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Everything posted by Tok84

  1. Wrist Crossbow - A shooting apparatus for your gauntlets! A Crossbow which you attach to wrist like a gauntlet would be so nice. You should have to improve your gauntlets at a workbench to attach a fast and deadly shooting apparatus to it so your lower arm becomes nearly a gun itself but still lore-friendly. Maybe with a nice Dwarven variant that unfold like a spider or scorpion. The normal variant should work like this really nice piece of machinery shown in this video here:
  2. There it is! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23164 Well done, I really like it and I think the staff animation is a good compromise. Especially in 1st person it doesn't look bad at all! Awesoe mod, big thanks to D0VAK11N
  3. @ Conditioned I'm not quite sure if I understand you right... With categorized favorites menu you can determine several sets of equipment and give them hotkeys. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4862 Apart of that this mod is a total essential! Really nice, especially after figuring out how to customize it by your own need. but the default setting works fine too for starters. And it's actually very easy to define an eguipment set. here is a guide for customize the fav menu with this mod: file:///C:/Program%20Files/The%20Elder%20Scrolls%20V%20Skyrim/Data/Docs/categorized_favorites_menu_config_guide.html I actually have some problems with the equip sets. still can't figure out why.... http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/723032-categorzed-favorites-menu-uncomplete-equip-sets/page__p__5749663__fromsearch__1#entry5749663 Seems to work for others though...
  4. For dawngard there will be a one handed crossbow? think only a crossbow for both hands, like a regular bow.... It should work like a fireball. so you can equip the crossbow left, right or to both hands (if you have 2 mini crossbows)
  5. a crossbow for all non-mages to have a fast to equip one handed distance weapon
  6. I'm pretty sure by now, that the crash nw of watchtower is due to insufficient video memory. I used GPU-Z to monitor my nvidia activities and at this place it's at 505+MB used video memory. this area with gridstoload=7, increased spawns and some texture replacers is really bringing my GF 9600GT to it's edge... i decreased some skyrimprefs.ini to: [Display] fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist=6144.0000 fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist=3076.0000 fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance=0.0000 fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance=15360.0000 [TerrainManager] fTreeLoadDistance=65000.0000 fBlockMaximumDistance=130000.0000 fBlockLevel1Distance=60000.0000 fBlockLevel0Distance=40000.0000 fSplitDistanceMult=1.1000 [Trees] bRenderSkinnedTrees=1 uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender=30 And i got rid of some ground textures in landscape folder. This helps a little bit as far as I noticed. But still a bit unstable. (I save every 1min when I'm there :rolleyes: ) Buying a better Graphic card unfortunately isn't an option for me right now....
  7. 3 GB switch for windows-32 systems did a big help with CTD's for me. just google it. increases the virtual memory that can be used from 2 to 3 GB. Fixed nealy all of my ctd's. the few that i still have are video memory related i think. only have 512mb graphic card and a few texture replacers+increased spawns....
  8. here's a guide for a clean save procedure, might help... http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Troubleshooting#Clean_Save_Procedure
  9. @ mattbison first of all, I'd be very careful with mods that alter the beginning. some scripts won't load up properly when starting the game and son on... heard a lot of bad things about those mods! The area you marked on the picture works fine for me. I get only trouble northwest from the sanctuary...northwest of falkreath watch tower mainly...
  10. Well, it's supposed to be missing when you are outside riften because the riften cell isn't loaded completely. same as when your in whiterun for example and look from the dragonsreach balcony, you'll see a pretty empty land under you (the land outside of whiterun). open cities mod would fix it but the wall would be still missing then i think. can you go through the missing wall or is it just invincible?
  11. @ Adipocere: Argonians and khajit are totally gayish! LOL :P But you're right ;)
  12. SOLVED THE PROBLEM!!! :dance: For me this wasn't script related at all! My windows vista 32-bit only uses 2GB virtual memory by default. I enabled the 3GB SWICTH (just google for it) and now all my CTD's are gone. I mean ALL OF THEM! not only near windhelm. Near goldenglow estate (west of riften) f.e. works fine too. Well, ok, i still have freezes sometimes in the triangle northwest from Darkbrotherhood sanctuary, but that's pretty sure because I lack Video memory (only 512mb and i have some texture replacers, for the mountains f.e.). Monitored the usage of the vRAM, it was over 500 when the freezes occur and it started stuttering before freezing I think the CTD's near windhelm wear related to my increased ugridstoload=7 and with only 2GB Virtual memory it simply couldn't store the huge information for this area. The weather change to sunny probably decreased this information but now I can have a cold windhelm again like it's supposed to be.
  13. What's this screenshot? Looks a bit incomplete to me. lol I SOLVED THE PROBLEM, for me anyways! :dance: My windows vista 32-bit only uses 2GB virtual memory by default. I enabled the 3GB SWICTH (just google for it) and now all my CTD's are gone. I mean ALL OF THEM! not only near riften. Well, ok, i still have freezes sometimes in the triangle northwest from Darkbrotherhood sanctuary, but that's pretty sure because I lack Video memory (only 512mb and i have some texture replacers, for the mountains f.e.). I think the CTD's near riften wear related to my increased ugridstoload=7 and with only 2GB Virtual memory it simply couldn't store the huge information for this area.
  14. This happens only in interior as far as i noticed. The lightsources are popping in when i approach. But not only the distance is important, also the angle to how the camera is set according to the light source. Here are 2 example screenshots: I tried to experiment with the ini settings but without success. Any suggestions? This is really killin the mood sometimes....
  15. I made a pretty cool mod for myself, exchanged nearly all music with the witcher music. i used the game directory of witcher 1 and the ost. also the cd called 'music inspired from the witcher' and the soundtrack of witcher 2. So my question is: Am I allowed to upload this mod? I know CD Projekt gave permission to use their textures. But what about the music copyright of the witcher 1&2? :huh: If someone knows something, please reply. Also if you know a better place to post this topic.
  16. I think it's not only the V-RAM of the graphics card, but the Virtual Ram. I enabled the 3gb switch for 32-bit windows which lets windows use an additional GB for virtual memory. (Just google for it, pretty easy...) This helped me big time!!! Not only with missing textures but with CTD's too!
  17. I found this thread: http://forums.nexusm...riables-affect/ It's for fallout3 but i wonder if these settings can be used in skyrim as well. Since it's the same engne and a lot of ini settings don't differ neither. Variables that determine a min number of enemies to activate the combat music would be cool f.e.!! I'll give it a try with the fallout variables. But it's pretty difficult to start if you have no clue at all what numbers to pick... maybe someone can help. I fixed the "no combat music problem" for now by help from dmmm123 found in this thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/581741-combat-music-fix/page__st__10__p__5912953__fromsearch__1#entry5912953 But I'd really like to set more values regarding the activation of the combat music.
  18. I found this thread: http://forums.nexusm...riables-affect/ It's for fallout3 but i wonder if these settings can be used in skyrim as well. Since it's the same engne and a lot of ini settings don't differ neither. Variables that determine a min number of enemies to activate the combat music would be cool f.e.!! I'll give it a try with the fallout variables. But it's pretty difficult to start if you have no clue at all what numbers to pick... maybe someone can help. I fixed the "no combat music problem" for now by help from dmmm123 found in this thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/581741-combat-music-fix/page__st__10__p__5912953__fromsearch__1#entry5912953 But I'd really like to set more values regarding the activation of the combat music.
  19. I'm pretty sure it's about the dragon in my case because it crashed when i was looking. Before it was studdering sometimes, always when i looked at the dragon. So i disabled the mod "realistic ragdoll force". Et voila! No problem anymore... :thumbsup: Unfortunately i have already the latest version of this mod so I'm gonna disable it whenever such a case occurs. I haven't had problems with the mod and fought dragons with it before so i guess it's about a special constellation in the falkreath area. Maybe in combination with another certain creature spawn/spawns there?? Well, might help someone.... This game should be more about fighting dragons etc. than CTD's!!! :armscrossed:
  20. My game crashes/freezes when im at falkreath watchtower. around the high point between the mill in the north and the db sanctuary in the south. I have asis installed and realistic ragdoll force (This one adds skeleton.nif files in the meshes/actors folders for dragons and other creatures). (many more mods but don't see how they should affect). I just think the game crashes due to a lack of RAM in my case. There's a hole lot goin on: Dragon attack, bunch of mages at the tower. everywhere animals that are fighting too (trolls, bears, spiders, deer, foxes and what else...) Plus the far view at this point (you can even see falkreath from above) I had crashes a lot before i got to know about the 3GB switch for Windows-32 bit versions. (at goldenglow estate and other wide ranged cells and after fast-travel) So I'm a bit clueless what to do. Game works fine apart of that, no CTD's anymore since the 3GB switch. I'll try to decrease actor lod fade a bit and decrease spawns in asis for deer, foxes and other boring creatures. Hope this will help... Oh, and i have the slim meshes for horses mod (slim legs)
  21. Wouldn't it be cool, if the Dovakhin could hang out in a shack where dice poker is played? just for fun or maybe because he's missing a few k gold to buy his new equippement, horse, house or whatever. Would be awesome if someone will do this (In the Wicther it's really cool). Probably CD Projekt wouldn't mind or even help. The music is the Burner! :dance: Should totally be included in the mod
  22. skyrim.ini? not skyrimprefs? Because i only have the maxsettings in the skyrim.ini., the startfade entries are all in the prefs. with the max settings again... bit confusing... Won't hurt to copy the entries to both i guess... I thought i had added the flickering thing, but apparently not... it's either that or light LOD, because my speculary start fade is at 13000. :)) and i don't think that the light lod fade would decrease performance, too. Try to increase specularity max and fade if you have enough vram. my gc can handle 15000 (didn't try more), but i only have 8x anistrophic filter enabled though. yours is probably at 16 so the specular map textures might increase even more in resource usage. in the nvidia panel theres a tab for filter optimization (freely translated). so it will filter only bilinear (actual texture) and not trilenear(specualarity texture map) if possible and no need to. Which probably decreases the costs. Specularity really made a big deal for me. especially without ambient occlusion which make my game lag a little bit. Try to watch the effect at stone walls or houses. the surfaces look much more 3D from a distance. Would be nice if that helps you, since you really made my day with your tips and suggestions!
  23. Ah, i see. tried it. well I'm not a fan of shadows popping up. I actually like my settings better: iBlurDeferredShadowMask=8 fInteriorShadowDistance=4500.0000 fShadowDistance=4500.0000 iShadowMapResolutionSecondary=2048 iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=2048 fShadowLODStartFade=2800.0000 iShadowMode=4 bTreesReceiveShadows=1 bDrawLandShadows=1 bShadowMaskZPrepass=0 iShadowMapResolution=2048 fShadowBiasScale=0.2000 iShadowMaskQuarter=4 iShadowFilter=3 That's the mod's settings: iBlurDeferredShadowMask=20 fInteriorShadowDistance=2000.0000 fShadowDistance=2000.0000 iShadowMapResolutionSecondary=2048 iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=2048 fShadowLODStartFade=200.0000 iShadowMode=4 bTreesReceiveShadows=1 bDrawLandShadows=1 bShadowMaskZPrepass=1 iShadowMapResolution=2048 fShadowBiasScale=0.2400 iShadowMaskQuarter=4 iShadowFilter=4 But thanks anyways, I'll keep experimenting with that to find my personal optimum.
  24. Thanks for the tip, I'll try that soon. But to be honest, these shadows don't look much different to mine. I have shadow blur set to 7 and the biasscale to 0.2. and now from 1024 to 2048 rsolution. That doesn't look bad at all. But it's hard to tell from screenshots, I'll try it! I wasn't adding any more mods because i didn't want to give my memory even more to load up. But now it's fun as it was and should be. :dance: btw: It's amazing what Skyrim can look like on a medium range PC. I mean i only have less than 4GB RAM i can use, crappy windows-32, a geforce 9600gt and a 2.33ghz processor and still it looks astonishing by now! A buddy of mine comes over later, he's only playin on XBox and he will be sooo jelous! LOL i like the more dynamic shadows mod very much. and RL of course. To me it's more important that the overall look and atmosphere. ah BTW! ok I'm so apart from the subject here, but wtf. Maybe you could give me some more knowledge about this bug, pretty annoying one: Light sources pop on and of. (think in relation to range and angle )because of shadowbiasscale?
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