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Everything posted by gigaus

  1. Recently dipped my feet into the Fo4 Creation Kit and discussed a few mod ideas with friends, basic stuff to crack the knuckles and all. And....We kinda tripped over something we forgot about since launch, and I don't have a solid answer to: How is modding Quest/Story/Non-item stuff in going to work with the VA for both the Sole Survivor and NPCs? In the past, the NPCs were fine, either use a fresh VA, modulator, or string together pieces, but....Could the same be done with the current NPCs, and the main character? Is there some program/mod to modulate and generate new strings of text like before, or.....are we in a hole right now? And beyond that....Maybe I'm misunderstanding how the dialogue system works for this game from my initial probe of the engine, but you need the Voice Lines to make the system work properly; No voice lines apparently causes the game to stall, no? So is it not possible to do a 'text only' mod like before, where everyone was 'silent' but talking in text?
  2. @Dubious : Fair enough, I'll give that a look over and see what I can find from it. Thankfully I was able to sort that out now rather than later as well. @Roy: Alright, I enabled that, and thanks for telling me that much. I wasn't getting any error logs until I did that. I only ran the game and it gened the log....It's a pretty long one despite only just running the game at menu. I've followed all the install instructions well, looked over a few guides to make sure everything is okay....As far as I can tell its' all good, but is there any place I can take these codes to figure out where the problem is originating? I'll come back with more details after running it for real.
  3. Yes I did run it from the launcher and from vanilla, and all the rest. I also did everything right and win10 was just jerking me around. It was saying that the .log file was a text document, and displayed it's extension as .txt. :/ I changed my folder settings so it wasn't doing that anymore, and found all the log files. Thank you for sticking with me through all this, I was about ready to give up. Is there some place I can go to look up the different error codes or just any of the log outputs NVSE puts in the log file? Or will it be something semi-sraight forward like 'xxxxx0 ENB.file failure bx33 _ FONV end.'?
  4. Okay, I did that without breaking my registery; There's still no .log file....I am looking for something with the extension .LOG right? And it's supposed to be in the same folder as the NV and NVSE .exe right? Really hoping I'm just looking in the wrong place, because right now it seems like something's really wrong despite doing everything right.
  5. I ran the NVSE loader with that -editor change, should I have ran the GECK with that? And yeah, it's in C: Program Files (x86). I only have one HD atm. As a result....Where could I put it other than C:?
  6. Thank you for that, though....I 'think' I installed it correctly. Three times now. I went back and made sure I did everything the guide said, checked that the version popped up when 'getNVSEversion' was cced, it did....and I still get no log. Wipe, try with no mods, follow it to the letter, check version, fine, still no log. I even went for a video just incase I'm being increadibly stupid and....No, no I'm installing it the same way, getting the working version, and there's still no log file. I've made sure to install it just is...I'm using the 5.0b2 [stable] version, and I'm at a loss for what I'm doing wrong here. I'm supposed to copy the .exe over and the 4 .dlls to the root folder with the NV .exe, run vanilla, then run the NVSE .exe, THEN use shortcuts to run the GECK with the NVSE, and that should get to work, right? What am I missing here?
  7. Alright good to know, though I have NVSE set up properly and it didn't produce a .log file. Even went as far as to search for it incase it was somewhere else. Is there some sort of option I need to enable for it to produce a log?
  8. Dumb question, but when the game crashes, is there some error code that you can look up? I've got a mod combo running that ends with my computer crashing at random times, most of the time not even at peak usage or when something new is loading in. I've never had to deal with mods crashing this much before, and every time I look around I can't find anything that lists off the events of what happened to narrow it down. Right now I'm chalking it up to my computer being bad with active windows and hiding it under the NV window, but I wanted to ask if there is something that spits out an error code or event log when the game crashes?
  9. Yes it is, and was. That helped fix it, thanks. You'd think after working on mod projects with others I'd know what to do, but this isn't my wheelhouse.
  10. Besides that it's a mod, I know that much, I want to know what exactly the operation is. I keep seeing mods that say 'archive invalidate' and similar, and I've looked it up. The only thing that comes up is two mods, and that's it....What is archive invalidation, why do we need to do it, and how do you do it without the mod?
  11. Pretty much what it says on the tin; I keep having world objects, mainly bushes and rocks, appear through the ground, walls, other objects as if they were on top. http://images.akamai...D1FECCE4658684/ http://images.akamai...B213D783D75E55/ These are just some simple ones, I have more of cars popping through as well. I have too many mods installed to tell which is doing it, but it started soon after I installed an ENB. Does anyone know what causes this, and how to fix it?
  12. I was just looking over the wiki and the ways to get banished from the Institute, and I was just wondering if there was a way to get banished after finishing the Bunker Hill mission successfully without having to kill people, or join the BoS. Is there?
  13. It is in the code that if the bed isn't under a 'roof', then the settler assigned to it contributes 10 less happiness to the total pool. Happiness effects productivity, chances of another settler joining, chances of attack, and a few other things. If too many settlers are unhappy, things start to get really bad apparently. And it does concern me considering I'm trying to mod in new objects.....I've yet to find a flag that flat out says 'this counts as a roof' so....
  14. I mean more for the sake of counting as a roof over a bed in Fallout 4 XD; I'm not yet concerned with the visual/audio stuff, just whether or not settlers will get cranky if a modded building, object, or whatever doesn't count as a roof or not.
  15. Mostly asking because when I pick up mods with new build objects that aren't just floors/walls/roofs I want to know if some of them will work as 'proper' shelter. Would something like the trailers you see around the CW (Like the ones you find right outside vault 111) work as a roofed shelter?
  16. I know this probably has been asked a few times and answered, but searching for it turns up...A lot of topics not relevant to the question. The question is simple: Can you mod new perks into the perk chart, or is it not possible at the moment? And if it's the latter, what's preventing such?
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