip with EVERY faction. You don't even need to add quests, just have a representative from Caesar and the NCR walk up and give you a device and say that attaching it to the console in the Securitron Vault will give them control of the robots. Then in the final battle you'll see Mark II Securitrons fighting for your chosen side. This is an idea I'm surprised hasn't been done already.
I decided very early on to side with the NCR in the final battle but one thing is bothering me. That is, the Platinum Chip will never get used. I'm at the part where talking to General Oliver will start the battle and want to upgrade the Securitrons, will upgrading the robots by going to the bunker under the Fort hurt my reputation with the NCR?
Tell us about your character
geckonator9 replied to SoggyWaffle's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
Name: Jake Bishop (yes, those Bishops Gender: Male Age: 34 Race: Caucasian Combat Style: Prefers powerful semi-automatic guns and energy weapons while wearing heavy armor. Specialties: Old World technology and negotiation between parties. Weaknesses: Supreme allergy to Cazadore venom and a general lack of skill in hand to hand combat and melee weaponry Likes: Influence and prestige in the affairs of the Mojave Dislikes: People who think they can take him while he's wearing full power armor and wearing a fully charged plasma rifle on his back. His family back in New Reno Wants: To do enough good in the world to counter the negative stigma associated with his family name Fears: Cazadores (still has nightmares about his first battle with a swarm of them) Friendly With: NCR, The Brotherhood, Anyone else who isn't on the "enemies" list Enemies: Powder Gangers, Caesar's Legion Companions: Traveled with everyone at least once but prefers to travel only with ED-E Love: None Parents: Was the last legitimate son of John Bishop and was born 5 years after the half-brother who would later take over the family and the entire city. Early Life: Explored and took an interest in Old World tech at a the age of ten, was constantly beaten for his refusal to assist in the family business. Teenage Years: Got tired of his family's criminal ways and decided to move into the wastes at age 15. He then spent the next 19 years wandering and building up skills, only to lose them to the amnesia that resulted from Benny's shot to the face. How he became a courier: Upon arriving in the Mojave totally penniless at age 29 he decided the best job would be one where fighting was only an unfortunate side-effect and promptly applied to become a courier.