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About Galadreal

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United States
Currently Playing
Skyrim, Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age 2
Favourite Game
Dragon Quest 3
Galadreal's Achievements
I saw in the Rustic Clothing thread, that there was concept art for Dancers in skyrim...I would love to add these NPCs in. But, I have no idea how to create clothing meshes. Would anyone be interested in creating dancing outfits, similar to the concept art, so I could try to put dancers back in taverns? http://www.videogamesartwork.com/games/elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/dancer-0 It is pretty similar to the wench outfit, but with more dangly bits, and a skirt that is split up both sides and tapered down the center, loincloth style. I could probably try to do something with some of the female tsun armor, if I had no other choice. But first I thought I would ask if anyone wanted to help with this. Thanks.
So, this year I will once again be bludgeoning myself with 25 hours of video games, for a good cause. Now, you may be thinking, "Oh, goody for you, why do I care?" Chances are good, you don't. But for those few of you who do, or what to get involved yourselves, it can be a good way to use one of your hobbies to raise awareness for a good cause, and enjoy yourself at the same time. Or, just see how far you can go before passing out. Either way works for me. So, now that some people have already left the thread here is the important stuff: http://www.extra-life.org Go here, sign up, register what location of the Children's Miracle Network you want to petition for, play games. Simple/Free/Fun Then, if you feel like petitioning other people for money, which is really the goal, but not something i myself am good at, then you create a page, post a little link: Galadreal's Extra Life Account Then, if you are as awesome as some people (not me, I am terrible at this) you ask for donations, you get out and spread the word, you live stream your gaming (ok, I do that one, but mostly because I need people to help keep myself awake) So go, fly, be free...and help out kids who need it. It does not really cost you anything except for time that you would probably already spend playing games. So why not use your powers for good. :pirate: If I put this in the wrong area, I am sorry. I am just trying to raise awareness with gamers for a good cause. Please let me know where to move it, or if I cannot post this at all, and I will be glad to take it down, or take off my links, or whatever I need to do. Thanks!
Unable to Access the Nexus Three Nights in a Row
Galadreal replied to mlee3141's topic in Site Support
Has anyone with Nexus mods tried contacting ATT to see if their site is being blocked for a reason? I think the customers like myself who just keep emailing them will get the same response. Which is no help at all. -
Unable to Access the Nexus Three Nights in a Row
Galadreal replied to mlee3141's topic in Site Support
Ugh, I was on chat for 45 minutes last night with ATT....all they could suggest was to reset my modem. Even after explaining the situation, and that this seems to be a widespread problem...reset your modem. I wanted to hit someone. They just don't listen. -
In response to post #28632309. #28632569 is also a reply to the same post. Yeah, no, the money sent to the nexus is to help cover cost of site upkeep and things like that. Servers are not free, and I think the people who work here also get paid. But putting money towards the Nexus means you don't have to see their ads that they post to cover their own costs. Which is also cool. From what I can tell, most mod authors don't want paid, they just want to feel that their work is appreciated. Throwing any money their way is just an added bonus and makes them want to work harder to bring better mods. I get massive burnout when all I hear is problems (especially made up problems by people who don't read descriptions), but if just one person leaves a nice comment, that improves my day. I think the same thing applies to anyone who wants to do more than just leave a nice comment.
In response to post #28567949. #28568274, #28568494, #28571489, #28572304, #28575029, #28575269, #28593339, #28594674, #28596009, #28596734, #28602924, #28604599, #28614394, #28614759, #28620629, #28622439 are all replies on the same post. He sound very hostile in his question of this though. The manner with which he poses the question is off-putting. Regardless, I tried to answer this earlier. Most modders do it because they enjoy it, but they are not opposed to people giving them something to show appreciation, even if is is just a thanks in the form of coffee money (I always use that idea, but that is because I am caffeine powered). The whole point is not necessarily that people want to be paid full time for modding, just that they resent the backlash of the paid modding fiasco and being told that they do not deserve to be paid. When someone puts in a lot of time on something, hobby or no, they want to at least be acknowledge for their hard work, that can come in the form of endorsements, positive comments, or if someone wants to throw them a little cash, that is also cool, but not something they have to have. It is just a nice way of showing that you appreciate if they take the time and effort to do something you enjoy. The real problem comes in with people like seweryn who then accuse modders of just trying to make money, when they have clearly been releasing free stuff for years, they were never in it to make money, but when the opportunity presented itself to take something they have put time and sometimes their own money into, then yes, several of them took it. It is not about a sudden transition to being pro-payment, it is about people wanting to be acknowledged for their hard work. And all the harassment some of them received when they did got a legitimate business offer to do paid mods. I have spent over 2000 hours working in the creation kit, about half of that was on one mod, learning, creating, tweaking, and bug fixes. I did not ask for anything in return, but if someone wanted to do something, I would appreciate it. That is not new, there has been no major transition, except that several people are yelling "Entitlement" on both sides, modders and non-modders alike. This whole process stirred up one heck of a hornets nest, and created many bad feelings all around. Mod authors feeling abused, mod users feeling abused. And no one is about to let go of that. And while I don't expect to be paid for my hobby (none of my stuff is that good), some people who turn out amazing and game changing mods were badly abused when they tried to actually follow a proposed business model put forth by the game developers. Some received death threats...how messed up is that? They are feeling somewhat betrayed, and most of them are not asking outright for money after the project failed, but they are not opposed to someone showing them appreciation by offering a donation either.
In response to post #28581794. #28581864, #28582054 are all replies on the same post. I think it is a matter of personal preference. If it is a mod you MUST HAVE to play the game. Something you cannot imagine playing without. Then donate a little more. If it is just something that you enjoy, but could do without if pressed, a little less. Make a coffee scale. This mod is worth a simple coffee...1 dollar. OMG, This mod is a Double Shot Espresso with extra foam...5 Dollars. Use common sense and imagine how you would feel if the situation was reversed. That might not be perfectly sound logic, but I am chronic tipper for restaurants. I always start at a standard 5 dollars and scale up or down depending on service, cost of food, drink refills and whatnot.
In response to post #28567949. #28568274, #28568494, #28571489, #28572304, #28575029, #28575269, #28593339, #28594674 are all replies on the same post. @ Jafin16 THANK YOU!! my gods that was so accurate it was scary. Seriously, I started doing this as a hobby, but I get so damned sick and tired of trying to help troubleshoot because people cannot read the description, then say my mod broke their game because they cannot take less than 10 minute to read the damned page. Yes, if you see a bug, please let me know, I will be glad to fix it. If you can't move kids into your house because you just did not read the damned description then no, get lost, I have already answered that question on the front page, and 20 more times in the comments. If someone wanted me to buy me a frappachino for my work, I would be frigging elated. I still enjoy modding, I still enjoy making stuff, I get so damned tired of criticism by people who have no idea how long or difficult it is, or who don't read directions. Or better yet, people who don't mod, but insist that they can tell you of their own great idea that you should drop everything that you are working on to do their project, because, they just don't understand how it works, or don't have time. Yeah...forget that. It is not, nor has it ever been about making money. But if someone wanted to be nice and say, "you know, I really appreciate the 1000+ hours you spent on these things, I would like to buy you a cup of coffee." I would be ecstatic, I really would. Endorsements are nice, they say "hey, I saw you mod, tried it out, and it enjoyed it." but if it is one of your MUST HAVE mods, one that you cannot play Skyrim without having, then why not throw a little extra something towards the authors who made it that much better? They have not asked, it is just a nice thing to do.
In response to post #27527609. #27527849, #27527994, #27528224, #27528879, #27528919, #27529224, #27529299, #27529544, #27529909, #27530019, #27530539, #27530744, #27531059, #27532069, #27532379, #27532479, #27532774, #27534654, #27536949, #27537029, #27537364, #27537434, #27537699, #27537784, #27538114, #27539284, #27542064, #27542384, #27543549, #27544024, #27544079, #27544349, #27545064, #27547409, #27549534, #27554170, #27554760, #27554915, #27555635, #27559975, #27561095, #27561920, #27562995, #27565100, #27565465, #27566025, #27566285, #27567170, #27570770, #27572065, #27576690, #27576960, #27579905, #27595795, #27598485, #27607280, #27608280, #27610230, #27613615, #27642130, #27695640, #27697270, #27702335, #27704350, #27705270, #27709465, #27714420, #27717690, #27732750, #27739125, #27742175, #27785690, #27852964, #27896659, #27914199, #27916424, #28280989, #28315319, #28379734, #28403959, #28424149, #28442979 are all replies on the same post. I won't say I found it a huge shock...but it was a bit surprising, I mean, I figured we would make up at least 25%. Guess not. Oh well, you still make awesome mods, and share your cool resources. I appreciate that. As for the skimpy armors that seem to upset some people. Hell, I use them all the time. I don't look anything like these body models. In fact, I have more of a Winnie the Pooh physique, so I kind of enjoy being able to have a sexy character, even if it would actually cause horrible death to have that much skin exposed in a real fight. Regardless, it does kind of suck in that that are not nearly enough chest and arm baring male armor mods. :) I don't want to see some guys junk, and it seems like most of the mods for skimpy male armor just have no codpiece...and ew. I think I had a point there, but I lost it. Oh well.
Thanks for the replies. I honestly never thought of the mining clothes. DERP! Maybe if I can figure out how to get rid of that long hanging rope belt the other one would work too. Thanks for the suggestions, I really appreciate it.
I am trying to fix the system so that people actually change clothes when they go to bed. Or even when they are just at home. I would like to have a couple of different pajamas. Even if they are the same thing that has just been textured differently. Can anyone model me a large shirt, or undershirt or something like that? Or if you have any other ideas I would be glad to take them. But with scripting, arranging, texturing, and stuff, I have not been able to figure out modeling yet. If I don't get any takers, I guess I will have to give it a shot. Thanks,
In response to post #27211719. #27234519 is also a reply to the same post. wow, even personal replies to each comment. Awesomesauce. Turns out I am not just fuzzy around the edges....I am also weird. :P Still, glad to have you around, best of luck, and fingers crossed that you have good experiences here. I think you have your work cut out for you, but I am glad that you are taking this on. I mean, I like the site, but I can see where some improvements would be good. So, once I am not so unemployed (ie: broke), I will buy you that Triple Espresso Latte myself. I think you might need it. :)
Well, Hello back. Sorry, just woke up, so I am a bit fuzzy around the edges. Your profile looks like you have been here awhile, so not exactly new welcome. Sort of welcome? Regardless, glad to have you here, hope things are going good. Now I need to go get some tea and try to become coherent for the day. Not that caffeine helps really, but it sure is tasty.
Introducing our "Director of Content" at Nexus Mods
Galadreal replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Congratulations. And I am glad that The Nexus hires people for positions that need to be filled, not just tries to fit their current people into doing work that has nothing to do with them. Maybe that is an American thing, but still, it is good to see you doing it, and glad that this fortuitous turn of events happened to help out the site and Paul. Random blind luck is always nice. -
LE Looking for translators for a completed mod
Galadreal replied to Galadreal's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I can understand what you are saying, and I do not think you are wrong. At the same time, if someone wants it in Russian, or another language, then I still want to get it translated and post it to Nexus for them. Plus unless someone tells me specifically (which does not always happen, though sometimes it is obvious, especially when their download information is after they send me a note about it), I do not know what version they are using. Then again, sometimes people ask for help...and then just don't listen. I don't know if they don't understand me, refuse to read the information on the front page, or just want me to take the mod down and this is their way of irritating me enough to do so. I don't want to, I like having it up, and I even enjoy providing support so that I can help fix problems. I like fixing problems, I am strange. Plus it gives me input for other mods I do. I may just have to use a blanket statement on things like this of "Read the description". Though, clearly, that is over some people's heads, and if they would do it in the first place, we would not have this problem. Ugh. Sorry, the part I am thinking of, my most recent issue, is on the description page, in bright Yellow, with the word "IMPORTANT" in front. I really wanted it to stand out and be obvious. Clearly, it was not obvious enough.