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Posts posted by ShadCroly

  1. I've never been of the opinion that the Companions need to die. Is it reasonable to be against Daedric things like vampires and werewolves? Yeah, sure, but the Companions aren't a bunch of mindless, bloodthirsty monsters like most feral werewolves. They keep themselves in check and don't go around killing innocent people. And even if that's not enough, most of The Circle is starting to dislike being werewolves and want out (which you can totally do). If you don't want to join them, that's totally fine and I'm sure there's a couple mods that make it so the quest to join them never comes up.


    It's important to remember that, while the Companions don't indeed run Whiterun, they and the wisdom of their Harbinger are well respected throughout the nine holds of Skyrim. If people became aware that you where responsible for their mass slaughter (just like guards can become aware you're in the Dark Brotherhood or Thieves Guild), you'd probably be hated by a lot of people EVERYWHERE, but especially Whiterun. I could easily see it within the realm of realistic possibility that the Jarl of Whiterun not wanting to talk with you anymore, maybe even revoking your Thaneship for such an act, and herein lies one of the big problems with a mod like this: There's a very real chance it could irrevocably screw over someone's game.


    Player's NEED Whiterun, because that's where you need to trap Odaving. If the Jarl hates your guts because you decided to destroy one of the most respected organizations in the entire province, sucks to be you.


    It's also this reason why I would never use a mod that destroys the College of Winterhold. You kinda need the college in order to find that Elder Scroll you need for the main quest. Plus, why would anyone want to destroy the college, unless you listen to the paranoid, superstitious crazy people who distrust all magic (like the people in Morthal)?

  2. And how would I do that?

    I'm guessing in the Creation Kit, but if you're as mod savvy as I am, it'd probably be best to bring this to the Mod Request forum.

  3. As the title says, but here's a bit more information on what I'm looking for...


    I'm looking for a good lighting mod and ENB that work really good for taking screen shots, particularly of faces. I'd like the images to be well illuminated so there's no weird shadows going on (something very much like this and I've already got Dynavision so the background doesn't distract from the main image.


    I'm currently using the Realistic Lighting Overhaul, but am willing to drop it if there's something else that's better for taking pictures, and am not currently running any ENB.

  4. Dunno if the mod author is working on it at the moment, but keep an eye on Saint Void on the Steam Workshop. His/Her Voidcraft Armory mods introduce standalone and upgradable pieces for all the unique stuff you can't normally get more than one of or can't change the enchantment on (like the Thieves Guild armor or the amulets of the divines). There's already a mod for the vanilla game and Dawnguard, so I suppose it's only a matter of time before a version for Dragonborn is introduced. Plus, it's nice to have a mod that adds all this stuff to the game in a single mod, rather than multiple mods for everything.
  5. Welp, you know how it is with Bethesda games. We just had to see what was under the Knights of Order's crystal armor in Shivering Isles. What was behind Ulysses' weird gas mask thing in New Vegas. Now thanks to a little console code magic, I present to you, the face of the great and mighty first Dragonborn: Miraak.






    He's bald.







    I'd bang him. He'd got a pretty hot voice, too. If he wasn't evil and out to eat my soul, I'd totally be up for using console command magic to marry him.

  6. I'm crashing to desktop at startup, too. I'm trying the same things you did to see if I can fix it, though no dice so far.


    [EDIT] Weird question, but if you can get to the point where you can load a save file, have you tried loading a previous save? A save file before you did any Dragonborn content? I loaded up a quick save just prior to a hard save I made and it worked. It's not an actual solution, but it at least might get you going.

  7. Speaking to the court mage in Riften and "helping" by answering questions, among which answers are "I don't know... five?", "Swallow a soul gem?", and of course, "Find some calipers?"

    "Helping" her will always be a favorite of mine. She's so off in the rings of Saturn but even your completely random answers seem to give her the insight she needs to figure out what she's doing. If she could remember what she's doing. She might be hitting the greenmote a bit too often...

  8. Is there a mod that gives Mirmulnir a voice actor?


    Unofficial Skyrim Patch adds the voice actor to Mirmulnir, and while it's somewhat appreciated it could definitely take some toning down in terms of it's volume, and probably some sharpening up to sound so that it fits a little better with the game. Unfortunately I don't actually know where the voice files are in order to edit them myself, so I would appreciate anyone who wants to point me in the correct direction.

    Personally, I'd like them to be removed again. The voice sounds kinda terrible, like it wasn't done to the professional level that the other voice acting was done, and yes, a bit too loud.

  9. Is there a mod that gives Mirmulnir a voice actor?


    In not a single playthrough have I ever noticed Mirmulnir actually talking outside of dragon roars, but in my most recent game, suddenly he has a voice actor. I tried looking through my mod list, but I just can't find anything that might add this.

  10. I think it was more due to the fact that Talos was once a "human" mortal(Tiber Septim) and the Thalmor being the Altmer supremists that they are absolutely refuse to accept the idea that a member of an inferior race(the Nords) could become such a supreme existance. Also Talos destroyed the original Aldmeri Dominion using the Numidium at the end of the second era. My information comes from www.uesp.net which collects as much lore in all of the Elder Scrolls games as possible. Just about every known book in all the games can be found there.


    That's the mundane version, the one I prefer. However, MK (the source of the weird nature of the TES universe), has implied that the Thalmor wish to undo creation by eradicating Talos Worship.



  11. This is something that I've been wanting to find some hard evidence of but have routinely come up empty handed, the truth behind the Thalmor and Talos.


    Poking around the TES and Skyrim entry on TVTropes, I found entries that stayed that the Thalmor's ultimate goal is the destruction of reality. Talos is currently holding reality together "by the skin of his teeth" and the less people worshiping him, the weaker he gets.


    Now... TVTropes is not the most credible source of information, which is why I've been trying to find this information on my own (to little effect), so I decided to come here. How does the Thalmor know that Talos is the only thing holding Mundus together? WHY is Talos the only thing holding Mundus together? How do the Thalmor know that getting people to stop worshiping Talos will make him weaker? And if he is the only thing saving the world from utter ruination, why doesn't anyone else seem to know about this? Do the other eight divines know? Do the Daedric Princes know (Hermeus Mora HAS to know, he's the daedric prince of forbidden knowledge)? I'd think a couple of them would be kinda ticked off that the Thalmor are trying to ruin the world they kinda do stuff with.

  12. Considering Maven was the one actually controlling Riften the whole time, there's no real change in leadership. Maven just has a shiny new title and I'm guessing her house is mostly empty now. I'll remember that next time I have to do a sweep job in Riften (I kinda hate her, so whenever I gotta steal 500 gold worth of goods from a city, I always hit her place first).
  13. Odd. I've been a werewolf and gone through the entirety of the Dawnguard quests a couple times and I've never had this issue.


    The only method I know if curing Lycanthrope that doesn't involve becoming a Vampire Lord is to -> use a Witch head on yourself in Ysgramor's Tomb (although, admittedly, I've never tried it like that).


    Maybe you did something to piss off the Vigilants? Do you have any outstanding crimes?

  14. If the Good-side King is the Dragonborn, why isn't the Evil-side King Alduin?


    I'm guessing the Good-Rook looks like Lt. Rikke? Knights I'd probably say be Blades instead of armored Trolls.


    The vampire from the Dawnguard loading screen sounds like a good Evil-Bishop.

  15. Cailean is a good kid, always bright and cheerful, wanting to help others in any way he can. His family didn't care for the politics of High Rock, wanting to stay out of the insane rat's nest that was their nobility as much as possible. It eventually progressed to the point where the family packed up and decided to move. Winterhold seemed like a preferable choice, in spite of the Great Collapse; the size of the town remaining didn't matter to them, it was small and remote, out of the way and away from their old worries, and the College would have been the perfect opportunity to get Cailean out of the house and doing something with his life besides help around the house. They booked passage on a ship, but the ship never made it. The wind blowing over the Sea of Ghosts was colder than usual for that time of year, navigating the ice treacherous, and what would have been a safe move to avoid an iceberg turned into a sudden disaster as a sheet of ice cut into the hull of the ship like a knife through paper.


    Cailean's parents were the first to be lost beneath the frigid waves as the boat was cut in half, and it seemed only by divine intervention that he was thrown safely overboard onto the same sheet of ice that caused such a sudden loss of so many lives. It was a long way from shore still, the boat lost somewhere near Dawnstar, but with the drift of the ice, there was no telling where he eventually ended up before making the very bad decision to try swimming to shore. The icy water stung like a thousand daggers as he tried to keep his body heat up through physical activity, to no real avail. He could feel the sand of the shore beneath his soggy boots before he blacked out from exhaustion and the cold. He woke up a week later in the care of the College of Winterhold, his intended destination, but not nearly how he planned on getting there.

  16. An unsuspecting, trusting, beggar man.


    Or you can just tell Boethia to shove it and not sacrifice anyone.


    Oh, and this was fun... once, I brought Brother Whatsisname to Eola like she asked, but when we got there, we took out the whole cult. Lots of new shopkeepers in Markarth after that... heheh.


    Do it as a werewolf and eat the corpses of the dead cultists as soon as he's safely out of the cave. Sweet, sweet irony.

  17. What do you mean Malacath is not so bad? I thought that was the most obviously good Daedric quest. Come to think of it, you probably mean Malacath himself, since it is he who is cursing the tribe lol.

    I have mixed feelings about Malacath. He's most definitely not as bad as the ones I really hate and the quest you do is one a good character would reasonably do, but his interactions with you just feel a bit too cut-and-dry, I don't think you get enough time to really enjoy him. Maybe I'd enjoy him more on an Orc character, I dunno.

  18. Whether a daedric prince is evil or not is really based on your perspective and how each one comes off during their respective quests.


    Meridia is kinda cryptic, but it's very obvious she's adverse to undead and necromancy and that's something I can get behind. Azura is about fate and destiny and she treats you really well during the quest to retrieve her star, even saying she'll protect your destiny so no one messes with it. I can get behind that. Sanguine feels way more fun-loving, to me, than he probably is and any "damages" you cause during your drunken escapades can be fixed as you progress through his quest. I'd probably go drinking with him again. Sheogorath is chaos incarnate, and while you've got just as good odds he's out to make your life hell, he's a pretty cool guy AND helps you cure the mind of a historically infamous nutjob. He's okay in my books.


    Malacath, Hircine, Clavicus Vile, and Nocternal are not so bad. Malacath's interaction with you is short, to-the-point, and done once you finish helping that tribe, Hircine is a good sport regardless of how you finish his quest, Clavicus Vile isn't so bad (though he acts kinda like a spoiled child), and Nocternal is slightly more tolerable because of the wonderful mods that remove selling your soul to her to progress through the Thieve's Guild quests. Hermeus Mora WAS tolerable, until I read some info about the main story of the Dragonborn DLC. Now I just don't like him or Peryite, but not as much as I hate Boethia, Mehrunes Dagon, Mephala, Molag Bal, Namira, and Vaermina; they can all die in a fire for all I care about them.

  19. Ya know, that's a really good question. On pretty much all my characters, I try and be as helpful and nice a person as I possibly can to everyone I meet (minus one or two individuals), so it really kinda confuses the heck out of me when I'm walking down the road and suddenly a Dark Brotherhood assassin jumps out and tries to kill me.


    Who did I piss off? Who did I piss off enough that they'd want to kill me? Sure, I do legally ambiguous crap all the time working for the Thieve's Guild, but how could anyone tell it was specifically me doing it? And on that note, why would ANYONE want to kill you? Anyone that knows who I am also knows that I'm the Dragonborn, the mortal with the soul of a dragon, born to save the world from complete and utter destruction. How can anyone be so short-sighted that they would doom all of existence by wanting to kill me before I've done my job? Worse yet, why would anyone want to mess with me AFTER I just crushed a dragon god beneath my boot?


    Could it be the Thalmor? They're evil as s*** and I murder them all the time, but they usually send their own assassination squads after me.


    I don't think it could be Maven. Sure, she's got connections, but you become the leader the Thieve's Guild. Would she really risk pissing off one of her big guns by calling in a hit on their leader?


    And I doubt it's the opposing faction during the Civil war. My current character has stopped two assassination attempts and hasn't even chosen a side yet.

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