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Posts posted by Dart98Rock

  1. What? CTD means Crash To Desktop. It happens for various reasons, mods messin with each other, game becoming non responsive, messed up data files. How you find out what's causing it, depends on where it happens in game, whats going on in game, newly installed mods. Me I get CTD on Fallout 3 bout 4 times an hour cause my computer can't handle new mods I installed. Skyrim not so much.
  2. Doubt you can do it for the just the face, I looking in the Creation Kit to see where you would add the head at. Do you have the tri file for the head as well. I still have no clue what a tri file is, but there needed with the head mesh.
  3. Ya, that .esp file didn't help, There quiver is set up the same way the arrows are. Plus what IsharaMeradin said sounds a whole lot better then what I was thinking, and would most likely look better.


    The only other think I could think of is make the backpack slighlty larger then the quiver to cover it up.

  4. Ya, in the Creation Kit, Load the Follower and the weapon/armor. Choose the follower as the active file. Find the weapons/Armor (also for the armor addon) duplicate and change there FORM ID's nothing else. This way the weapons/armor are on the followers .esp file. Then go to ACTORS>Actor, find the follower (if it is a housecarl they will be called "housecarl-city-"). Go to inventory and add the weapons/armor to them. I would set them as default as well so when they change cells or quit following you they keep them equipped. Also remove anything from there inventory that they might want to equip as well.
  5. That would be awesome. There are is a mod I have installed that has a custom quiver for the arrows, not sure how they did it or where I got the mod at (one of the very few mods I got off Nexus), I'll check it out and see if it might show me how. As for scripting, ya I not good at it, last script I wrote gave me my first CTD in the Creation Kit.
  6. Check your Skyrim plugin list, I had a problem simallar to you and what caused it is something kept deleting the Skyrim.esm in the Skyrim plugin list.

    C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Skyrim, sometimes the appdata may be a hidden file, if so just type it in. If this is your problem every time you mess with the plugins you have to add skyrim.esm at the top of the plugin list.

  7. Using the Fallout BSA unpacker, it will be in the Skyrim texture bsa file. To know which armor you have to find his outfit in the Creation Kit, and look to see what is in his inventory. Then unpack the nif (meshes) for it using the BSA unpacker, load the nif file in NifSkope and check what textures are on it. In NifSkope the you can check the textures under BSShaderTextureSet. Once you know what the textures are, extract them from the bsa file, under SkyrimTexture.bsa. I am sure there is an easier way, but this is the only way I know how.
  8. If you can't get it worked out man, send it to me and I can convert it for. I have Photoshop cs6 with the Nividia plugin, I mess with .dds files all the time for Fallout 3.
  9. I been wanting a Parkour mod for Skyrim/Fallout 3 since I started playing. Nothing like jumping off buildings while killing dragons. Once I learn animation I plan on making one, just not sure how to do animation's right now.
  10. There is a mod here on Nexus pretty much just like what you described. It has a crap load of manakins, all of the alters, cratfing areas, chest, and a place to put the dragon priest masks. It is also connected to each of the vanilla houses. It's called wardrobe room. As for adding on to it, you can do all the via the creation kit by dragging and dropping what you want into the area.
  11. The way I have always done this - in the Creation Kit load up SKYRIM.esm and the mod that has the face you want. Go to ACTORS>ACTOR, in the Filter type housecarl. Double click on HOUSECARLWHITRUN, Lydia's character window will pop up. Either write down what the trait menu says, or try and open Lydia's character window twice. Under template data, select the character you want Lydia to look like, then check USE TRAITS. Once everything is loaded, uncheck TRAITS, and put Lydia's traits back to normal.
  12. I am working on an update for one of my mods, the main part of it is turning the vanilla hair into helmets. The vanilla meshes for the hair is giving trouble, and don't want to post an update till I can fix it.





    To me it looks like the mesh is clipping into the head of the character, which looks to be the causes of the area's where the head is showing. I have tried everything I can think of the past two weeks trying to fix this. The first thing I tried was editing the alpha channel for the hair, so it will go all the way around. That kind of solved it, but the hair starts to look kind of blockish. I have also messed with the .nif file in NifSkope, I raised all of the bones connected to the hair, and added the hair line underneath it. Looked fine in NifSkope, when I tested it in game, no changes in appearance. The idea of doing it how I was trying in NifSkope would be the idea way for me, it's more work but would look better, so if anyone would know how to get that way to work. Any help would be much appreciated.

  13. If you have the money, FaceGen is good for moddeling faces. FaceGen is free, to get the customizer is around 200 USD. There are mods that add the Skyrim facial parts into FaceGen, they also tell you how to add them to the Creation Kit. You can also edit the faces, via the Creation Kit, find the NPC, go to I think face morph in the NPC's window.
  14. You need the Creation Kit to add anything to Skyrim plus edit things in the game. NifSkope to edit the .nif files. GIMP 2 or Photoshop to edit textures. Blender or if you have the money 3ds Max to edit meshes or make new ones. These are the main tools that I have seen/heard of. Me I use the Creation Kit, NifSkope, Photoshop, and Blender. There is great tutorials out on the Creation Kit Wiki.
  15. I'm not a fan of AMD processors, mainly cause I using one and ITS SLOW. From what I can see of your specs you should be good for any amount of mods you want. I don't even have half as good of specs and I playing Skyrim/Fallout 3 with 100+ mods on each. My main specs for my Acer Aspire Laptop - AMD Athlon TF-20 1.60 GHz processor, 3GB of DDR2 Ram, Hard Drive 160 GB( last I saw I was down to round 300 MB left on it). Plugins refers to the .esp files.
  16. Alright I found the solution to the animation problem, my bad I forgot about the animation being different, been a tired day (28 degrees outside). And thank you SoulMasterII for pointing that out so fast. To change the animation go to Art And Sound in the weapon stat window. Find Anim Type, change it from TwoHandxxx to OneHandxxx (xxx refers to weapon type, sword, axe, mace). You might also want to change the impact data to - WPNzBluntImpactSet -.



    I was thinking that just making right handed would fix it but wasn't sure.

  17. For making a two handed weapon for one hand. Load up the Creation Kit, ( select Skyrim, if it is a mod weapon load the mod plugin and make it ACTIVE FILE ). In the Creation Kit go to WEAPON > Weapons > what ever weapon you want to modify. Double click the weapon, a window will pop up that show the weapons stats. At the top of the new window there is a drop down box called "Equip Type", select either hand. Save it as a new plugin file if you modified a Vanilla weapon. If you used a MOD WEAPON, make sure to save it on that mod or it will not work. Hope that helps ya, any problems just ask me.
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