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Everything posted by geckonator9

  1. I've already posted in the spoilers section but that hasn't gotten any response so I'm putting it here. I've activated both recordings in ED-E's memories but Lorenzo still hasn't contacted me after in game weeks! What do I do? Should I wait longer? Should I use console codes? Is there a mod to fix this? I'M GOING INSANE TRYING TO FIX THIS!!!!!!
  2. Why isn't anyone responding? I AM PANICKING HERE!!!!! Not even the console is working to set the quest straight!
  3. As it says, in the quest "ED-E My Love" I have activated both recordings in ED-E, but I have not received a message from Knight Lorenzo like the wiki said there should be, it has now almost been 13 days since I activated Log #2. When, if ever, will I get the message from Lorenzo? The only problem I can think of is that I'm not yet at the part of the main quest where you meet the BoS and when I went into hidden Valley there was no response from the Intercom and the only door had rubble behind it. Will it trigger eventually? If not what's the console code to give the objective to get the Holotape from the patrol.
  4. Just to know if I'll need to do it immediately, does New Vegas require the .ini edit to work on Multi-Cores like 3 did?
  5. Thanks, I just ordered the game last night and should be getting it Thursday. I've learned my lesson from my trouble in 3 and I'm only going to start using mods after I've completed all Vanilla and DLC quests.
  6. I'm getting the game soon so I thought I would ask a small question. As the title implies, I am running Windows 7 and Fallout 3 gave me tons of crash problems. I am well aware how buggy the game is, but I'm wondering if the issues with Windows 7 were fixed and it's just new bugs that are causing problems. The version I'm ordering is the Ultimate Edition, will I need to jump through hoops to reduce crashes like I did with 3?
  7. Wait, the killing myself fix is working again. It's simple but it will let me do the small amount of exploring left to do in the game world.
  8. I did save it, but it did not appear in the FOMM I had just installed, so i had to move it manually into the data folder. Is this a problem?. And by "I can load the saves just fine" I meant that saves made before this problem load fine and allow me to do whatever I want, the NEW saves DON'T get made and it just crashes.
  9. Well, I just made the merged patch and it still didn't work, the only problem I can think happened there was that I selected the game and DLCs themselves to be included in the merged patch, I then copied the patch to the Data folder in the Fallout 3 files folder. Did I do anything wrong? What other things could be messing with my game? Loading the saves works just fine.
  10. Still not working. Maybe someday I'll try the FO3Edit Patch thing, but for now I'm giving up on FO3, I've already completed all of the quests and I just wanted to explore and find all of the remaining locations.
  11. The crash occurs whenever the save is actually going on ie: after I click the "new save" option it shows the words saving for much longer than it should, then crashes. I'm using the Nexus Mod Manager, which I am hearing from people is bad, and my load order is: Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esm ThePitt.esm BrokenSteel.esm PointLookout.esm Zeta.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 patch.esm (I'm trying to move this to the bottom but the stupid mod manager won't let me) T-51b Repairable.esp Underground Hideout.esp Unofficial Fallout 3 patch- Operation Anchorage.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 patch-The Pitt.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 patch- Broken Steel.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 patch- Point Lookout.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch- Mothership Zeta.esm
  12. I have done everything possible to fix this but I am once again forced to turn here to help, as the title says my game has a CTD whenever I save. However, I have done everything to fix it, and I've fixed several other problems as you'll see below, yet it still happens. So let me try to be detailed so you can diagnose my problem I am playing GOTYE on Windows 7. And yes I HAVE done the edit to the .ini file. My only mods are: Underground Hideout, T-51b repairable, And the unofficial patch with the special version of the broken steel patch to remove the Rivet City crash issue I have downloaded the most recent patch from Bethesda. I previously experienced the corrupted autosave problem so I turned it off and now never overwrite a file more than once. And I was having trouble starting the Mothership Zeta quests so I had to use consoles to reenable several characters. Can anyone tell me what else to do? I am not a good programmer so I can't even begin to understand FO3Edit, so a merged patch will be impossible for me to make
  13. I'M EVEN RUNNING THE OFFICIAL AND UNOFFICIAL PATCHES! WHY WON'T IT WORK? WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? Edit: FINALLY! I found someone who's having the same problem as me on another forum, I'm going to follow his advice and if that doesn't work, goodbye Fallout 3
  14. Okay, I figured out how to reenable controls and teleport Somah in, but for some reason she doesn't seem to attack me when that part comes. Then I attack her because I thought it would get things going, n=but then the aliens showed up and she still attacked to the point where I need to kill her! WHAT'S GOING ON?
  15. People have probably also encountered this but, I am stuck at the very beginning of the Mothership Zeta DLC (I'm playing from GOTYE if you're wondering) and the quest does not progress after the aliens probe me, I am stuck immobile in my cell without anyone else as I read there would be. Further, even after using console codes to move to Somah's location, she isn't visible, not even tcl can find her! And I am almost certain that this is not a mod problem, the only mods I have are Underground hideout and T-51b Repairable. What is happening and how can I fix it?
  16. Fixed, it turns out that my autosave and quicksave files were getting corrupted from too many overwrites, and it crashed at any time the game would autosave. The solution was to delete all of my saves after it started happening, including the auto and quick saves, and to reinstall both of my mods. I actually did have crashing problems at first and got the same advice that you said off of somewhere else. Finally, the UH adds a new weapon called the M4 Eotech that is repaired using assault rifles. Case closed
  17. As it says in the title, I have a problem with crashing while the Underground Hideout mod is installed. The crashes only happen when I enter a new area, fast travel, or save, so I tried the solution everyone suggested of killing yourself at the start of each session. This worked until a few days later when it started crashing regardless of what I did. I only have 1 mod installed besides the Hideout, and that's a simple one that makes the T-51b repairable with assault rifles (http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/4984 if you want to check). I DO have all of the Add-Ons installed, but it was from the GOTYE disk, meaning the thing about loading them using Windows Live mentioned on the mod page doesn't apply. I tried using FO3Edit but I'm such a noob at mods that I uninstalled it as soon as I realized that I'm liable to do more harm to my files. Does anyone have any ideas about what my problem is and how to fix it? The only problem between the two mods i can think of is that they both change the list of things that can be repaired with assault rifles.
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