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Everything posted by voidignition

  1. I don't mean to rain on anyone who likes FO4 main quest, but I personally don't like the wasteland, politically correct dad simulator, I suppose I'm an old gamer. I know there are mods for an alternate start, but are there any mods that replace the main quest entirely and make me not care that much for Shaun, or any mods that include a long quest of many hours, for me to care for instead of the main quest? I uninstalled FO4 and all it's mods, because I was so disappointed, but I'd really want to give this another shot, however the dad profile came up again and again, whether his voice was too emotional for me or the dialog options just weren't interesting enough, and it just killed my vibe in game. Sorry if anyone is taking offense for this, I just genuinely want to see if there's mods that fix the story altogether. I checked Tales from the Commonwealth on youtube and a few others, but they either don't allow a silent protagonist mod along or won't allow me to check all dialogue options/know exactly what my character is going to say before I choose a dialog option. But maybe a good quest of many hours, a silent protagonist support and know exactly what my character is going to say along with dialog options that are interesting is too much to ask or being too picky nowadays for this fallout version?
  2. Hey dudes, thanks for the comments! I'm well more informed now, I think this is going to be a good idea :) to work on mods.
  3. Hey, thanks! That's nice of you, I'll check out the info! Shoot me a PM with the said 'smaller need' specs :)
  4. Hi all. I'm looking for a project and/or team to join where I can be of help. Some info about me and what I do goes below. Thanks! http://payload503.cargocollective.com/1/19/624095/12364868/photoshopcomp_900.jpg http://payload503.cargocollective.com/1/19/624095/12364868/datachar_fullbody_900.jpg http://payload503.cargocollective.com/1/19/624095/12364868/holog_900.jpg http://payload503.cargocollective.com/1/19/624095/12364868/pboothfixed_900.jpg http://payload503.cargocollective.com/1/19/624095/12364868/az_900.jpg http://payload503.cargocollective.com/1/19/624095/12364868/VehicleThumbs_1_900.jpg http://payload503.cargocollective.com/1/19/624095/12364868/Envirosketch2_900.jpg http://payload503.cargocollective.com/1/19/624095/12364868/c_900.jpg My full portfolio: www.miguel-nogueira.com (concept art, graphics and 3d modeling and texturing) Who I am: Miguel Nogueira, based in Portugal (GMT Timezone +0, same as London) Age: 27; just graduated from art+design college For years I've joined and made my own projects, from modding game engines, importing assets, texturing, some of it you'll see on the link above to my portfolio. I've done work and level design on CryEngine, made a survival game in Unity with my college friends, joined competitions... I'm looking to be of help to mod teams or groups that have a great project in hands but are shorthanded of people. As far as availability, I have other (paid) projects running, but they are not too many and I have decided I can't have dead times in my schedule, I rather collaborate, work, inspire and be inspired within a group than dicking around the house with nothing to do, even if for a couple of hours. Feel free to contact me about anything! email is on the site. Keep it up - M
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